Tyler Bray should have stayed.

i'll say this.

you better hope the character flaws of tyler bray aren't this bad. if they are legitimately that bad despite not being a drug problem or a criminal problem....

than i would be scared something fierce about the qb position this season
Dooley was a terrible head. He could very well be the worse HC in Tennessee history.

He is not the reason Bray did not get drafted. Brays childish attitude is the reason he was not drafted.

Dooley's mistake was starting Bray. He should have sat him out a game or two early on and let him know it takes more than a great arm to be a good qb.
Dooley played the arm and that was a mistake and it showed in the record against quality opponents. Bray was not ready to be a starting qb in the brutal SEC, not because of ability, but because of immaturity. Dooleys mistake was sticking with Bray.

I have watched TN football since the 1960's and Bray is the only QB i have ever saw wearing the orange to give up in a game, act as he did on the sidelines.

I cannot think of one starting qb from TN that I would start Bray ahead of simply due to his attitude. His attitude has now cost him millions of dollars.

I can. AJ Suggs, Brent Schaeffer, Justin Worley, 2008 Johnathan Crompton and MAYBE Rick Clausen are names that quickly come to mind. Attitude or not, Bray should be on the field ahead of at least the first 3. The 1990 season is as far back as I go with UT football, and in a must win game, I'd put Kelly, Shuler, Colquitt, Manning, Martin, C. Clausen, Ainge and 09 Crompton ahead of him. I couldn't remember if Todd Helton ever started a game, and I'm not really sure where I'd put him if he did.
i'll say this.

you better hope the character flaws of tyler bray aren't this bad. if they are legitimately that bad despite not being a drug problem or a criminal problem....

than i would be scared something fierce about the qb position this season

I don't know. Peterman was a RS all the way last year and we already knew that Worley sucked. Either way, neither of those guys are well-suited to what Jones really wants to do on offense, so I won't be surprised if we see one of the freshmen end up playing most of the year.
Bottom line. He's an idiot. Do we really wish that someone who basically admitted to quitting in games stay another season? No. Peace out. Waste of talent.

He has the natural ability but doesn't give a damn about team. He told Gruden that he gave about 70%… Geez thanks!! That probably cost UT a few games, you think? At least that attitude alone would.

TB could not play for CBJ,he expects 100% all of the time.
Not in terms of recruiting. Whether it is fair or not, the name of the school carries a lot of weight, even if the coach has changed. Bray put up solid numbers at UT, against SEC competition, and did not get drafted. Recruits are going to be reminded of that by competing coaches. Hell, the last UT QB to see real playing time in the NFL was Peyton, and he played at UT over fifteen years ago. I can't even think of a UT QB since Manning that has even been 2nd string on an NFL roster.

It may be better teaching point for Bray to go undrafted. Saban didn't have one player drafted his first year at Bama. One of the reason was because Saban did not push any of them as pro prospects. He sent home the message that he is not supporting players that lose to La Monroe, and recruits are reminded of it!
I'd really like to know what kind of draft estimate he was being told.

I think he was told 3-4 rd, which most thought. even at that he should have stayed. Kid has first -second round talent with a change in attitude. live in the film room, and actually win some games in the clutch. Still hard to picture someone wouldn't take a chance on his arm in the 7th rd. I really think the Gruden interview hurt him. It also hurt him loosing Darick, Hunter coming of injury, and no clue what rout CP was going to run.
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I really think Dools trashed Bray and Rogers, there were plenty of draftees with far more problems that either of them. I have never really trashed CDD but I really believe that he really did a diservice to these guys.
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He was UNDRAFTED...short of injury, staying would not have hurt his draft status. When you get undrafted it wouldn't hurt to get one more year in- it could only help. I think all of the question marks teams had on him really hurt him. I think he should have stayed. Seeing that he didn't stay we'll never know. Best of luck to him...
I hope Bray finds himself and turns into a total QB for someone. I also wish he could have been that for us.
I really think Dools trashed Bray and Rogers, there were plenty of draftees with far more problems that either of them. I have never really trashed CDD but I really believe that he really did a diservice to these guys.
Superior players win big games, put fans in the seats, create a buzz in the community, and may even help win a Super Bowl. All of this translates into millions of dollars for the team owners who draft those superior players.

All Derek Dooley had to do is trash said superior players, and the team owners come to the decision that "who needs several million more dollars? I'm going to take the advice of a losing coach instead." Do you really believe that Dooley has that much influence in the league? Teams had the opportunity to interview and evaluate Bray and Rogers for themselves. That is where the decision was made.
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I feel kinda sorry for the kid. After the Kiffin debacle he did the honorable thing and chose to stay at UT and for 3yrs all this fan base has done is lay blame for the inadequacies of our team at his feet.

