Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Hard to believe Trump's supporters wouldn't go to the rally considering their previous talking points. Not as bad as the flu, should have never had a lock down, masks and social distancing are stupid, we need to get out and get herd immunity. Maybe Republicans are just tired of Trump's circus. I would like to think there are still traditional Republicans that have sense enough to not listen to Trump.

This x 1000.

Remember when Republicans ran on the platform of free trade, fiscal conservatism and balanced federal budgets?

Now we have "Tariff Man" and a 4 TRILLION dollar deficit to date in CY2020, on top of the record deficit last year thanks to Mr. Debt King.
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Yes I truly believe that while Trump only drew 6200 it’s still considerably more than Biden did just the prior week even. In fact it was 310x more to be exact. And let’s not forget the 4.2M people watching on the video streams. I can’t even find numbers on Biden they were apparently so bad. That’s what happens in a campaign pointless. You compare the two candidates. And Biden falls flat on his basement dwelling face in this comparison.

Well I stand corrected. You are not as intelligent as I thought you were
This x 1000.

Remember when Republicans ran on the platform of free trade, fiscal conservatism and balanced federal budgets?

Now we have "Tariff Man" and a 4 TRILLION dollar deficit to date in CY2020, on top of the record deficit last year thanks to Mr. Debt King.

Unfortunately, no traditional republican governed like they ran. Instead we got regulation, fiscally reckless, and ever-ballooning federal deficits.
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I don’t think it was a flop. Damn sure not as much as all the rhetoric. The main point is he’s actively out and campaigning again while creepy joe is hostage in his basement. It’s a game changer from the last 90 days. And by the repeated shouting down of that point even here that’s clear. So I’m gonna keep bringing it up. He will continue to campaign, and the crowds will get bigger. And creepy joe will forced to answer or he basically concedes the race.

You’re going off the deep end.
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History is just that. This is the strangest period in my lifetime so I'm not gonna base much off the past when it comes to this election.

I look forward to watching that fat bastard burst a blood vessel and keel over in rage on election night.

LOL. For two reasons. He learns he has lost and he and Pence contracted COVID 19
I mean, y'all seem pretty intent on it.

Doesn't take much to see that old schoolyard adage of "throwing like a girl."
So I don’t think you’re getting it. Woman or lady... those labels kinda infer a certain maturity and behavior level as compared to girl as you just used. All are female 🤷‍♂️

Either that or you’re just yanking my chain.
Unfortunately, no traditional republican governed like they ran. Instead we got regulation, fiscally reckless, and ever-ballooning federal deficits.

Good point.

"Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."


Our ruling
A viral tweet made several claims about how the deficit has grown under Republican presidents and shrunk under Democrats.
On the whole, the numbers presented for each president are basically accurate. However, it’s worth clarifying that presidents alone are not responsible for the rise and fall of the federal deficit.
The tweet is accurate but needs additional information. We rate it Mostly True.
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And he can’t make a cogent sentence. Si$$y boy whining lil bitch
Wasn’t it Pedo Joe that said just a couple of weeks ago “ Men and women are created equal ....uh...meh...ja..wa...... oh well, you know that thing”.
poor Joe, time has caught up to him. That’s why his handlers won’t accept more debates with Trump because they know it will only embarrass him and the Dims.
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I'll answer here instead of the other thread. I've personally known a couple of women to lie about rape. To say "believe them all" is silly to me, because it's a fact that some will lie about it.
I’ve seen this more times than the other way around
Wait what? These so called experts say it takes 5 days to show up positive.
I call BS

I call uninformed. It’s really up to 14 days. No one suggested they contracted it in Tulsa they learned they had it in Tulsa. Pay attention and let go of all those self destructive conspiratorial thoughts
Wasn’t it Pedo Joe that said just a couple of weeks ago “ Men and women are created equal ....uh...meh...ja..wa...... oh well, you know that thing”.
poor Joe, time has caught up to him. That’s why his handlers won’t accept more debates with Trump because they know it will only embarrass him and the Dims.

Give it up. Biden has always rambled and misspoke. But Trump comes in a poor second even to Joe.
Good point.

"Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."


Our ruling
A viral tweet made several claims about how the deficit has grown under Republican presidents and shrunk under Democrats.
On the whole, the numbers presented for each president are basically accurate. However, it’s worth clarifying that presidents alone are not responsible for the rise and fall of the federal deficit.
The tweet is accurate but needs additional information. We rate it Mostly True.

Your politifact paragraph is what I was planning as a reply.

I also don't agree with how they use deficit but then describe it as if it is debt. Bush didn't "take" it to 300 million, he added another 300 million. Clinton didn't get it to zero, he didn't add more a couple of years in his second term. The debt has never been paid off under anyy president since Jackson.
And he can’t make a cogent sentence. Si$$y boy whining lil bitch
Donald Trump sure didn't look very spry walking down the ramp after the West Point commencement address, did he? In fact, Donald Trump looked like a feeble old man, who could use the assistance of a walker. Trump has tried to explain it away, but that just brings more and more attention to it. For all of the noise that Donald Trump and his supporters make about Joe Biden's diminished motor skills, the fact is, Trump is an old man himself... and he gives every appearance of being an old man, with the way he carries himself. Trump has very poor posture. He reminds me of Lurch from "The Addams Family". He walks very slowly and hunched over. Trump will frequently repeat himself and make incoherent statements. Trump's speeches are an unfocused, rambling mess. Trump is inarticulate and he will often misuse words, or get caught not knowing what a word means... and he compounds this by repeating his mistakes.
Donald Trump sure didn't look very spry walking down the ramp after the West Point commencement address. In fact, Donald Trump looked like a feeble old man, who could use the assistance of a walker. Trump has tried to explain it away, but that just brings more and more attention to it. For all of the noise that Donald Trump and his supporters make about Joe Biden's diminished motor skills, the fact is, Trump is an old man himself... and he gives every appearance of being an old man, with the way he carries himself. Trump has very poor posture. He reminds me of Lurch from "The Addams Family". He walks very slowly and hunched over. Trump will frequently repeat himself and make incoherent statements. Trump's speeches are an unfocused, rambling mess. Trump is inarticulate and often misuses words, or gets caught not knowing what a word means... and he compounds this by repeating his mistakes.
Your politifact paragraph is what I was planning as a reply.

I also don't agree with how they use deficit but then describe it as if it is debt. Bush didn't "take" it to 300 million, he added another 300 million. Clinton didn't get it to zero, he didn't add more a couple of years in his second term. The debt has never been paid off under anyy president since Jackson.
The rate of increase in deficit spending is always greatest under republican administrations.
That's an unavoidable fact that many somehow avoid.

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