Tyler Bray: "I may have stayed at TN, if I known that I wouldn't be drafted"

We can trash Bray all we want and make fun of him saying he might have come back but I think we are going to find that we don't have nearly as good of options at QB as he would have been.
Reality? What's real here is a bunch of you haters are stupid enough to eat your own...over what? A bunch of damn heresay? You don't have a clue as to whether Tyler Bray has an Football IQ or work ethic issue. Not a single freakin one of you do. Bunch of Monday morning QB's, talking like you know something. :loco:

Unless you are part of the team and can sit in on the same position meetings and such, you don't have any basis to be trashing the kid about work ethic and such.

He AIN'T my own...how do I know his work ethic blows monkey nuts?...my gift of sight!..What games were you watching the past three season between bong hits?....DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO BELIEVE!! I you disagree...no problem..BUT YOU AIN'T BULLYING ME INTO YOUR VIEWPOINT...See you made me go ALL CAPS and my thumb hurts.
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The same people bashing him will be the same people kissing his butt if he is successful. I hope he turns out to be Peyton 2.0. He is a vol, I wish nothing but the best for him. Having said that I wish he would have stayed.
The same people bashing him will be the same people kissing his butt if he is successful. I hope he turns out to be Peyton 2.0. He is a vol, I wish nothing but the best for him. Having said that I wish he would have stayed.

That part of his body is safe I assure you...I don't care if he redefines the position.
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He AIN'T my own...how do I know his work ethic blows monkey nuts?...my gift of sight!..What games were you watching the past three season between bong hits?....DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO BELIEVE!! I you disagree...no problem..BUT YOU AIN'T BULLYING ME INTO YOUR VIEWPOINT...See you made me go ALL CAPS and my thumb hurts.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Well don't talk as if you know, cause you don't. It's just that simple. You can say you thought he played poorly in this game or that, but you don't know shiite about his work ethic or his intellect. That info is not privy to you...Joe Schmo the Couch Potato.
See John Gruden's comments about Bray then come back and try to convince us of this garbage....

I've been a critic of Bray all along--He really only had 1 good game against a quality opponent--USCe 2012--and hasn't matured...I wish that I would have had his height and opportunity to play for the Big Orange! He had the opportunity to do what millions of Tennessee kids dream about and didn't respect it.

However, I do hope that he grows up and makes the most of his chance with Kansas City. GO VOLS!
See, that's it right there. You wankers take a little criticism from Gruden and run with it, to make it fit your own twisted, un-informed narrative.

Gruden criticized Andrew Luck, just as much, last year. If I recall correctly, that's where the whole Spider Y Banana thing got started. Now, that must mean he is the next Ryan Leaf, right?

What a bunch of damn idiots that hang around this board. It was a shiity draft for all QB's not named EJ Emanuel. Comprende? Even Golden Boy, the recent Kiffin Prodigy, who was supposed to be a Top 5 pick in the draft LAST year, had he come out early....slid from a projected late 1st Rd pick, all the way to the 4th Rd.

There just weren't that many teams looking for a QB in the draft this year. Even teams that were expected to (KC, Browns, Jags, Cards), didn't. They either brought in a veteran instead, or apparently did not want to create a circus atmosphere around the ones they have.

Any other year and Bray probably goes by the 3-4th Rd.
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Excuse train coming, clear the tracks.
Defense has nothing to do with drafting a qb. At all. Looks silly to even suggest such. West Va's d was just as bad. Where did GS get drafted? Excuses, excuses. And what good is ability with no brains? And is his lack of brains Dooley's fault? Lmao...

Excuse me ? Ask EJ Manuel the same question! Its amazing that the only qb that was taken played on a more complete team. A lot of so called experts would argue and win the argument that Bray has more talent than any of the qbs drafted
It amazing the vol fans are kicking Bray, but grown up who was paid hansomely gets no blame for Bray! We had a team that could have won 7,8,9 games, the defense sucked! If we had Defense We r not having
This conversation
. We had bad leadership in worst way. How do u have that much talent on one team and not win. Tyler Bray is no scrub the head coach was. Look at Butch compared to dooley Butch has full control of this team.
Well don't talk as if you know, cause you don't. It's just that simple. You can say you thought he played poorly in this game or that, but you don't know shiite about his work ethic or his intellect. That info is not privy to you...Joe Schmo the Couch Potato.

