Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

I’m not getting into CRT.

But teaching the horrors of the Atlantic slave trade isn’t CRT. Teaching about slavery in the US isn’t CRT.
And dwelling on it incessantly doesn't do anything for the kids. Good Lord it was almost 200 years ago. Yeah it was bad, but for God's sake Karen, let it go and let's focus on the good things this country has done in that time.
And dwelling on it incessantly doesn't do anything for the kids. Good Lord it was almost 200 years ago. Yeah it was bad, but for God's sake Karen, let it go and let's focus on the good things this country has done in that time.
Learning about it in grade school history is “dwelling on it incessantly?”
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You didn't say it. The proposed curriculum says it. Can you cite a post of yours condemning it? No, of course you can't because you're loyal to your tribe
Isn’t “tribe” following the twisted MSM/left rhetoric of the proposed? Dr. Allen a black man who wrote the curriculum has stated VP Harris has repeated a falsehood, which has now become a lie because her repeating. Those falling for her lie seem to be part of a “tribe” for following the leader.
I’m not getting into CRT.

But teaching the horrors of the Atlantic slave trade isn’t CRT. Teaching about slavery in the US isn’t CRT.
Slavery has been and is taught in Florida schools. Graduated high school in 2006 in Florida. Learned about it throughout school. Also learned that some former slaves went to do great things despite going through it. Those are considered amazing people, smart people, inspiring people. They were never considered a product of slavery as slavery being a benefit.

Also learned how prevalent it was in the world throughout history. Also learned that it still exists. Also knew that it was bad. No one is trying to take slavery out of curriculum. No one is trying to make it seem good and a couple of black men, one I believe is a descendant, are certainly not trying to convince anyone that is was good. Looking over the curriculum slavery is mentioned 191 times and one line has been blown up hyperbolically.

This entire conversation is drummed up by malicious or stupid people to get malicious and stupid people all buttered up because one line mentions the amazing people mentioned above and those same type of stories have been told for decades. Frederick Douglass being a main story told within the same theme.
You didn't say it. The proposed curriculum says it. Can you cite a post of yours condemning it? No, of course you can't because you're loyal to your tribe
Have you read the curriculum? Not some boobs interpretation of it. The curriculum itself. After you're done, let me know if you still see a theme of slavery being good. Thanks.
Question: if I were to make the patently true statement that most modern music is rooted in the sounds created in the enslaved and segregated South, am I saying that slavery and Jim Crow were positives?
He was a white bigot
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Question: if I were to make the patently true statement that most modern music is rooted in the sounds created in the enslaved and segregated South, am I saying that slavery and Jim Crow were positives?
Not enough information provided. Please submit your voting history over the last 3 decades, all religious and civic organizations where you have membership, your tax records for 10 years, and all social media comments you've ever made. After a thorough perusing, an accurate answer will be provided.
while this addition is factually true it is an unnecessary and irrelevant addition for the topic.

sounds like both D's and R's are about some book banning.

how about we leave this out and leave out the 1619 Project nonsense as well as any pretense that CRT is history or fact
It won’t happen as it makes too much sense….
Isn’t “tribe” following the twisted MSM/left rhetoric of the proposed? Dr. Allen a black man who wrote the curriculum has stated VP Harris has repeated a falsehood, which has now become a lie because her repeating. Those falling for her lie seem to be part of a “tribe” for following the leader.

See also January 6th sympathizers and their leader. 😁
I’ll side with Dr. Allen who wrote the curriculum and not the one gaslighting because she needs a platform. He says she lied, then that’s good enough for me.

*Person who wrote curriculum says curriculum is perfect while giving a bunch of demonstrably false examples*

“Good enough for me!”
*Person who wrote curriculum says curriculum is perfect while giving a bunch of demonstrably false examples*

“Good enough for me!”
He’s stated the words have been taken out of context and ran as a lie. Where was it said it was perfect? Dr. Allen is just calling Harris out for her ‘false claims’. If Harris has evidence, wouldn’t she had stated as much as opposed to just saying replace history with lies in a ramble to race bait?
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He’s stated the words have been taken out of context and ran as a lie. Where was it said it was perfect? Dr. Allen is just calling Harris out for her ‘false claims’. If Harris has evidence, wouldn’t she had stated as much as opposed to just saying replace history with lies in a ramble to race bait?

The guy who listed a bunch of “slaves who benefited” who weren’t slaves is talking about lies? Cool

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The guy who listed a bunch of “slaves who benefited” who weren’t slaves is talking about lies? Cool

So you believe Dr. Allen a black man himself, a US Commission on Civil Rights got it wrong? And somehow you can’t back up Harris, but instead use a random Twitter account with 1.6K followers as a reference.
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I dgaf about the Florida thing, it’s totally irrelevant. Why have Jews prospered and blacks haven’t?

Probably because the state of Israel has been financially propped up by the US for the better half of a century and supplied with billions of dollars' worth of weapons to dispatch any and all immediate threats to their statehood.

Outside of the obvious answer to a stupid question, the Jews faced near cultural extinction... Africans never have.
So you believe Dr. Allen a black man himself, a US Commission on Civil Rights got it wrong? And somehow you can’t back up Harris, but instead use a random Twitter account with 1.6K followers as a reference.

Wait, you’re saying he didn’t lie because the proof of him lying comes from Twitter? When the person walked through every single name he listed and that information, such as several of them being born decades after slavery ended, is easily and widely available for free? Oh ok

“No way he could be wrong, he’s Black!!” Lol

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