'20 TX RB Zachary Evans

For the people whose link isn’t working this is the most meaningful part of the article.. Still, just a bunch of nothing for the most part 😂

Do you feel that you’ve got a good relationship with Tennessee & OM coaches?
“I have a good relationship with both coaching staff’s. Tennessee got into my recruitment a little but later than some schools. I like Coach Pruitt, he’s easy to relate to. Coach Chaney is a great Coach and learn a lot every time I talk to him. I’ve been knowing Coach Graham for a long time. I like Ole Miss coaches a lot. Coach Smith is easy to relate to. He’s coached a lot of Big time backs. Coach Kiffin is a genius on offense and understands how to get the ball in the Playmakers hands. I really like the coaches at both those schools”

When are you hoping to end this?
“I want take my final official as soon as I can. After that I will weigh my options and make a good decision. I don’t want to set a specific date and put a lot of pressure on myself. I’ve learned from doing that before”

Evans has some decisions to make. He can easily sign financial aid agreements, but this still will not technically tie him to the school. Honestly, until Evans shows up on a campus and enrolls In classes, this thing will carry on.
Kiffin a genious? 😂 Yea, Joey has been laying it on THICK with this kid......
Kiffin is one of the best play callers in America! I don’t know if I’ve seen someone that exploits certain matchups like he does!
Everybody keep their shorts on. Never said Kiffin isn't good. I just reserve the genious tag for select company..

It's an opinion people.........
Surprised ya'll haven't swallowed your pride and reached out to a true industry insider like Andrew Ray for the scoop on this kid.
With how the Darnell Washington recruitment turned out I just don't see us waiting around till March. Something about this just doesn't seem right. Wouldn't suprise me if this is another ploy by UGA to try to have us hold a spot for him when he is never coming here. If thats the case though it does show that Kirby is afraid of Pruitt and what he is building.
@de1conley I don’t recall Buck being associated with this kid as his “handler” until after ga released him. Is that correct? If so, who was “handling” it before and why the change?
Kiffin is one of the best play callers in America! I don’t know if I’ve seen someone that exploits certain matchups like he does!
That may be the case. Cannot handle the used car salesman mochismo act. Get outta here with all that ****. Dude had it all.

Just be straight with your wife, it's all gonna end same anyhow. Being honest at least both sides can be amicable. I have 0 respect for him, coward.

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