You getting ready for two a days there chief?
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Excuse me ? Ask EJ Manuel the same question! Its amazing that the only qb that was taken played on a more complete team. A lot of so called experts would argue and win the argument that Bray has more talent than any of the qbs drafted

There was not a franchise qb this year. Bunch of projects.
See, that's it right there. You wankers take a little criticism from Gruden and run with it, to make it fit your own twisted, un-informed narrative.

Gruden criticized Andrew Luck, just as much, last year. If I recall correctly, that's where the whole Spider Y Banana thing got started. Now, that must mean he is the next Ryan Leaf, right?

What a bunch of damn idiots that hang around this board. It was a shiity draft for all QB's not named EJ Emanuel. Comprende? Even Golden Boy, the recent Kiffin Prodigy, who was supposed to be a Top 5 pick in the draft LAST year, had he come out early....slid from a projected late 1st Rd pick, all the way to the 4th Rd.

There just weren't that many teams looking for a QB in the draft this year. Even teams that were expected to (KC, Browns, Jags, Cards), didn't. They either brought in a veteran instead, or apparently did not want to create a circus atmosphere around the ones they have.

Any other year and Bray probably goes by the 3-4th Rd.

Andrew Luck was the first pick of the draft. Would have been a top 5 pick if he came out early. Regardless of year. A franchise qb trumps all when it comes to the draft. Luck is a franchise qb. His play and demeanor in college was a good indicator. Bray has done nothing to make anyone believe he was. Blaming this on the "bad year for qb's" is funny. Not many teams have a franchise qb. They are in high demand. Bray gave no indication that he was anything like Luck. And as far as Gruden, he just watched the tapes of the games we all saw. Just because you did not recognize the flaws in Bray's game back then don't mean we all didn't. This is nothing new except to the "joe schmo couch potato guy" someone referenced earlier. Step your game up rookies.
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I think hes got a real shot in kc. They have a great D and thats a luxury he is not used to. Hope he catches on. GBO!
He AIN'T my own...how do I know his work ethic blows monkey nuts?...my gift of sight!..What games were you watching the past three season between bong hits?....DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO BELIEVE!! I you disagree...no problem..BUT YOU AIN'T BULLYING ME INTO YOUR VIEWPOINT...See you made me go ALL CAPS and my thumb hurts.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The only poster I have on ignore is the one you responded too. His drivel got to be abusive drivel and I got tired of his tirades. However, I guess unlike you and I, he didn't actually watch games and sat on his couch playing Donkey Kong and reading the box scores after the game. I watched the KY game in 2011. That was ENOUGH for me to make my decision on TB. Didn't want him last year, didn't want him this year, and really don't give a crap how he does in the NFL. Someone will put a big boy hit his slow butt and he will be back in Calli spending mama and daddy's money and pumping gas.
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It amazing the vol fans are kicking Bray, but grown up who was paid hansomely gets no blame for Bray! We had a team that could have won 7,8,9 games, the defense sucked! If we had Defense We r not having This conversation this year. Would have been next year. We had bad leadership on the field in worst way. How do u have that much talent on one team and not win. Tyler Bray is no scrub the head coach was. Look at Butch compared to dooley Butch has full control of this team.

Andrew Luck was the first pick of the draft. Would have been a top 5 pick if he came out early. Regardless of year. A franchise qb trumps all when it comes to the draft. Luck is a franchise qb. His play and demeanor in college was a good indicator. Bray has done nothing to make anyone believe he was. Blaming this on the "bad year for qb's" is funny. Not many teams have a franchise qb. They are in high demand. Bray gave no indication that he was anything like Luck. And as far as Gruden, he just watched the tapes of the games we all saw. Just because you did not recognize the flaws in Bray's game back then don't mean we all didn't. This is nothing new except to the "joe schmo couch potato guy" someone referenced earlier. Step your game up rookies.