Point - He's not a leader.
Counter Point - The HC was hardly a leader. But an 18-20yr old kid should've intrinsically been better? He should've demanded that our mediocre RB's perform better. I agree.

Point - He makes poor decisions on the field.
Counter Point - I seem to recall tons of complaints regarding Jim Chaney's play calling. Didn't he abandon the run the entire 2nd half of the FL game? That's not on Bray. Perhaps his position coach could've helped. They didn't even try to teach him accountability until this year's Vandy game. That's on the coaches!

Point - He should've stayed and learned Butch's system.
Counter Point - Bray is almost as slow as Casey Clausen. That dog was never gonna hunt. He'd get killed running the zone read.

Point - He was immature off the field.
Counter Point - He drove too close to some folks while on a jet ski and threw some beer bottles at a dumpster and hit a parked car. Seriously? Guys with drug addictions and criminal records got drafted.

Point - He couldn't win the tough games.
Counter Point - He had the worst defense in the history of the program. Was it his fault UT couldn't put away teams like Troy, Akron, Miss St.

IMO, Bray stuck it out at UT during it's worst spell in a generation. It wasn't what he signed up for but he stayed and he never badmouthed his team or the university. I still haven't heard him say a single negative thing about Dooley and Lord knows there's plenty he could complain about. How 'bout we Vol fans simply say good luck to the young man and wish him the best.

All good points.

So, good luck, Bray! Vols fans didn't help. We owed you better coaching.

There are no doubts in my mind where that criticism fits better than upon a bunch on sunshine pumping fans who simply did NOT have your back.
All good points.

So, good luck, Bray! Vols fans didn't help. We owed you better coaching.

There are no doubts in my mind where that criticism fits better than upon a bunch on sunshine pumping fans who simply did NOT have your back.

Correction... real blame is on Mike Hamilton for hiring Dooley. Sunshine pumpers only get an assist for keeping him too darn long.
Tyler Bray should have stayed.

Michael Schottey ‏@Schottey 6m
One scout just texted that his GM refuses to even consider Tyler Bray (QB Tennessee)…called his whiteboard interview the worst he'd seen.

Michael Schottey ‏@Schottey 2m
Apparently, some of Tennessee's other players in this class aren't exactly fond of Bray & didn't do him any favors when asked about him

Not really surprised. It seems some people can't accept that Bray did this to himself.
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Not in terms of recruiting. Whether it is fair or not, the name of the school carries a lot of weight, even if the coach has changed. Bray put up solid numbers at UT, against SEC competition, and did not get drafted. Recruits are going to be reminded of that by competing coaches. Hell, the last UT QB to see real playing time in the NFL was Peyton, and he played at UT over fifteen years ago. I can't even think of a UT QB since Manning that has even been 2nd string on an NFL roster.

I can't think of a Bama QB that has done anything in the last 15 years, but they are doing just fine. For the life of me Tebow is the only glimmer of anything a Florida QB has ever done in the NFL. That are doing just fine too.
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Im one of them, but there were a couple of times i think he messed up on purpose to get even with DD, cant swear to it, but if he did then thats about as low as you can sink to.:eek:hmy:

It amazes me that people think stuff like this. Maybe he could have been better prepared or worked harder in practice or could have been more resilient and not given up. But I don't think there's been an instance in over 30 years of me watching Tennessee sports where I thought a guy actually sabotaged himself or his team on purpose.
Bray made the right decision coming out this year...what made him an undrafted quantity is his mental and attitudinal approach to the game...he's down to brass tacks...all the physical tool to excel...just needing the time, teaching and commitment to do it. The humbling experience of being undrafted removes all pretensions of entitlement. Tyler is going to have to work harder than he ever has...with no assurances that he will ever be a star...this rebooting works better as a third string QB or on the practice squad than in a new system in his final year
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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It's impossible to defend a guy who admits he didnt work as hard as he could have. But man, we turn on guys around here

Pretty much. When you make comments like that and your play backs it up you leave the door wide open.
It amazes me that people think stuff like this. Maybe he could have been better prepared or worked harder in practice or could have been more resilient and not given up. But I don't think there's been an instance in over 30 years of me watching Tennessee sports where I thought a guy actually sabotaged himself or his team on purpose.

I sincerely believe Bray and Rogers sabotaged the KY game in 2011. we should have won that game big.

I think Bray sabotaged the Vandy game in 2012. We may have lost that game and probably would have but I do believe Bray showed up at that game with the intentions of losing to make sure Dooley would be fired.

The comments made after the KY game and the film of Bray on the sideline of the Vandy game would tell me all I needed to know if I were evaluating him for the draft.
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The reason Bray wasn't drafted was not going to go away until he changes as a person. He has to grow up for one... and he has to stop choking under pressure. Those reasons were probably there when he was recruited away from SDSU. Other teams looked and decided to not offer. Why?
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