Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Nah we’ve been told it was a flop 12M viewers doesn’t count 😂

I watched. i was one of those millions, I m, like no doubt others, wanted to see what kind of sh!tshow it would be. It was a shitshoe the likes of which the world has never seen. Trump has made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

But again you deflect. The braggadocio wasn’t that 12 million would watch on TV. It was that 1 million plus registered. That the 19,000 capacity would overflow to another 40,000 plus outside for a second round of speeches just for them

Your continuing to lose. Another fake Trump dictionary term. Losing = winning
Trump’s New Tulsa Ratings are In and They’re Massive


Many leftists were giddy over the fact that President Donald Trump’s Tulsa rally didn’t have the attendance that it once did before the coronavirus swept across the globe, but what they didn’t anticipate was how many people were watching from home.

President Trump’s weekend rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma was nowhere near the packed-to-the-rafters event the president had promised, but cable news viewers tuned in to watch in large numbers, with a total audience on Saturday evening of 11.77 million viewers across the three major cable news networks.

Fox News Channel had the largest overall audience by far, with 7.661 million viewers between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ET, followed by CNN with just 2.2 million and MSNBC with 1.9 million.​
Nearly 12 million people watched Trump’s first return to form, somewhat smothering the idea that few people actually care about him anymore.

Trump's New Tulsa Ratings are In and They're Massive
You know what is funny about this? This right-wing web site ("") is including the television viewership among cable news channels who did not actually televise Trump's speech. It's fair to include the Fox News viewers from Saturday night because Fox News did televise Trump's speech from start to finish. However, both CNN and MSNBC, cut away from the Tulsa rally once Trump's speech began. They only televised the rally to the extent that they could point out how Bank of Oklahoma arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma was at less than half capacity. After that, they shifted back to the studio for critical analysis of what Trump was saying... without actually having to televise the speech itself. This has been the policy of MSNBC for quite some time when it comes to Trump's speeches in both press conferences and especially in his campaign rallies. MSNBC likes to fact-check Trump in real time, and can't do it while carrying a speech live.

The only way to arrive at 11.77 million viewers on television during Donald Trump's speech is to include both the CNN and MSNBC's audience in addition to the Fox News audience (7.661+2.2+1.9 = 11.761). However, it is very dishonest to do this... because as I just pointed out - they did not carry the speech. They discussed it in real time, but they did not show it with sound... only Fox News did that. Whatever broader point was attempted is lost amid this dishonest representation. They should have just touted the Fox News audience of 7.661 million viewers - which is very strong for a Saturday night. Don't get me wrong. They did more than that by including the viewers from both CNN and MSNBC, though. So it ends up just looking like partisan spin. The Fox News viewership was very good, and should have been enough for "" to promote, without having to lie.
You know what is funny about this? This right-wing web site ("") is including the television viewership among cable news channels who did not actually televise Trump's speech. It's fair to include the Fox News viewers from Saturday night because Fox News did televise Trump's speech from start to finish. However, both CNN and MSNBC, cut away from the Tulsa rally once Trump's speech began. They only televised the rally to the extent that they could point out how Bank of Oklahoma arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma was at less than half capacity. After that, they shifted back to the studio for critical analysis of what Trump was saying... without actually having to televise the speech itself. This has been the policy of MSNBC for quite some time when it comes to Trump's speeches in both press conferences and especially in his campaign rallies. MSNBC likes to fact-check Trump in real time, and can't do it while carrying a speech live.

The only way to arrive at 11.77 million viewers on television during Donald Trump's speech is to include both the CNN and MSNBC's audience in addition to the Fox News audience (7.661+2.2+1.9 = 11.761). However, it is very dishonest to do this... because as I just pointed out - they did not carry the speech. They discussed it in real time, but they did not show it with sound... only Fox News did that. Whatever broader point was attempted is lost amid this dishonest representation. They should have just touted the Fox News audience of 7.661 million viewers - which is very strong for a Saturday night. Don't get me wrong. They did more than that by including the viewers from both CNN and MSNBC, though. So it ends up just looking like partisan spin. The Fox News viewership was very good, and should have been enough for "" to promote, without having to lie.

What is Funny is, even without MSDNC and CNN, Fox had 7.6 million Viewers. That is a huge number.
I watched. i was one of those millions, I m, like no doubt others, wanted to see what kind of sh!tshow it would be. It was a shitshoe the likes of which the world has never seen. Trump has made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

But again you deflect. The braggadocio wasn’t that 12 million would watch on TV. It was that 1 million plus registered. That the 19,000 capacity would overflow to another 40,000 plus outside for a second round of speeches just for them

Your continuing to lose. Another fake Trump dictionary term. Losing = winning
You’re one of those that cares what other countries think huh?
What is Funny is, even without MSDNC and CNN, Fox had 7.6 million Viewers. That is a huge number.
I agree with you. It is a good number, especially for a Saturday night. Like I said in that post you replied to, that number should have been good enough for "" to promote. Their inclusion of the viewership from both CNN and MSNBC comes across as dishonest and as partisan spin. They took good numbers and tried to make them look even better. It was disingenuous. They know damn well those two networks didn't televise Trump's speech.
I watched. i was one of those millions, I m, like no doubt others, wanted to see what kind of sh!tshow it would be. It was a shitshoe the likes of which the world has never seen. Trump has made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

But again you deflect. The braggadocio wasn’t that 12 million would watch on TV. It was that 1 million plus registered. That the 19,000 capacity would overflow to another 40,000 plus outside for a second round of speeches just for them

Your continuing to lose. Another fake Trump dictionary term. Losing = winning
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If it’s UVC flourescent Light that’s already a fairly standard virus and bacteria killing medium. The Lennox Pure Air air filters on our home AC use UV light and activated catalyst plate to kill germs bacteria and viruses. It’s UVA and not nearly as effective as UVC but UVC is much more damaging to skin and the eyes. Higher end hotels are already using this stuff.
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If it’s UVC flourescent Light that’s already a fairly standard virus and bacteria killing medium. The Lennox Pure Air air filters on our home AC use UV light and activated catalyst plate to kill germs bacteria and viruses. It’s UVA and not nearly as effective as UVC but UVC is much more damaging to skin and the eyes. Higher end hotels are already using this stuff.
Thank God peoples communion money is going to such necessary things!
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