Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

There you have it!

Watters is crediting the act of slavery for developing skills of the enslaved. What Watters doesn't account for, is those slaves could have developed those same skills as free men and women. Slavery deserves no credit for it.

The idiots on Fox News are driving home our point for us.
Man you should stay out of any race based conversations for a long time. Even though I will give you credit for actually espousing what most liberals believe about black conservatives. Credit for being true to you. You said the quiet part out loud
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Man you should stay out of any races based conversations for a long time. Even though I will give you credit for actually espousing what most liberals believe about black conservatives. Credit for being true to you. You said the quiet part out loud
Put me on ignore, if you don't like I have to say. There is no reason for me to allow you to tell me where I should and shouldn't post. It's not as though I have any respect for you.
Then wouldn’t the response be “DeSantis wasn’t involved?”

Sounds more like nobody initially realized that DeSantis wasn’t involved and the early responders were willing to go down swinging with “but actually slavery did have some benefits for slaves and shouldn’t be unequivocally condemned” to defend a guy that’s losing a Republican primary in a landslide. Both of these would be telling.

Is that a thing in this thread? Did anyone defend DeSantis?
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There you have it!

Watters is crediting the act of slavery for developing skills of the enslaved. What Watters doesn't account for, is those slaves could have developed those same skills as free men and women, and without being raped, whipped and beaten. Slavery deserves no credit for their skills.

The idiots on Fox News are driving home our point for us.
You do realize you're posting in a right wing, echo chamber, correct? Many of these guys intently watch that clown?
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The detrimental impact of being a slave far outweighed the benefit of learning how to use a cotton gin and plant crops.

This is an offensive rationale.

You do realize the whole point of slavery all around the globe was based on one big thing. Machinery necessary to build, cultivate, mill or whatever didn't exist. You don't think the pyramids in Africa or S America actually built themselves or that non people powered cranes to lift big blocks were used instead of slave power do you? Do you not think that slavery morphed from one form to another and in the end would largely disappear as technology developed? Maybe you think that slaves would be pulling John Deere tractors through the fields, and that farmers would prefer feeding, housing, directing, and caring for hundreds of slaves to pouring in a tankful of fuel and firing up tractors. Time and technology move things forward ... in most of the world ... with large chunks of Africa being more lateral than forward.
actually neither of the items you presented are CRT.

no one I've ever heard from objects to the first being taught as it has been for decades.
One of his more ridiculous flailings.

He’s been trying to conflate this with pushback against CRT.

Discussions about the Holocaust should be uncomfortable, and blunt, and damn near uncensored.
Discussions about Slavery should be uncomfortable, and blunt, and damn near uncensored. But that’s not CRT.
He could argue that the Jews have prospered since. Maybe it’s that innate tribalism thing you all keep espousing that only affects black people that’s holding them back.

Is that an argument you're making with a straight face, or more devil's advocate BS thrown out there that you don't believe?

"The Holocaust was bad but, hey, it made the Jews tougher."
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Is that an argument you're making with a straight face, or more devil's advocate BS thrown out there that you don't believe?

"The Holocaust was bad but, hey, it made the Jews tougher."

Wtf said that? I said they have prospered since the atrocities they went through. Why aren’t black people?
You do realize the whole point of slavery all around the globe was based on one big thing. Machinery necessary to build, cultivate, mill or whatever didn't exist. You don't think the pyramids in Africa or S America actually built themselves or that non people powered cranes to lift big blocks were used instead of slave power do you? Do you not think that slavery morphed from one form to another and in the end would largely disappear as technology developed? Maybe you think that slaves would be pulling John Deere tractors through the fields, and that farmers would prefer feeding, housing, directing, and caring for hundreds of slaves to pouring in a tankful of fuel and firing up tractors. Time and technology move things forward ... in most of the world ... with large chunks of Africa being more lateral than forward.
Yes. A thorough, concise rationalization as to why it was necessary. The middle 50 already knows this. Still, and retrospect can be underrated, but we can feel some shame for enslaving minorities to capitalize upon their skills. The act of directing servitude can't be rationalized. Neither can the laws of segregated public use facilities, or even segregated schools.
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You do realize the whole point of slavery all around the globe was based on one big thing. Machinery necessary to build, cultivate, mill or whatever didn't exist. You don't think the pyramids in Africa or S America actually built themselves or that non people powered cranes to lift big blocks were used instead of slave power do you? Do you not think that slavery morphed from one form to another and in the end would largely disappear as technology developed? Maybe you think that slaves would be pulling John Deere tractors through the fields, and that farmers would prefer feeding, housing, directing, and caring for hundreds of slaves to pouring in a tankful of fuel and firing up tractors. Time and technology move things forward ... in most of the world ... with large chunks of Africa being more lateral than forward.
You are badly missing the point. Slavery deserves no credit for the skills developed of the enslaved. Those slaves could have developed those same skills while being free ... and without being raped and tortured.
You are badly missing the point. Slavery deserves no credit for the skills developed of the enslaved. Those slaves could have developed those same skills while being free ... and without being raped and tortured.

So they would’ve been better off if left in Africa?
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Which Dr. Allen (decedent of slaves) who wrote that, stated it’s taken out of context. Kamala needs to understand what “gaslighting” is if she’s going to toss it around.

I read it. How is it taken out of context?
I'm saying that the value of operating a cotton gin, would not be worth the price of one's freedom and the abuses which accompanied that .... which for female slaves often meant being raped.

The value of job skills learned is so disproportionate to the abuses being endured, that they don't merit mention. It also implies that former slaves could not have acquired those skills on their own after being freed. Its an offensive premise.

Why do you believe that slaves were always abused? If you own a car or other item that you need, do you abuse it? Or are you just simply equating the loss of freedom as abuse? Otherwise the act of providing housing, food, medical care for slaves was an investment in keeping them healthy to work - don't do that and you didn't have the people to work. Try reading some other points of view beyond the Harriet Beecher Stowe types. Do you really think most slave owners would have preferred slaves over machinery had it existed?

This is the thing with too many people. You analyze things of the past using what you know today. We can both today agree that slavery is wrong, but it was an accepted practice by civilizations around the world at one time - sometimes it even went under different names as feudalism, serfdom, indentured servitude, but it still meant that one man was the "property" of another. In the end it pretty much always involved the need to do repetitive and large scale labor before machines were available.
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They would have been better without having been enslaved. That would include not having their freedoms taken away in Africa as well. I'm attacking slavery ... not just slavery as it existed in the United States.

Yea we can all agree it was terrible. Many people can agree that terrible part of history should have nothing to do with present issues yet it’s a constant excuse for the victimhood tribes.
Yea we can all agree it was terrible. Many people can agree that terrible part of history should have nothing to do with present issues yet it’s a constant excuse for the victimhood tribes.
Well, the slavery, then the black codes, then the segregation, then general racism. But hey, they’ve had a generation, why haven’t they all started inheriting money, yet?
The slaves? Of course? That doesn’t mean their free descendants today would have been better off, but the slaves certainly would have.

Evidently Africans couldn’t get along so they enslaved, killed, and sold their own people. I doubt there’s many people in Africa that feel they have it better of there than they would here.

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