'24 TX OT Bennett Warren (Tennessee)

Iā€™m actually a pretty nice guy.
For context, Jim Jones had a magnetic personality and was thought of as the nicest guy you could meet.

I just donā€™t like mediocrity
Except apparently in yourself. Your "opinions" are too often half-baked and ill-informed.
and people thinking that because I donā€™t coach football for a living that I donā€™t know ball and canā€™t see blatant shortcomings in a coach or player
It doesn't take those things to make criticisms. It does take some level of knowledge which you honestly appear not to have. Witness your recent apparent ignorance about conflict between team Alphas in the locker room. On several occasions, I've called you out for showing no understanding of the inner workings of a team, scheme, coaching method, etc.

So while it is a fact that you do not have to be an expert to recognize weaknesses... you have to be more informed than you ever are. Even then... you should approach such criticisms with humility recognizing that there may be facts you don't know or that you might have misconstrued something. You don't come with the ironclad declarations that you so often and ignorantly make.
Has this young man set a commitment date yet?
Warren really liked his visit to Tennessee a couple weeks ago, and I think the Vols have had plenty of momentum with him since then. But Michiganā€™s academics have helped the Wolverines hang around in that one and remain a big selling point, particularly for Warrenā€™s family. I definitely could see Tennessee winning out in the end, but itā€™s still a close race at the moment.
If we do, can we all finally admit our OL recruiting is a little concerning?
So this whole whine-fest across dozens of threads is to get "us" to admit that we are concerned? I'm here to have fun. I watch sports to have fun. All these immature whiners add nothing to my enjoyment of the sport, and more and more all I see is whining.

Remember when we went 10-2? How many seasons ago was that? I wish we could get that coach back.
So this whole whine-fest across dozens of threads is to get "us" to admit that we are concerned? I'm here to have fun. I watch sports to have fun. All these immature whiners add nothing to my enjoyment of the sport, and more and more all I see is whining.

Remember when we went 10-2? How many seasons ago was that? I wish we could get that coach back.
Who's whining? Certainly not me.
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I bet we we took a vote, you would be surprised at the outcome. Carry on.
I'll post my vote now, I don't care what you think. I'll still post my opinion, which is the point of this site. I'm positive like 90% of the time. Get over yourself.
If we do, can we all finally admit our OL recruiting is a little concerning?

Are we concerned that we lost an instate OL ranked 120 when we have one ranked 30, one ranked 40 a one ranked 107 as of today on 247? Not really a STAR gazer but still.

Do our guys fit our tempo style? Add Warren or similar guy and call it a day. Maybe take a portal guy if he is a super fit.

I donā€™t see Coach lining up on the Henley bridge so I will sit back and watch. Would love to see our war room wall.
So this whole whine-fest across dozens of threads is to get "us" to admit that we are concerned? I'm here to have fun. I watch sports to have fun. All these immature whiners add nothing to my enjoyment of the sport, and more and more all I see is whining.

Remember when we went 10-2? How many seasons ago was that? I wish we could get that coach back.
Thought after bowl it was 11-2,.
So this whole whine-fest across dozens of threads is to get "us" to admit that we are concerned? I'm here to have fun. I watch sports to have fun. All these immature whiners add nothing to my enjoyment of the sport, and more and more all I see is whining.

Remember when we went 10-2? How many seasons ago was that? I wish we could get that coach back.
11-2!!!!!!ā€¦.. and they would be whining if we went to the playoffs and ended up 11-2! Itā€™s as if their finding the weakness of the team is going to save the world, and nobody appreciates their efforts!
He caths.

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