Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

Facts? Like two rival tribes in Nigeria are somehow not the same people? I guess if a black gangbanger in Memphis kills a rival black gang member then they weren’t killed by a black person.
Facts. Just as not all white nations and tribes are one people, not all black nations and tribes are one people.
It's a simple concept. Is there a reason to deny it other than to support a false narrative?
Facts. Just as not all white nations and tribes are one people, not all black nations and tribes are one people.
It's a simple concept. Is there a reason to deny it other than to support a false narrative?

So two black peoples from Nigeria aren’t Nigerians? Thanks for the lesson. 🤣😂
The concept of different nations within Africa is kicking your ass lol

Black people in a region in Africa are the same black people. Trying to throw some bulls*** spin on it doesn’t change the facts.There are/were many different Native American tribes but they’re all still native Americans.
Are they both Ibo or Yoruba or another of the several tribes that make up Nigeria? There was no Nigeria in the 1700's.

It doesn’t matter. The argument you are attempting to make is irrelevant to what happened.
Black people in a region in Africa are the same black people. Trying to throw some bulls*** spin on it doesn’t change the facts.There are/were many different Native American tribes but they’re all still native Americans.

And there are a bunch of different white people in Europe but they're all the same whites. Right? I ask because you dodged this question:
If the Danes sold some Poles to the Turks, would you say their own people sold them?
Black people in a region in Africa are the same black people. Trying to throw some bulls*** spin on it doesn’t change the facts.There are/were many different Native American tribes but they’re all still native Americans.
Try telling a Cherokee in the 1700's that the Chickasaw are 'his people' and see the reaction. Or a Scotsman in the 1400's that the English are his. They're all the same color, right?
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If they hadn't been born into slavery they would have acquired life skills otherwise. It's putting lipstick on a pig to say that slavery helped prepare them for the job market.
True. They would have learned to hunt, trap, capture, and sell humans. A popular sport in Africa and South America to this day.
There are different nations in Africa, with their own languages, beliefs, and customs, like there are in Europe, Asia and the Americas. If the Danes sold some Poles to the Turks, would you say their own people sold them?
Are they White people? Then yes. Just because one group speaks a different language and the other puts screen doors on submarines doesn't make them any less the same genetically.
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You always have to love it when white bigots want to argue that slavery was good and then suggest that they know how to resolve issues within the black community.
Such a convenient way the rules of these arguments always work. Lefties are allowed to make blanket statements about whiteness (privilege, hegemony, supremacy, fragility, etc.) without any consideration for differences within that grouping. But if you talk about "black" people as a group, all of a sudden it's "ThErE wErE aLl tHeSe DiFfErEnT tRiBeS, yA bIgOt!!!"
Do people who emigrate from the U.S. to other countries refer to themselves as "American-Africans," (or -Asians or -Europeans or -Australians or -Irish, etc.?). Not being an international traveler, just curious.
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Such a convenient way the rules of these arguments always work. Lefties are allowed to make blanket statements about whiteness (privilege, hegemony, supremacy, fragility, etc.) without any consideration for differences within that grouping. But if you talk about "black" people as a group all of a sudden it's "ThErE wErE aLl tHeSe DiFfErEnT tRiBeS, yA bIgOt!!!"

Well, there is some ubiquitous "black community" out there somewhere.
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while this addition is factually true it is an unnecessary and irrelevant addition for the topic.

sounds like both D's and R's are about some book banning.

how about we leave this out and leave out the 1619 Project nonsense as well as any pretense that CRT is history or fact
In true Bham fashion…. A logical post
Another hit-piece from the democratic media.

DeSantis commissioned a group of scholars, all Black scholars, to revise the Black history curriculum. Part of that was emphasizing how former slaves succeeded and overcame the obstacles they faced. Many of them utilized the skills they learned as a slave to do so. It's about focusing on how Blacks can succeed and positive stories instead of crap like the 1619 Project that just makes crap up and tells Black kids they are perpetual victims who can never succeed and all White people are evil.

There is nothing in the messaging that slavery was "good" at all, it's about how Blacks overcame. DeSantis doesn't back down. He sticks to the truth and what is right. He also can make that argument in a coherent manner and has very smart people to back him up.
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while this addition is factually true it is an unnecessary and irrelevant addition for the topic.

sounds like both D's and R's are about some book banning.

how about we leave this out and leave out the 1619 Project nonsense as well as any pretense that CRT is history or fact
The detrimental impact of being a slave far outweighed the benefit of learning how to use a cotton gin and plant crops.

This is an offensive rationale.
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