Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

And Trump is the incumbent. Look at history

History is just that. This is the strangest period in my lifetime so I'm not gonna base much off the past when it comes to this election.

I look forward to watching that fat bastard burst a blood vessel and keel over in rage on election night.
History is just that. This is the strangest period in my lifetime so I'm not gonna base much off the past when it comes to this election.

I look forward to watching that fat bastard burst a blood vessel and keel over in rage on election night.
Oh I’m looking forward to the debates. They are going to be Jerry Springer quality TV. Trump will bait Biden and Biden WILL respond. It’s going to be glorious. 😂
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Oh it’s the lesser of two idiots I’ll easily concede that. But I view the Democratic platform as destructive to the country and think it should be stopped. So I’ll hold my nose and pull the single red lever.

And yep I’m really confident as long as Biden stays in his basement making proof of life videos.
O'Biden and his handlers know the best thing they can do is keep him in the bunker. O'Biden doesn't have the energy to keep up with Trump and all the crazy schiff he says can be limited when Jill holding up the queue cards. No one outside of O'Bidens family is excited about the thought of him being President. The radical base would replace him in a second if they could
Oh I’m looking forward to the debates. They are going to be Jerry Springer quality TV. Trump will bait Biden and Biden WILL respond. It’s going to be glorious. 😂

Count me out. Seeing two old ****ers bickering at each other is only fun when, deep down, they cherish one another.
O'Biden and his handlers know the best thing they can do is keep him in the bunker. O'Biden doesn't have the energy to keep up with Trump and all the crazy schiff he says can be limited when Jill holding up the queue cards. No one outside of O'Bidens family is excited about the thought of him being President. The radical base would replace him in a second if they could

Your bunker joke sucks ass considering Trump was actually in the bunker,
Your bunker joke sucks ass considering Trump was actually in the bunker,
President Trump didn't have a choice little man, it was out of his control. Your boy chooses to be in the bunker because he knows the less he is seen and the less he talks the better for himself.

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