'24 TX OT Bennett Warren (Tennessee)

A little? This staff hasn’t landed a HS OT since they’ve been here. Unless that’s where Trevor Duncan ends up. Saying our OL recruiting “is a little concerning” is putting things lightly. Especially if your consider the fact we just had an OT drafted 10th overall and we still can’t seem to buy an OT out of HS

Um, this staff landed OT Brian Grant. This staff also landed L Johnson who has 4 yrs eligibility. Your stupidity is still intact.
Sham is the only true OT. They have to step it up bigly
I tried telling people on here this time last year that Trevor Duncan will ultimately end up as an OT and everyone said “iF rG wAnTs HiM oN dEfEnSe ThAtS wHeRe hE eNdS uP”. After seeing our OL recruiting play out be willing to bet my account on here that he gets moved there in the spring @Freak
This staff has worked miracles there’s no doubt, but the people on here that chastize anyone that criticizes them are in for a very rude awakening with both lines next season and potentially the OL as early as this year. In my personal opinion I don’t see how there’s any chance this staff can build a better OL than what we had last season at the rate we’re recruiting. There doesn’t seem to be any Darnell Wrights coming into the program any time soon, and in the SEC and with the deep shots we like to take you HAVE TO have multiple 1st or 2nd round NFL draft picks on your OL. Particularly at tackle. Without Darnell Wright last year were an 8-9 win team. There’s a reason OTs get paid what they do in the NFL, and we can’t close the door of a deep freezer when it comes to recruiting that position. I think Elarbee is a great developer of talent, but he’s been the worst recruiter on this staff so far and it’s not particularly close in my opinion, and he made an absolutely atrocious evaluation on Karic from Texas

Darnell Wright wasnt even considered a first rounder until this yr and probably not until the LSU game and then Bama. Took him 4 yrs. Its called development and with the OL thats the most important thing. Just sit back and watch instead of complaining constantly

and you have the portal. Some people just want to cry about something. You have never even seen most of these guys play that youre talking about. You have no idea where they are in their development. Like zero.
Darnell Wright wasnt even considered a first rounder until this yr and probably not until the LSU game and then Bama. Took him 4 yrs. Its called development and with the OL thats the most important thing. Just sit back and watch instead of complaining constantly

and you have the portal. Some people just want to cry about something.
Darnell was a consensus 5 star out of HS and his scouting report literally says he had first round upside. It just took time to turn him into that. Brian Grant and Larry Johnson aren’t remotely close to being as quick on their feet as he was even out of HS though. Also you can’t just use the portal every 2 years to bring in a pair of tackles. The portal isn’t meant to build an entire unit. Especially on the OL where the unit growing and knowing how to play together is nearly as important as talent. It’s to fill a hole within a unit (i.e Mincey/Bru/Thornton). Also after seeing John Crawford attempt to run block and Karic loaf on the field I’m not sure they’ve done that great of a job there either. Crawford is so bad in run blocking they had to flip him and Mincey and Mincey wasn’t happy about it either
Darnell was a consensus 5 star out of HS and his scouting report literally says he had first round upside. It just took time to turn him into that. Brian Grant and Larry Johnson aren’t remotely close to being as quick on their feet as he was even out of HS though. Also you can’t just use the portal every 2 years to bring in a pair of tackles. The portal isn’t meant to build an entire unit. Especially on the OL where the unit growing and knowing how to play together is nearly as important as talent. It’s to fill a hole within a unit (i.e Mincey/Bru/Thornton). Also after seeing John Crawford attempt to run block and Karic loaf on the field I’m not sure they’ve done that great of a job there either. Crawford is so bad in run blocking they had to flip him and Mincey and Mincey wasn’t happy about it either

Stop acting like you know more about recruits and recruiting and development than the staff.

It’s absurd.
Um, this staff landed OT Brian Grant. This staff also landed L Johnson who has 4 yrs eligibility. Your stupidity is still intact.
Brian Grant...really? 🤣 they landed him in the 2021 class when they were scrambling to put together a class at the last minute. Larry Johnson might be a diamond in the rough at RT, but that’s it. At some point we’re going to start landing elite OT prospects. Because that’s our best bet at putting together an OL that won’t get shredded by Georgia
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Stop acting like you know more about recruits and recruiting and development than the staff.

