Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

We’re now up to probably 10 different people who still can’t tell me the point of teaching the “benefits from slavery” but defending it anyway
where is the benefit of slavery discussed in the curriculum? Use the words of the curriculum.

I have provided the link, and even told you what page to use. At least Rocky was able to actually go use it instead of relying on his own assumptions.
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uh, there were other freed slaves before Juneteenth 1865 and the start of Reconstruction. are we just supposed to ignore all those people? It doesn't seem racist, or whatever the accusation here is, to include a clarification on the duties of slaves and how SOME slaves MIGHT have learned some skills while performing those duties. Your argument seems even more racist. I guess you think the children should be taught that the slaves didn't learn any personal skills and it was only due to their white slave owners that they were able to perform any of these functions.

and this is why I asked if anyone actually read the post. If the clarification read as simply as LG put it at the start.
"instruction includes how slaves developed skills which were applied for the own benefit", that would read as a bunch of racist white washing bs.
instead the actual line includes two different qualifying words/statements. "In some instances" and "Could be". which imo completely changes the tone of the clarification. and both of those qualifiers, I would assume, are true.

I am not defending any particular leaning, I am for history. History is uncomfortable and filled with plenty of "incompatible" moments in a diametric world our politics have created. From a purely educational point the clarification is not a false statement. and to that point people had to settle for chopping up the statement to make it worse than it is.

I feel like if 99.99999999999% of people read that entire curriculum without being told there was this particular racist line they wouldn't have found the clarification in context to be offensive.

I’m sorry, but I stopped reading after the first sentence. Whether there were slaves freed before 1865 has zero relevance to whether this teaching point applies to reconstruction.

Read the discussion and the education standards and try again. Or don’t.
where is the benefit of slavery discussed in the curriculum? Use the words of the curriculum.

I have provided the link, and even told you what page to use. At least Rocky was able to actually go use it instead of relying on his own assumptions.

And now people are arguing the difference between “benefits from slavery” and “slaves personally benefitted” instead of telling me the point of this
Pretty weak IMO

Historical fact, bamawriter. Right?

if this were one tiny note in a major curriculum about Japanese internment I'd view the same; true but probably not necessary.

doubt it would generate the mass hysteria about the FL curriculum
Because that concept is absurd.

Agreed. And if anyone were making that argument, you might have a point.

Why are you making bad arguments in slavery’s favor?

Because that concept is absurd. Why are you making bad arguments in slavery’s favor?

there is a distinction - the author wasn't arguing in slavery's favor

Anne Frank's family benefitted from the kindness of others is not arguing in favor of Hitler, Nazi's, etc.
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“Historical fact: women who are domestically abused receive practice in dodging punches”

Bamawriter: “I see no problem here as long as I can say it’s technically true”

This forum is a wild place
“Historical fact: women who are domestically abused receive practice in dodging punches”

Bamawriter: “I see no problem here as long as I can say it’s technically true”

This forum is a wild place

When did I say anything about "technically true"?

Are you capable of actually of addressing my position, or are you just going to wail away against stuff I never said?
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“Historical fact: the Holocaust provided Jews an education about fire and gas by killing them with it”

This thread: “Yup”
“Historical fact: women who are domestically abused receive practice in dodging punches”

Bamawriter: “I see no problem here as long as I can say it’s technically true”

This forum is a wild place

You are an emotional wreck like many of the other looney libs here and a prime example of someone who will split hairs and read between lines to find something to cry about.
“Historical fact: the Holocaust provided Jews an education about fire and gas by killing them with it”

This thread: “Yup”

Historical fact: "the US military has accidentally killed civilians"

NashVol: why are you saying the US should disband it's entire military and pay reparations to every citizen in the world?

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