Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Biden can't hold any rallies because he is in the 99% fatal age group for covid, and he looks it.
Exact same thinking lost you the election 4 years ago.
Trump hadn't been President 4 years ago. It's easy to see this buffoon is in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over his head and it has led to him having to surround himself with a bunch of idiots who are nowhere near qualified to be in their positions. He still might win
Isn't Trump in that same age group? He is 74 years old.
Yeah. But Biden is frail and one missed child grope from breaking a hip and shuffling off his mortal coil. Guy can barely stay awake when giving 1 of the 6 interviews he has given in the last 4 months. There is a reason he stays hidden..
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Trump hadn't been President 4 years ago. It's easy to see this buffoon is in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over his head and it has led to him having to surround himself with a bunch of idiots who are nowhere near qualified to be in their positions. He still WILL win

If Trump throws a party and only 6,200 rednecks show up... is the stench still as overwhelming as a Wal-Mart on Friday night?

Careful, K-Town will call you a racist. Oh crap, what am I thinking, it was not directed at blacks. NVM
(by the way, I laughed)
Why are you scrambling so hard to shine a good light on this rally? Lol.
Why should I let these fools have their faux victory? It’s a ******** message.

“Ha you didn’t draw as many supporters as you said you would!”

“Still drew 310x more than your abducted Alzheimer’s patient🤷‍♂️“.

Why can’t both sides agitate?
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Why should I let these fools have their faux victory? It’s a ******** message.

“Ha you didn’t draw as many supporters as you said you would!”

“Still drew 310x more than your abducted Alzheimer’s patient🤷‍♂️“.

Why can’t both sides agitate?

It's not a faux victory.

If Trump is throwing a hissy fit about it in lieu of just lying like he always does, then you know it wasn't a success.

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