Tyler Bray's father says NFL draft was 'brutal'

I think you're missing the point...

I also find it odd that these teams had no interest in him. But minutes after the draft they jumped all over him.

Sounds like several teams were interested at $50k but none at $500k. That's the difference between the roster and practice squad.
Absolutely not, I have always been a Bray fan and contribute a lot of his failure to coaching.....JMO

you said a lot of his failure



if you meant want you say you meant now

you wouldve said

a lot of his failures.

Sorry if you misunderstood.
you said a lot of his failure



if you meant want you say you meant now

you wouldve said

a lot of his failures.

Sorry if you misunderstood.

Wow, you wrote this to call out his grammar?

Priceless lol.
I kind of agree with him. I know he has had issues, but he had the best arm talent of any QB in the draft. I thought someone would take a shot at him in the 4th-5th round.

Did you not see the Gruden piece? From what it looked like to me, TB doesn't need a coach, he needs a babysitter.
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Whenever Bray came to UT, he already knew he was leaving after his Junior year. There was no doubt that he was going to decide to stay. You could see his ego on and off of the field that he carried himself above everyone else. If Hunter or Patterson would have stayed, then he probably would have considered staying.
Man, if you can't discuss the shortcomings of a player and his attitude that cost him several wins in his college career, a ton of money and maybe a career, then read something else.
I hope he grows up, gets a chance and kills it too. If he is man enough to make that happen, he won't be interested in I told you so's.

No problem with most of what you say, but saying he isn't worthy of the T isn't for us to decide, or for anyone to decide anymore. He played. He did his best given the circumstances, and I want to have his babies. Unless of course, you wanted Simms playing more or worley playing far too soon and doing even worse than bray did. But this is a post that's far more in line with what is good with these forums, talking in a manner that is open for discussion and not calling names or demeaning players and their families unlike the next two people.

fyp: The first part of the above highlighted sentence is BS and the sooner you understand that the sooner you will do better here. The second part is self evident........
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I really feel for Bray.

I know the kid has some maturity issues and ultimately that's on him. But I think, of anyone, Bray was the most screwed by Dooltabby.

I have little doubt that if Butch had come a year or two earlier, Bray would've been either A) better behaved OR B) would've felt more comfortable staying a senior year and growing up a bit.
I really feel for Bray.

I know the kid has some maturity issues and ultimately that's on him. But I think, of anyone, Bray was the most screwed by Dooltabby.

I have little doubt that if Butch had come a year or two earlier, Bray would've been either A) better behaved OR B) would've felt more comfortable staying a senior year and growing up a bit.

Obviously things look better for our future now but when you are dealing with someone who is apparently a head case, doubt is the first thing you should have.
I wonder where we would be today if we had a quaterback that was less talented but had a lot more heart?

I think NFL teams are looking at the whole picture and asking the same question. Where will we be in 3 years if we draft Bray?
Has he changed any?
Do we have any proof?
Will he contribute at all with his attitude or skills?
Is he a positive player that never gives up?
Will he work as hard or harder then anyone else?
Will the process be more positive or negative for us?
How sure are we?
I wonder where we would be today if we had a quaterback that was less talented but had a lot more heart?

We know how that played out. We had Matt Simms. Honestly, Tyler is a product of playing on losing teams. My guess is the negativity surrounding him would not be so extreme if the defense had played a little better at points, even if Tyler himself were not the main reason we squeezed in a few more wins.
Tyler's comments about his preparation during his interview with Gruden sealed his draft fate... at least he was being honest?

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