Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

One of his more ridiculous flailings.

He’s been trying to conflate this with pushback against CRT.

Discussions about the Holocaust should be uncomfortable, and blunt, and damn near uncensored.
Discussions about Slavery should be uncomfortable, and blunt, and damn near uncensored. But that’s not CRT.
Okay, I'm new to being on the left. With regards to CRT, how do we promote screaming at little white children that everything bad that happens to blacks is their fault?
Is that an argument you're making with a straight face, or more devil's advocate BS thrown out there that you don't believe?

"The Holocaust was bad but, hey, it made the Jews tougher."
Be careful here. That could be changed to "The Holocaust was bad. Killed a lot of Jews, Romas, Poles, Russian POWs, people with birth defects and political prisoners. But hey, it made Israel real pissy about being threatened with extinction."
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Okay, I'm new to being on the left. With regards to CRT, how do we promote screaming at little white children that everything bad that happens to blacks is their fault?
I’m not getting into CRT.

But teaching the horrors of the Atlantic slave trade isn’t CRT. Teaching about slavery in the US isn’t CRT.
"There were Jews in Nazi armaments factories who developed skills as machinists. This was to their personal benefit. Himmler and the Nazi's deserve some credit." - VolNation
Hey, wait. I agree this is a completely asinine statement to make along with several other like it. But the only ones posting these kind of statements are those of us on the left. Shouldn't the guys on the right be saying this? I haven't been able to find their posts like that...
Yes. A thorough, concise rationalization as to why it was necessary. The middle 50 already knows this. Still, and retrospect can be underrated, but we can feel some shame for enslaving minorities to capitalize upon their skills. The act of directing servitude can't be rationalized. Neither can the laws of segregated public use facilities, or even segregated schools.
Wait a minute. On the left, we're pushing for segregated schools now and separate but equal graduation events and our own publicly financed meeting facilities just for us.
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Yes those are definitely things people said, GroverStrawman. Quoted my post and still dodged the question

This post made GroverCleveland abandon his entire personality lmao. Switched to "I'm on the left now!!!" rather than answer the question
You didn't say it. The proposed curriculum says it. Can you cite a post of yours condemning it? No, of course you can't because you're loyal to your tribe
It sure does! And as soon as I find it in there, I'm going to quote it and post it. Verbatim as you said earlier.
Not really. All it says is that enslaved Africans were capable and adapted as they had to and made the best of it for themselves and their families. It says nothing at all about good or bad regarding slavery itself.
Meh. Everyone knows the English language is the epitome of White Supremacy and used for thousands of years to justify slavery.
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This post made GroverCleveland abandon his entire personality lmao. Switched to "I'm on the left now!!!" rather than answer the question
I asked which question? You didn't answer that question so I don't know which question to answer, if in fact, the question was not answered. And I'm still hurt about you calling me Groversomething.
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I’m not getting into CRT.

But teaching the horrors of the Atlantic slave trade isn’t CRT. Teaching about slavery in the US isn’t CRT.
So where is history about slavery not being taught? Because we knew about it back in the early 70s. Is it not being taught now? Serious question (even though I have switched to the Left now).
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So where is history about slavery not being taught? Because we knew about it back in the early 70s. Is it not being taught now? Serious question (even though I have switched to the Left now).
I believe the vast majority of American students are being taught about slavery and it’s history in this nation.

Some people want more.
Some people want less.

But schoolchildren know what happened for the most part.

I watched a newer Holocaust film recently (it was terrible) but it had real interviews with German high school children at the beginning and end.
It was shocking how little they knew/understood about what had happened there.
I believe the vast majority of American students are being taught about slavery and it’s history in this nation.

Some people want more.
Some people want less.

But schoolchildren know what happened for the most part.

I watched a newer Holocaust film recently (it was terrible) but it had real interviews with German high school children at the beginning and end.
It was shocking how little they knew/understood about what had happened there.
Not really surprised at the German/Holocaust thing. They do not have a 1A civil liberty protection. One can be locked up for discussing certain topics so I can understand one like that being a bit too close for them.
Yea they would’ve been better off mining cobalt, kidnapping young girls, or being the seller instead of being sold.

It looks a lot like some people get hung up on specific aspects without considering the whole. An example being that if someone is left in Africa where life is more primitive, tribal, and where various examples of slavery still exist, that they would benefit just as much in life as someone would living in an advanced civilization that offers education, a wide range of opportunity, and safety. The reality is that you need look no further than to compare a few countries to see how it's all about location, location, location when it comes to opportunity ... unless perhaps you just want to be a henchman for a warlord. Considering gangs in the US, there are obviously quite few people where who might prefer tribal Africa.
Like I said before, you go do you. If looking for things to be outraged about, I have to say you do a pretty good job of it. Life is too short for me to spend my time that way, but again, I do appreciate your willingness to share.

If dems had nothing to be outraged about or couldn't somehow conjure a problem from virtually nothing - a problem for which only they hold a solution, they would have nothing. That they have to go back more than a century in history to convince people today that they are victims is a real piece of work, though. I'm amazed that slavery isn't one of the root causes of climate change ... so far.
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Not really surprised at the German/Holocaust thing. They do not have a 1A civil liberty protection. One can be locked up for discussing certain topics so I can understand one like that being a bit too close for them.
Eh, there’s no rules against discussing what actually happened there. That’s not the issue.

They might charge you with something for alluding to the Holocaust as being in any way beneficial to Polish Jews, though.
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Eh, there’s no rules against discussing what actually happened there. That’s not the issue.

They might charge you with something for alluding to the Holocaust as being in any way beneficial to Polish Jews, though.
I.e. no 1A type protection...

Yes. A thorough, concise rationalization as to why it was necessary. The middle 50 already knows this. Still, and retrospect can be underrated, but we can feel some shame for enslaving minorities to capitalize upon their skills. The act of directing servitude can't be rationalized. Neither can the laws of segregated public use facilities, or even segregated schools.

Why would you or I feel shame for something we never did? At least I'm assuming you didn't own a slave or institute/enforce segregation. I can understand shock or despair if you see someone perpetuating an act that you think wrong, but shame over something that happened before your time and certainly before you could do anything to change it is just weird. I refuse to feel guilt over events of the past that I could never have influenced; it's just not normal or rational thought. We can learn from the past, we cannot change the past, and we've proven with over fifty years of experience we apparently can't atone for the past.

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