Trump's Taxes

The media isn't reporting that it was 100% legal and how he managed to only pay $750 (if true). They also leave out all of the taxes he does and has paid.

Most people don’t care if it’s legal, people will care that it’s philosophically gross and really “swampy”. He was elected on simple notions (immigrants bad, politics bad, Hillary bad), he will be taken down by simple notions as well.
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Most people don’t care if it’s legal, people will care that it’s philosophically gross and really “swampy”. He was elected on simple notions (immigrants bad, politics bad, Hillary bad), he will be taken down by simple notions as well.
I agree. This is a gold mine for one-line, catchy political marketing.
You're not one to generally go in for this kind of speculative-gotcha-stuff.

I don't know if you're serious.

Considering his history, I'm surprised you think Trump is above committing a little fraud? If, at worst, he ends up paying a fine he will still be in the black versus us suckers who did not cut corners.

His IRS auditors and any potential prosecutors who are thinking about making this case, will have to prove any sort of fraud and that won't be easy. Also, if you force Trump to follow the letter of the law, are we also going to force Bezos, Bloomberg, etc., who likely cut the exact same corners?

So he likely pays back a portion of his refunds, everyone declares victory and we reset the game. The middle class slowly disappears and we have a type 21st Century feudalism in its place.
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No, I have and I stick by my opinion. What's false is this ignorant notion that Trump is a type of businessman we want running our country.

And you are correct, it is your opinion because there are no facts backing it up.

I will agree to this, but he's the only businessman running and 100x better than the alternative.
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The fact that everybody does it, doesn't mean the tax code isn't screwed up.

Not really everybody does it, but who writes the tax code and why do they write it the way they do? Why does it take several volumes to contain the tax code, and who generally are the beneficiaries of all the loopholes? Yes, the tax code is screwed ... by the "best" congress that money can buy.

Although an antiwar song, CCR says it well

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son, son
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no fortunate one, no

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh
But when the taxman comes to the door
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, ...
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Considering his history, I'm surprised you think Trump is above committing a little fraud? If, at worst, he ends up paying a fine he will still be in the black versus us suckers who did not cut corners.

His IRS auditors and any potential prosecutors who are thinking about making this case, will have to prove any sort of fraud and that won't be easy. Also, if you force Trump to follow the letter of the law, are we also going to force Bezos, Bloomberg, etc., who likely cut the exact same corners?

So he likely pays back a portion of his refunds, everyone declares victory and we reset the game. The middle class slowly disappears and we have a type 21st Century feudalism in its place.

You coulda just said, "I'm serious". ;)
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Why would Trump have invented the "birther movement" back in 2008 when he didn't run against Obama at all - and, in fact, didn't run for president until 2016. The birth certificate issue, etc entered the picture well before Trump did. There's a lot of revisionism and weird analyses in the "fact checking" world.

Politico states

That predates even the Hiliary or a Hiliary campaign worker started it theme.

So its your testimony today that drumpf did not support the birther movement?

Who the hell knows why drumpf does most of the things he does. Other than the glaring obvious attempts at gaining or staying in power and getting that ego stroked.

I will mostly guarantee you that if he is doing something, he is lying about it, and there is an ulterior motive.
So its your testimony today that drumpf did not support the birther movement?

Who the hell knows why drumpf does most of the things he does. Other than the glaring obvious attempts at gaining or staying in power and getting that ego stroked.

I will mostly guarantee you that if he is doing something, he is lying about it, and there is an ulterior motive.
Looks like you made your mind up already. Congrats on the super duper like comment by saying like drumpf.
Which is the better deduction?

Mitt Romney's 78k for the care and feeding of Olympic dressage horse, Rafalca.

Donald Trump's 70k for the maintenance of his golden coif.

Both manes are lustrous, but one requires a heavy wind to dance.

Still, I think I have to give it to Trump by a hair.
there will be more information dropping in the next two days....the republican spin cycle will be on will probably burn out. Apparently this is why Parscale was trying to commit suicide by cop.
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he pays less in taxes than virtually everyone.



Remember Trump has never went bankrupt, but yeah the number of billionaires that have had 5 or more failed ventures is pretty dang high.

The amount of energy you spend defending Trump is confounding. There is so much to criticize about these revelations and you're just sitting here defending the stuff that is defensible, like you're some big fanboy. Can you admit you love and support him, because IIRC, you didn't vote for him and will not express outright political support for him, but here we are, day 1,200 of his presidency with your 50,000th defense of him. I'll retract if I missed something where you pledged your allegiance to him.
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