I thought we found all 4. One survivor is in critical condition, the other is stable.So no justice for those Americans who have died and the two still missing? So screw them?
Hey we are wasting billions upon billions in a country run by a dictator. Why not take those billions and wage war on these cartels that are right at our doorstep?
Going to Matamoros is a bad idea, so I hear. Other parts of Mexico are fine.Are you kidding? Besides being wrong about the gravity of the risk, are you a sociopath?
20-30 million Americans visit Mexico every year and I found there were 75 US citizens who died by homicide in Mexico in 2021. This includes tourists and people living in Mexico. So let's say the average American tourist is in Mexico for 2 weeks. That means the murder rate of US citizens is 9 per 100k annually*. There are at least a dozen US states with higher murder rates.
*My math: 75/(20m/100k)*25
So no justice for those Americans who have died and the two still missing? So screw them?
Hey we are wasting billions upon billions in a country run by a dictator. Why not take those billions and wage war on these cartels that are right at our doorstep?
She's not really all that famous except among women's basketball fans, which ain't many. Having her particular demographics got her the attention and effort from the WH. If it had been a straight dude there would have been no trade. But there's a separate thread for that.Brittany Griner is home because she's a famous basketball player. You act like there are no gay black people stranded in prison in other counties. The more you talk, the more you embarrass yourself.
they will just turn to other lucrative money makers, most likely illicit. Kidnapping is one of those, so we are right back to this problem.
What would be justice? 4 people decided to go on a vacay to craphole Mexico for what was likely a cosmetic surgery. How is this a us military go kill the cartels kind of event?So no justice for those Americans who have died and the two still missing? So screw them?
Hey we are wasting billions upon billions in a country run by a dictator. Why not take those billions and wage war on these cartels that are right at our doorstep?
I would bet the cash is less cumbersome than the product? Probably harder to detect as well. Can you train a dog to sniff out cash? Idk.Wonder whether drugs or cash is bulkier, and if the crackdown on money transfers has changed anything? I'm cynical in a lot of ways, but it seems to me that cartels probably love the chaos at the border ... enough to help "encourage" people to leave their homes for a "better life" in the US. The comment used to be that churches and bootleggers wanted to keep counties dry; I'd bet the new variant is churches (and other non-profits/charities) and cartels want to keep the flow of illegals into the US moving. One group finding the path easier through the distraction of border chaos and the other profiting from government funds courtesy of the border chaos.
I wouldnt be so sure. there are plenty of vices out there. Even some things that aren't really vices but come with miles of red tape. Again some would die off from the transition but most would turn to the next item. Yeah it may not be "as" profitable, but there is still tons of money to make illicitly. Never at any time in human history has the profit margins been small enough to threaten the existence of various organized crime syndicates.Sure they will but there is nothing else they could turn to that generates anywhere near the revenue drugs do. That massive amount of cash enables them to buy politicians and law enforcement on both sides of the border, recruit and arm. Without the protection of both the Mexican and US governments their cash buys the cartels would be at most petty street gangs.
Are you fine with France droning the Crips in downtown LA if they rob and kill Jean-Pierre from Toulon when he wanders into their territory looking for a baguette?So no justice for those Americans who have died and the two still missing? So screw them?
Hey we are wasting billions upon billions in a country run by a dictator. Why not take those billions and wage war on these cartels that are right at our doorstep?
She's not really all that famous except among women's basketball fans, which ain't many. Having her particular demographics got her the attention and effort from the WH. If it had been a straight dude there would have been no trade. But there's a separate thread for that.
Why not destroy the cartels by taking the money out of their #1 product?
How about we stop traveling to Mexico/ Cancun etc. That's a start.
It's only a matter of time until the Cartels march into one of these resorts and wipe out 20/30 tourist.
Because some people have spent too much time watching Rambo and Steven Seagal movies and not enough time reading basic economic texts. They think that cruise missiles and ST6 can solve any problem with no American casualties. The idea that we could cripple these people without firing a shot isn’t macho enough.
Some of that has already happened, but not sure about tourist fatalities as of yet. Running gun battles through Acapulco, gun fight on one of the beaches in Cancun, etc. I MIGHT take the family to Cabo, but nowhere else in Mexico. I’m still amazed we have young Americans that drive through Mexico and camp out in their vans at out of the way beaches.