Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Well, yeah. Pascale is toast. He got outfoxed by a rabid group of anti-Trump teenie-boppers.

Said ticket demand is 1,000,000+ and 6,200 show up. Ouch. And buh bye Pascale.

Getting re-elected is the ONLY thing that matters to Donald... other than $$$, hookers and probably Don Jr.'s prized elephant head collection.
I'd say so.

You're cheering about something even he recognizes as a flop. That's what I'm getting at.
I don’t think it was a flop. Damn sure not as much as all the rhetoric. The main point is he’s actively out and campaigning again while creepy joe is hostage in his basement. It’s a game changer from the last 90 days. And by the repeated shouting down of that point even here that’s clear. So I’m gonna keep bringing it up. He will continue to campaign, and the crowds will get bigger. And creepy joe will forced to answer or he basically concedes the race.
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I don’t think it was a flop. Damn sure not as much as all the rhetoric. The main point is he’s actively out and campaigning again while creepy joe is hostage in his basement. It’s a game changer from the last 90 days. And by the repeated shouting down of that point even here that’s clear. So I’m gonna keep bringing it up. He will continue to campaign, and the crowds will get bigger. And creepy joe will forced to answer or he basically concedes the race.

You are awfully confident.

US loses either way so you're not going to find me chipper but the numbers simply don't look good for you.
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You are awfully confident.

US loses either way so you're not going to find me chipper but the numbers simply don't look good for you.
Oh it’s the lesser of two idiots I’ll easily concede that. But I view the Democratic platform as destructive to the country and think it should be stopped. So I’ll hold my nose and pull the single red lever.

And yep I’m really confident as long as Biden stays in his basement making proof of life videos.
So didn’t you even see it 90 days from now at:

Trump -230
Biden even


I don't think the rallies will be as effective as you think. My prediction is based off the notion that the past 6 months have been riddled with complete and utter blunders and that his worst moments are behind him.

You don't sway votes with rallies. Sure, they help energize his base of rubes and helps to ensure they get out to the polls, but Trump's abrasiveness and incompetence are energizing Biden's voters. This election won't be so much about electing Biden as it will be about getting that blubbery dickturd out of office and back on ****** reality tv where he belongs.
Well, yeah. Pascale is toast. He got outfoxed by a rabid group of anti-Trump teenie-boppers.

Said ticket demand is 1,000,000+ and 6,200 show up. Ouch. And buh bye Pascale.

Getting re-elected is the ONLY thing that matters to Donald... other than $$$, hookers and probably Don Jr.'s prized elephant head collection.

Don't forget the snortable Adderall
I don't think the rallies will be as effective as you think. My prediction is based off the notion that the past 6 months have been riddled with complete and utter blunders and that his worst moments are behind him.

You don't sway votes with rallies. Sure, they help energize his base of rubes and helps to ensure they get out to the polls, but Trump's abrasiveness and incompetence are energizing Biden's voters. This election won't be so much about electing Biden as it will be about getting that blubbery dickturd out of office and back on ****** reality tv where he belongs.
Ok but you are putting Trump in the W column then it sounds.

There was a poll which showed that both major parties by a 2/3 majority are not voting FOR their candidate but rather AGAINST the other party candidate. That resonates with me. And I think that plays better into the GOP base. I don’t think the Dem support will make an effort and actually go vote for a candidate they don’t actually support and are excited to vote for.
Ok but you are putting Trump in the W column then it sounds.

There was a poll which showed that both major parties by a 2/3 majority are not voting FOR their candidate but rather AGAINST the other party candidate. That resonates with me. And I think that plays better into the GOP base. I don’t think the Dem support will make an effort and actually go vote for a candidate they don’t actually support and are excited to vote for.

There's more disdain for Trump than Biden. I think it's as simple as that.
There's more disdain for Trump than Biden. I think it's as simple as that.
Perhaps. I think he’s a lousy human being. But I’ll vote for him 10 out of 10 times over Biden. And I know I’m far from alone in that regard.

And that disdain in the Bernie Bros, Warren native Americans, and the rest has to result in them actually going to vote. I just think that plays more into the GOP hands. And history favors the incumbent. If Trump weren’t the incumbent this time I’d guess Biden wins. He’s no where near hated as bad as Hillary is. I don’t hate Biden, I just hate his politics.
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Who knew that the Tulsa Fire Department officials who provided attendance figures were anti-trump deepstaters.

Perhaps. I think he’s a lousy human being. But I’ll vote for him 10 out of 10 times over Biden. And I know I’m far from alone in that regard.

And that disdain in the Bernie Bros, Warren native Americans, and the rest has to result in them actually going to vote. I just think that plays more into the GOP hands. And history favors the incumbent. If Trump weren’t the incumbent this time I’d guess Biden wins. He’s no where near hated as bad as Hillary is. I don’t hate Biden, I just hate his politics.

Hillary was way more despised than Biden and she *still* won the popular vote. These polls are of a wider margin than in 16, especially in the swing states.

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