Tyler Bray: "I may have stayed at TN, if I known that I wouldn't be drafted"

SIGH! He said if he knew he wouldn't get drafted he may have stayed. If he knew he wouldn't get drafted, he likely would have figured out why as well as being grossly humbled--and stayed. If he figured out why, he would have changed the factors that made him undesired as a draftee--and stayed.

Some people have to be knocked hard upside the head before they pay attention or learn anything. Bray was obviously full of himself and he's not alone in this as many young folks are. Some are too dense to ever, I mean EVER realize it even afterl the head knock I mentioned. So, he would have listened to the new coach and developed into a QB student who prepped for games and become a team player. He would have tuned down the on and off field antics that resulted in his lowered draft status. He isn't the first nor will be the last such player who makes such mistakes. We've had our share: Rogan and Sentimore being recent examples.

Is it so hard to set aside the Bray hatred and really hope for the best for Tyler? As well as giving the benefit of doubt about finally understanding and learning from the fact that his being an ass of sorts if why he is in the situation he's in?

I HATE terrorists and murderers...I rooted for Bray to be a star at Tennessee...at times he showed that quality but his slacker GRIP IT AND RIP IT no studying attitude prevailed and NFL teams dinged him on draft day. When it was announced that Gruden was going to do a session with him, I predicted a roasting...and some posters in here got righteous and indignant. Asking questions such as did Tyler murder someone in my family OR SOMETHING? Neither murder or SOMETHING...he wasted his talent at Tennessee but he has a chance to shine in the big leagues...it's on him...and his self appointed guardians?...Call your mother
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All the excuse makers are just upset because they were wrong about Bray and didn't realize it. They have to blame Dooley or Chaney or the defense. Or attack me because I came out of the Bray spell before they did. If not they have to admit defeat. But that's ok, no hard feelings. We are all Vols in the end. :peace:
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I don't think it's really a split blame as much as lazy kid falling into a situation where he would unfortunately be tolerated. It's still his own fault, but I have a hard time believing that he'd have turned out the exact same if he had played for Nick Saban, Mark Richt or Steve Spurrier.

I was 100% with you until you included Richt. I really like the guy, but not sure that being a disciplinarian is his strong suit.
Tn is still up in the air about the QB position but I for one am glad he's gone. He may have had arm strength but I never saw him as an elite QB everyone else did. All of his "big time" stats came against very weak and lesser opponents. Will always link him and Poole and couple others to the KY loss. I think they threw that game!
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He is like DD he is gone, why we keep talking about him he is gone, really didnt do anything for us was to laid back for me as a leader of your football team, wish him the best but dont think he will work hard enough when it is all said and done will on first then when he thinks he has his foot in door will get Lazy hope he proves me wrong.
Tn is still up in the air about the QB position but I for one am glad he's gone. He may have had arm strength but I never saw him as an elite QB everyone else did. All of his "big time" stats came against very weak and lesser opponents. Will always link him and Poole and couple others to the KY loss. I think they threw that game!

You hit that nail on the head i right with you, and if they did then damn what are we talking about then, then he would go down as one of the all time scum bags in the history of TENNESSEE SPORTS.
I don't think it's really a split blame as much as lazy kid falling into a situation where he would unfortunately be tolerated. It's still his own fault, but I have a hard time believing that he'd have turned out the exact same if he had played for Nick Saban, Mark Richt or Steve Spurrier.

If he had played for bama little nick would have make him a top 10 pick in the draft then to be a complete bust in the NFL.
I find it downright comical how many damn "experts" here hating on the kid by making fallacious comments about his work ethic and intelligence. JUST HOW IN THE F_CK DO YOU KNOW THIS?! You don't! You would only know if you were sitting in the QB meetings and such....and not a damn one of you were. Knock it off with the BS routine!

I'm getting sick of our own fanbase trashing the kid, when he played well enough for us to win all but on damn game last year. If the defense did their part, we aren't playing from behind all the time, and the offense gets 4-5 more possessions/game. Get your head out your arses...you bunch of haters?
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Exactly. Then when the draft was over his dad said the phone rang off the hook with teams wanting him. Owners/GMs talk and they knew he was probably going UD and knew they could steal him as a FA.

