you also have to factor in the policy decisions he's made that are negative to Russia.
of the whole grand conspiracy the thing I see as most plausible is some sharing of information during the campaign, the absolute least by a long shot is that Trump is a Russian stooge/plant.
So you don't mind him publicly, in front of the whole world, taking the side of an authoritarian who uses assassination and prison to silence his critics, over his own FBI, intelligence agencies and senior defense officials.
There are a thousand better positions or statements that he could have offered.
Its not a binary solution, fawn over Putin or start a war. Trump is a simple-minded infantile narcissist and bully but even he, speaking at this seventh grade level, could have found better words than he did and achieved a better result than he did.
A statement is may not be "hard" or "irrefutable" evidence, but it is evidence.A statement is not evidence in of itself. Need a corroborating witness or some physical evidence.
The policy decisions were made by the adults in the room. Trump doesn't read or care for details, thus, he couldn't get ahead of those mundanities.
A statement is may not be "hard" or "irrefutable" evidence, but it is evidence.
Just curious....your personal opinion you think Cohen is lying when he says Trump directed him to pay to have polls rigged?
Not true - he's shown repeatedly that he often disagrees and sets his direction regardless of what the "adults" say.
Arming Ukraine, pushing the natural gas supply to Europe - two aggressive, anti-Putin moves that the prior POTUS refused to do. Same for some aggressive action we took in Syria against Assad.
Trump isn't a stooge of Russia or anyone; he's a buffoon.
I don't think he wants out of NATO. I think it's part of the bluster/negotiation style he has. He's continually been trying to reshape the burden the US carries in NATO relative to other members.
True. Cohen has a past history of lying. For years that was part of his job description as a Trump lawyer. Everyone knows that Trump directs his lawyers to blatantly lie.There is no question Cohen is lying - the question is what is he lying about and what is he telling the truth about. For this particular instance I can't say which camp this claim falls into. Do I think it's plausible this happened? Absolutely.
True. Cohen has a past history of lying. For years that was part of his job description as a Trump lawyer. Everyone knows that Trump directs his lawyers to blatantly lie.
I also believe that most people have a pretty good idea about into which camp this particular claim falls.
How about being manipulated by Putin?
manipulated? Not sure what you mean.
I don't think he's being manipulated by Putin any more than Obama was manipulated by him. Putin is shrewd and ruthless. I think he played Obama pretty hard and likely is playing Trump. I have no doubt he would have played Clinton as well.
I'm not buying the conspiracy theory of compromising material motivating Trump's behavior. Maybe I'm wrong but I think there are plenty of other explanations and countervailing facts.
Thats a fun metric. How about comparing the size of the respective economies, while you're at it to provide a little context.