Trump's false claims about disaster response are beyond the pale

Did you see the story on the idiot fire chief for Lake Lure threaten a private helicopter pilot with arrest if he continued to rescue people? Serious as hell, I watched the local TV channel story. Guy has a small chopper and had gone up into the mountains and already rescued several families the day before and delivered supplies to others. So the next day, they get a message for a older couple. Fly up. Because of the location, he makes the decision to fly just the lady out first, leaving his son (who is also a pilot) and the husband, planning on returning asap.

Flies out. Spots rescue teams farther down the mountain. He lands, the lady is handed over to the team, the team is excited and shares radio frequencies with the pilot and promises to arrange for him to have a defined landing area when he returns.

Except Idiot Fire Chief steps in and orders the pilot to cease and desist. Pilot says hey, no problem, but in the middle of a rescue and my son/co-pilot is still on the mountain and I need to get them. Idiot Fire Chief says if pilot picks up anyone else, he will be arrested. Doing this in front of the wife mind you. Pilot says well I'm going to pick up my son. Idiot Fire Chief calls over two cops and threatens the pilot again. Pilot apologizes to the wife, who is flabbergasted, flies off to pick up his son, explaining to the husband what has transpired, and flies home with his son.

I've not known very many Fire Chiefs and deputy fire chiefs, but of the few I have, they have exhibited an amazing incidence of stupidity. Is there something about the job that attracts idiots? Have I simply run into a group of which 50% happen to be idiots? Help me out here. I think I'm going to have a sign made and sent to this moran.
Goodness you are a smart fella. How about thinking outside of the box for a second and not accept the status quo. Open your mind and look for a better way.

Cut federal taxes associated with this and have the states/locals fund it. You will get less waste, less bureaucracy, and more done.....
Wrong....states do not have the ability to pay the bills nor do they have enough resources.
All States rely on Federal assistance and relief.
I guess so think we should do away with FEMA who coordinates supplies.
There are 3 levels of Federal Assistance offered for Relief of Natural Disasters.
How can a blanket statement about state's inability to pay the bills or have enough resources be accurate?

Would the State of Utah or Wyoming have a huge need to pay for natural disasters? Would they even need a lot of resources?
Did you see the story on the idiot fire chief for Lake Lure threaten a private helicopter pilot with arrest if he continued to rescue people? Serious as hell, I watched the local TV channel story. Guy has a small chopper and had gone up into the mountains and already rescued several families the day before and delivered supplies to others. So the next day, they get a message for a older couple. Fly up. Because of the location, he makes the decision to fly just the lady out first, leaving his son (who is also a pilot) and the husband, planning on returning asap.

Flies out. Spots rescue teams farther down the mountain. He lands, the lady is handed over to the team, the team is excited and shares radio frequencies with the pilot and promises to arrange for him to have a defined landing area when he returns.

Except Idiot Fire Chief steps in and orders the pilot to cease and desist. Pilot says hey, no problem, but in the middle of a rescue and my son/co-pilot is still on the mountain and I need to get them. Idiot Fire Chief says if pilot picks up anyone else, he will be arrested. Doing this in front of the wife mind you. Pilot says well I'm going to pick up my son. Idiot Fire Chief calls over two cops and threatens the pilot again. Pilot apologizes to the wife, who is flabbergasted, flies off to pick up his son, explaining to the husband what has transpired, and flies home with his son.

I've not known very many Fire Chiefs and deputy fire chiefs, but of the few I have, they have exhibited an amazing incidence of stupidity. Is there something about the job that attracts idiots? Have I simply run into a group of which 50% happen to be idiots? Help me out here. I think I'm going to have a sign made and sent to this moran.

That fire chief needs an azz kicking
Goodness you are a smart fella. How about thinking outside of the box for a second and not accept the status quo. Open your mind and look for a better way.
In general terms lower my fed tax by x percent and increase my state taxes by the same x percent and sign me up. State is going to waste less, more quickly get assets where needed, and be held to account easier in these scenarios. You could talk me into some scenario where in the event of a disaster a state could apply for a fed loan but details would matter there.
How can a blanket statement about state's inability to pay the bills or have enough resources be accurate?

Would the State of Utah or Wyoming have a huge need to pay for natural disasters? Would they even need a lot of resources?

Its so much easier sitting on the fence and continuing down the 36T national debt path.....
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Its so much easier sitting on the fence and continuing down the 36T national debt path.....
If anything, the Fed should be responsible for Federal obligations in a disaster area...maybe even extending to Federal highways and bridges.

I could be in favor of a state having the ability to borrow money from the Fed if they couldn't cover their own disaster remediation.
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I am okay with phrases like "danger to the country" or "threat to democracy" as an argument can be made that those characterizations are objectively true. I personally believe they are true as to Trump. You are free to throw the same labels at Harris.

We can then compare and contrast.

He's obviously not Hitler. I'd not call it a "lie" because no one thinks he is or thinks that is a factual statement, whereas claiming falsely that Biden has not returned a call from the Governor of Georgia clearly is designed to convey a fact which is demonstrably untrue.
Ah! "objectively" true. Got to love that phrase. Only means something to one side. Other side thinks KH is a threat to the country. We'll call it a draw.

With regards to the second point, agree it is a demonstrably false statement. What is not proven is whether Trump was informed prior to making the statement. Neither you nor I know that. Given the area is not loaded with Biden supporters, I can easily see people making that claim and Trump feeding off of it. Entirely possible. And possible that Trump made it up. If he continues to make that unaltered claim after being informed, then yes, he is lying.
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That fire chief needs an azz kicking
Wish I could tell you the story about a run in I had with an assistant fire chief in Americus, Georgia.

Ever see the movie Radio? Remember the scene where the overzealous cop arrests Radio when passing out Christmas gifts. I was Coach and idiot assistant fire chief played the role of dumbass cop.
They certainly tried. At the behest of Trump.

That is why he is a threat to democracy. You are of course free to disagree.

True. But what isn't a dispute is the people you voted for actually murdered Americans which was admitted.

Let's all remember, you haven't been voting.
Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

It's just common sense to wear a mask in any form of shared transit. The only reason a person would not and complain is in some shared identity to the nonsense that was Trump's idiotic claim that the virus is no biggie.

Its just common sense. I mean I knew he was nuts but damn, over and over its always the same ones.
😂 This m-fer probably was triple masked up and cut off oxygen to his two brain cells.

Man, I'm just glad the mask work for the Independent voters. 🤣
IMO a president visiting a disaster area just gets in the way.
You know when this picture was taken, GWB caught a lot of **** because he wasn't on the ground in Nawlins. Supposedly he felt the same as you which is why he was looking at the devistation from AF1 and not on the ground.


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