So why not hedge your bets and throw a seventh rounder...that backup longsnapper was higher on the board I guess
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I find it downright comical how many damn "experts" here hating on the kid by making fallacious comments about his work ethic and intelligence. JUST HOW IN THE F_CK DO YOU KNOW THIS?! You don't! You would only know if you were sitting in the QB meetings and such....and not a damn one of you were. Knock it off with the BS routine!

I'm getting sick of our own fanbase trashing the kid, when he played well enough for us to win all but on damn game last year. If the defense did their part, we aren't playing from behind all the time, and the offense gets 4-5 more possessions/game. Get your head out your arses...you bunch of haters?

Why the ?...reality catch up to you?
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I HATE terrorists and murderers...I rooted for Bray to be a star at Tennessee...at times he showed that quality but his slacker GRIP IT AND RIP IT no studying attitude prevailed and NFL teams dinged him on draft day. When it was announced that Gruden was going to do a session with him, I predicted a roasting...and some posters in here got righteous and indignant. Asking questions such as did Tyler murder someone in my family OR SOMETHING? Neither murder or SOMETHING...he wasted his talent at Tennessee but he has a chance to shine in the big leagues...it's on him...and his self appointed guardians?...Call your mother
Posted via VolNation Mobile

That's not the point. Indeed, I said he'd been an ass of sorts. The point is the repeated verbal stomping of the guy. Why some of you can't just say that well he got what he deserved but hopefully he has learned.
Learned that the world doesn't revolve around him and his attitude will make or break him. No need to put the guy down over and over. But no matter, I should know better than to say such things. Especially when I'm well aware that the Jerry Springer-Maury-Steve Wilkos mentality dominates this board. Fans of those shows aren't happy unless someone is being trashed. Undoubtly, those shows have VN fans in significant numbers given the attitude of too many here.
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All the excuse makers are just upset because they were wrong about Bray and didn't realize it. They have to blame Dooley or Chaney or the defense. Or attack me because I came out of the Bray spell before they did. If not they have to admit defeat. But that's ok, no hard feelings. We are all Vols in the end. :peace:
You have to understand reality is a pill most often rejected by a forum filled with sunshine pumpers. :mf_surrender:
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Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I'm sure with the knowledge they have now that Bray would have stayed for his senior season and Barkley would not have stayed for his!

Btw, with a little hindsight and a copy of the WSJ from the future, I'd be a very rich man right now!:cray:
That's not the point. Indeed, I said he been an ass of sorts. The point is the repeated verbal stomping of the guy. Why some of you can't just say that well he got what he deserved but hopefully he has learned.
Learned that the world doesn't revolve around him and his attitude will make or break him. No need to put the guy down over and over. But no matter, I should know better than to say such things. Especially when I'm well aware that the Jerry Springer-Maury-Steve Wilkos mentality dominates this board. Fans of those shows aren't happy unless someone is being trashed. Undoubtly, those shows have VN fans in significant numbers given the attitude of too many here.

"Stomping'" seems extreme...and his VN guardians care a lot more than he does
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"Stomping'" seems extreme...and his VN guardians care a lot more than he does
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Perhaps I should have said the gleeful joy some get from seeing TB go undrafted. If one insist on being classless, they will be. :closedeyes:
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Perhaps I should have said the gleeful joy some get from seeing TB go undrafted. If one insist on being classless, they will be. :closedeyes:

I see your point..I hope he ends up as a good story on reinventing oneself and winning at the end...he'll have a say in it
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FYI for those wondering about the character concerns with Bray: it was well known in student circles that Tyler enjoyed a good amount of blazing in college. I'm not sure if I ever heard a story about people interacting with him where weed wasn't involved in some manner.

Not to say that makes him a bad person or anything, but I'm sure scouts and NFL teams knew all about it and it contributed to his slide.
FYI for those wondering about the character concerns with Bray: it was well known in student circles that Tyler enjoyed a good amount of blazing in college. I'm not sure if I ever heard a story about people interacting with him where weed wasn't involved in some manner.

Not to say that makes him a bad person or anything, but I'm sure scouts and NFL teams knew all about it and it contributed to his slide.

I'm still curious how they are gonna manage this problem when weed is legal in half the U.S. and not the other half. I mean we aren't that far away from it honestly. Sure they can say "Smoke weed and you don't work for us" but it won't be long before someone sues for that claiming its taking away a right (itd be like saying if you drink or smoke or buy lottery tickets you can't work for us) and I just don't see the NFL winning that one.

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