They always have a goal and I explicitly said it was wrong.
Wittingly or unwittingly the reaction of the "Resistance" is part of the sabotage - so maybe pay attention to that as well and see the big picture. Had Hillary won they had a plan to sabotage her as well.
Well, again, there is a difference between resistance to the goal as in Trump, versus resistance to them achieving their goal, whatever it is.
Both are possible. But even if it is just the system resisting Trump as some level, or by specific people, that does not give him or the Russians a pass.
I've seen more than enough so far to feel confident that there were people in Trump's campaign, at the highest levels, who were colluding to some degree or another with the Russians to help Trump win.
Some did it fully aware of the shadiness of it --Manafort being the best example. He did it for the money.
Some probably suspected that it was wrong, but did it anyway. See e.g. Flynn trying to coddle the Russians to make everyone happy. He was blinded by the opportunity to have some power. Or at least he rationalized it that way.
Some I believe did it because of a combination of greed, hubris, and naivete. I'm thinking of Don Jr. and Kushner. They may not have realized it was criminally wrong. They might have thought that this is the way the system works.
The problem is that, once they found out what was really going on, rather than 'fess up and go "oh my gosh, we got played, how can we make them pay a price for this?" they shut down and covered up. They lied to protect themselves. Very foolish.
And so we get to Trump. We don't know yet what role he played personally. Cohen may have some info on that, but not as much as others and he might stay away from that at the upcoming hearing as it is still being investigated. But its hard to imagine that Manafort on his own was working with the Russians to figure out where and how to target areas or groups. It seems to me he would have shared that with Trump and gotten his blessing.
We also don't know whether in fact Trump had any direct communications with Russians to seek their help. Or directly, or through others, offered to do them favors, if elected.
I am suspicious that he did because of his ever-evolving story on this. As Gowdy said, he keeps acting guilty. He does the things liars do -- lie more, get caught, and lie more. Distract. Attack the motives of the people investigating it. And then lie some more.
If this is just a string of unconnected coincidences, the odds against that are so huge as to be inconceivable. Trump's reactions to news and subsequent actions to block or discredit the investigation tell me that it is not all coincidence. And his lying to about it so much tells me he was not an innocent dupe to the actions of those around him.