It’s absurd.
You can not like what I post all you want, but you’re just disputing facts on this one. Neither of them had the pop in their set or quickness that Darnell had coming out of HS. I have no doubt that Elarbee will develop these guys to their maximum potential after seeing what he did with Wright in 2 years. I just don’t see them at their best being good enough to stop what is essentially a farm system for NFL 1st round picks on the DL from obliterating our QB
Brian Grant...really? 🤣 they landed him in the 2021 class when they were scrambling to put together a class at the last minute. Larry Johnson might be a diamond in the rough at RT, but that’s it. At some point we’re going to start landing elite OT prospects. Because that’s our best bet at putting together an OL that won’t get shredded by Georgia
You tore down those goalposts, forget just moving them.
This forum is so much better if you utilize the ignore feature. I go into so many threads and I have no idea what tf is going on because people are quoting trolls I’ve ignored.

Is that a good thing? Not knowing what's going on? I'm assuming I'm not on your ignore list too 😄
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It’s absurd that people continue to engage obvious trolls.
I’m not trolling. Our OT recruiting sucks, and there’s no getting around that. Taking scraps in 21-22 was acceptable because of timing. In 2022-23 it was a little aggravating, but it was understandable because guys already had their mind’s made up by the time we were kicking ass. This year though there’s no excuse for it. We’re coming off a season where we just beat 3 of the last 4 national champions. We have what is supposed to be the top NIL collective in college football and we just had an OT drafted 10th overall that shut Will Anderson down and Elarbee still can’t seem to land a stud in the portal or out of HS. If not now when does it pick up?
I’m not trolling. Our OT recruiting sucks, and there’s no getting around that. Taking scraps in 21-22 was acceptable because of timing. In 2022-23 it was a little aggravating, but it was understandable because guys already had their mind’s made up by the time we were kicking ass. This year though there’s no excuse for it. We’re coming off a season where we just beat 3 of the last 4 national champions. We have what is supposed to be the top NIL collective in college football and we just had an OT drafted 10th overall that shut Will Anderson down and Elarbee still can’t seem to land a stud in the portal or out of HS. If not now when does it pick up?

Never. The Heupel era will be plagued with subpar offensive tackle play.
I’m not trolling. Our OT recruiting sucks, and there’s no getting around that. Taking scraps in 21-22 was acceptable because of timing. In 2022-23 it was a little aggravating, but it was understandable because guys already had their mind’s made up by the time we were kicking ass. This year though there’s no excuse for it. We’re coming off a season where we just beat 3 of the last 4 national champions. We have what is supposed to be the top NIL collective in college football and we just had an OT drafted 10th overall that shut Will Anderson down and Elarbee still can’t seem to land a stud in the portal or out of HS. If not now when does it pick up?
Wow, I dont think it sucks. But i dont think its good or even great.
Even Brent/Austin are starting to ring the alarm of not having enough OTs. Cause next year you'll have 6-7 linemen gone.

They also said as of right now, there is no one from the new linemen to where you'll say...their going to be a good starter
we gotta close this one
Even Brent/Austin are starting to ring the alarm of not having enough OTs. Cause next year you'll have 6-7 linemen gone.

They also said as of right now, there is no one from the new linemen to where you'll say...their going to be a good starter
Neither are coaches sooooo……….
CJH will take care of it
Brian Grant...really? 🤣 they landed him in the 2021 class when they were scrambling to put together a class at the last minute. Larry Johnson might be a diamond in the rough at RT, but that’s it. At some point we’re going to start landing elite OT prospects. Because that’s our best bet at putting together an OL that won’t get shredded by Georgia

Yes, Sweetheart. Brian Grant. Brian Grant was in the 2022 Class, not 2021 as you state directly above.
And I mentioned Grant just to correct your prior nonsense when you repeatedly claimed this staff has recruited 0 HS Tackles.
And now you diss a Vol O Lineman who just finished his Freshman year. Try to at least act like you have some sense and humility.

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