Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

why did Denver pass ...sit behind Manning give him time and when Manning retires Bray is ready.

Whatever happened to ........... Jevan Snead ?

Jevan Bryce Snead (born September 2, 1987) is an American football quarterback who is currently a free agent. He was signed by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as an undrafted free agent. He played college football at Mississippi and Texas.
Snead has also been a member of the Tampa Bay Storm.
You would never question this if Tyler had a decent defense while here. People say, "he had chances to beat SEC teams and choked," but forget that he did more than enough to win the game before that point.

Tyler had the misfortune of playing at UT during a rebuilding process. There's no reason at all to blame him for UT's problems when at the same time he was here UT had its worst defense in history, a horrible kicking game, a depleted roster and a coach with a losing record.[/QUOTE]

If Tyler had a decent defense while he was still here, he still would have been the whiny, arrogant, immature QB that he is today. That wouldn't have changed.

Good Quarterbacks run with the situation that they were given, Bray was on fire for the USCe and UGa games, but when the game was on the line, he didn't go out there and score like he had been doing all game. Instead, he choked. He's just not mentally tough, and he never learned how to win.

The worst defense, a horrible kicking game, and the coach's record doesn't really have anything to do with the QB's maturity level or dedication. And UT may have had a depleted roster, but didn't one of his WRs go in the first, and then one in the second round of the draft? And didn't he have an elite O-line to play with?

Mama Bray?

Had all that happened, Bray would have been a 2nd rounder for sure. But teams would still pass for him being a goober and "pulling a Manning".
Jaws with what we all already knew... he shoulda stayed another year.

gruden said Bray made him sick to his stomach.

just said he is all arm no head.


Well, I be danged! I have been saying that on here for the last few years and have gotten BLASTED for saying it.....

Now, maybe, just maybe, Gruden's comments might FORCE some of you to take off your orange glasses when you assess Bray's talents!!!! GO VOLS! :salute:

And, maybe some of you will quit trying to blame CDD for Bray's immaturity!
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JC Shurburtt ‏@jcshurburtt 14s

May not have started IMO not a good QB RT @SportsbySharona: “@IanKenyonNFL: Needless to say, Tyler Bray should regret declaring.”

From JC
why did Denver pass ...sit behind Manning give him time and when Manning retires Bray is ready.


Sarcasm? Bray could learn so much from Peyton though. Like, how to order Peyton's dinner, carry Peyton's pads around, and carry Peyton's clothes to and fro from the dry cleaners. He could do all of that as a water boy for the Broncos.
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The man limped his way back onto the field after an injury in the MS State game and played another down.

The man played another down after he broke his hand in the Georgia game. They had to make him come off the field.

He put up record numbers and had to sit and watch as our defense kept him out of national attention.

We have all seen him shed tears over a loss.

He took beating after beating while wearing a UT jersey.


You people talk about him like he purposely destroyed everything that is UT. You talk about him like he was constantly getting arrested for drugs and alcohol and spitting on UT. Did everyone forget the talk of him crying outside the locker room after the loss against UGA this past year? A game where we put up 44 points but allowed 51. Bray was a good QB.

If Bray has pro success every one of you will suddenly be Bray fans. I've never heard him say a negative word about UT or any of its fans. He is going to be in the pros representing our school. Quit being douchebags and support him.

It's seriously embarrassing.
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You would never question this if Tyler had a decent defense while here. People say, "he had chances to beat SEC teams and choked," but forget that he did more than enough to win the game before that point.

Tyler had the misfortune of playing at UT during a rebuilding process. There's no reason at all to blame him for UT's problems when at the same time he was here UT had its worst defense in history, a horrible kicking game, a depleted roster and a coach with a losing record.[/QUOTE]

If Tyler had a decent defense while he was still here, he still would have been the whiny, arrogant, immature QB that he is today. That wouldn't have changed.

Good Quarterbacks run with the situation that they were given, Bray was on fire for the USCe and UGa games, but when the game was on the line, he didn't go out there and score like he had been doing all game. Instead, he choked. He's just not mentally tough, and he never learned how to win.

The worst defense, a horrible kicking game, and the coach's record doesn't really have anything to do with the QB's maturity level or dedication. And UT may have had a depleted roster, but didn't one of his WRs go in the first, and then one in the second round of the draft? And didn't he have an elite O-line to play with?

I disagree with this almost entirely. It's easy to be liked when things are going well. Everybody loved Bray when he replaced Simms in 2010. Things went sour and he went under the microscope because he is a quarterback. The beer bottle thing and jet ski incident were blown completely out of proportion because UT was losing.

And yes, he had great wideouts (Hunter is being accused of flaking last year and CP is a raw WR with a high ceiling, but don't talk about that part). And the line was elite, but the running game was not, so all the offense came through the air.

Bray gets too much blame, IMO.
I'm actually not a phi sig, I just had a brainfart when I was making my account last year. LOL. But on another note, you are a terrible troll.


You and brain farts man. Brain fart when creating your acct, and a brain fart when saying CBJ signed all 4 QBs on the roster. Doesn't seem like brain farts to me but just a life that is an epic fail. Best of luck brah.

I'm a terrible at being a troll because I'm not one. So I guess....thanks :hi:

On another note: Who cares if Bray made a good decision to leave or not. He needs to mature and get his head straight. Otherwise he'll wash out soon. It's best for the program as a whole that he left and CBJ has a true opportunity to have a clean slate and all the negativity has been purged from the program. We will be better for it at the end of the day.
why did Denver pass ...sit behind Manning give him time and when Manning retires Bray is ready.


I'm sure if Manning/Elway thought that TB would put in the effort, they would have taken him... Peyton would give his all to a young buck who would do the same but he wants a fully engaged player.
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