Depends on what it is.
Clearly, if there is evidence of direct quid pro quo with Russia, we need to know that and Trump needs to be removed from office. I assume everyone would agree with that.
Less clear is the consequence that should occur for Trump's effort to block, disrupt, or end the investigation. Personally, I think it should also result in booting him out, but that is my personal opinion based on the politics of it.
If you are okay with 1) Trump and those around him repeatedly failing to disclose contacts and meetings with Russia, until forced to admit them when confronted; 2) Trump repeatedly minimizing his political and business contacts with Russia, again until confronted; 3) Trump helping craft an intentionally misleading reprise of the meeting between son and Russian lawyer to get dirt on Clinton, and 4) Trump trying to manipulate the FBI director and then firing him when he didn't play ball, well, that's on you.
Personally, I think that if you dislike dishonesty and greed in your president, you ought to be taking an honest and objective look at this. He won, his supporters can take some satisfaction in keeping Clinton out of office, but in my view that hardly justifies this very unfortunate result.