Didn't Bray say his work ethic and preparedness for KY wasn't "what it should be?" Didn't Bray rate HIMSELF as unprepared to play at UT? The guy you are wasting your time replying to is one step down from VolBeef88. VB actually knows football.
I'm still curious how they are gonna manage this problem when weed is legal in half the U.S. and not the other half. I mean we aren't that far away from it honestly. Sure they can say "Smoke weed and you don't work for us" but it won't be long before someone sues for that claiming its taking away a right (itd be like saying if you drink or smoke or buy lottery tickets you can't work for us) and I just don't see the NFL winning that one.

America never ever has made sense with things like this because we refuse to learn from the past. Alcohol was legalized and taxed. What we get? Ruined lives, car deaths whether collisions or crushing pedestrians, and lately incidents of airline pilots working while intoxicated. I have witnessed pilots drinking cocktails and shots at airport bars. thinking they must be off duty, was stunned to see them with their little flight roller bags enter the plane's cabin ready to fly. You'd think security cameras would catch this. But even when reported doesn't always result in removal of the pilot. Anyway, now here we are doing the same thing with pot. We never learn. So what to do? Ask the good government of Singapore. Those people don't fool around: The possession, consumption, manufacturing, import, export, or trafficking of these and other controlled drugs in any amount are illegal. Persons caught with less than the Mandatory Death Penalty (MDP) amounts of these controlled substances face penalties ranging from caning (up to 24 strokes) to life in prison. Pursuant to a law change in 2009, cannabis (marijuana) and marijuana mixtures (diluted with other substances) are treated the same under Singapore law—the presumed intent is trafficking.
Meanwhile, back to TB bashing........................I am so glad he is gone and we can move on.
I actually expected Bray to be drafted was surprised when he wasn't. He can still make it in the NFL he has the physical talent just needs to get his head on straight and make plays that will get him his big contract if he can get in position to have the opportunity.[/QUOTE

Yep, he is in an excellent position, could'nt have turned out better for him. He's been given a reality humility check, dropped in the lap of a proven NFL guru coach, has a veteran NFL QB to learn from and in a way hide behind, all with everyone practically having low expectations of him. If he can beat out clipboard 3rd string QB Stansi he should be on his way.
They should be a rule that no college football player can get an agent till after draft and is still eligible to play in college if not drafted or can decline offer if late pick. Just sounds like a good ideal but ncaa does not get it!
If I didn't know any better I would say Bray sounded somewhat grown up in that article...

And there is no way he shouldn't make that roster. KC is a great place for him and the QB's on that roster aren't exactly gushing with elite talent - including Smith. Bray should definitely get the 3rd spot, if not the number 2 spot later down.
The only poster I have on ignore is the one you responded too. His drivel got to be abusive drivel and I got tired of his tirades. However, I guess unlike you and I, he didn't actually watch games and sat on his couch playing Donkey Kong and reading the box scores after the game. I watched the KY game in 2011. That was ENOUGH for me to make my decision on TB. Didn't want him last year, didn't want him this year, and really don't give a crap how he does in the NFL. Someone will put a big boy hit his slow butt and he will be back in Calli spending mama and daddy's money and pumping gas.

Yeah he got personal and defensive over a QB who hasn't earned a FOLLOWING. Posters who have reservations about Tyler shouldn't have to display an athletic resume to express an opinion...if so there will be a lot of echoes in here...this is a fan site...and I qualify...I actually hope Bray makes it at the next level...he just had a bad start
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He AIN'T my own...how do I know his work ethic blows monkey nuts?...my gift of sight!..What games were you watching the past three season between bong hits?....DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO BELIEVE!! I you disagree...no problem..BUT YOU AIN'T BULLYING ME INTO YOUR VIEWPOINT...See you made me go ALL CAPS and my thumb hurts.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Holding down the shift key with your thumb? Classic rookie mistake. Caps Lock, FTW.

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