U.S. Navy Not Fit For War

FYI, I'm retired Navy. Submarines. I don't know any more than what we have all read in the news, but I do know how the game is played underwater.

"Underwater object". Right. I actually laughed at that one. Like calling an illegal alien an "Undocumented Immigrant".

There's more to the story. Just let it play out. Odds are, we will never know what really happened, but watch the Wardroom of the USS Connecticut. If the CO, XO, Navigator, or OOD get relieved, then we screwed up. If not, then they were exactly where they were supposed to be, and doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing.

When you play chicken, sometimes you bump.
What was your favorite boat?
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What was your favorite boat?

USS Billfish (SSN 676). The Sturgeon class subs weren't the biggest or fastest we had, but they could do any mission, and do it well.

I have heard that the Virginia class (SSN 774+) is something special, but obviously I have no personal knowledge. I can't be the only sub sailor on VN; there's bound to be another one lurking around here somewhere. Maybe they can comment on the Virginia's.

If you Google the Billfish and look at photos of her on the Internet, there's a picture of her returning to Rota, Spain in late 1992 with a DSRV on deck. That was Exercise Sorbet Royal, an op we did during Med 2-92. The blond haired Lt. on the bridge is Doc Savage (good officer), the OOD; the guy in the ball cap is the Navy Harbor Pilot, and the big guy standing next to him is Cdr. James F. Graham, the Commanding Officer. Best CO I ever had. Oh...that's me at the bottom of #2 periscope.

That was also the Med Deployment where the Sara (USS Saratoga, CV 60) fired a live missile at a Turkish destroyer by accident during a drill. We were part of the Sara battlegroup, along with USS City of Corpus Christi (705 boat). Things were pretty dicey for a few weeks after that one.

Those were the days. I had a placard made and posted it over the Nav Plot: "USS Billfish Stealth Navigation Team. We're so sneaky even we don't know where we are." It got a lot of laughs, even from inspection teams.

Sometimes I honestly wonder how I've survived this long.

Go Vols.
Counting my reserves time, most was in P-3 followed by training command as instructor on T-34Cs, T-2s and TA-4s.

Love that airframe. I was a Sonar Tech and did more than one OP with them. When I was on on recruiting duty, one of my recruiters was a P-3 Flight engineer. He had some wild stories.
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US Nuclear Submarine Engineer and his Wife are charged with passing secrets to a foreign government hidden in PEANUT BUTTER sandwiches after being paid $70,000 in crypto – but they were actually dealing with undercover FBI agents

  • Navy nuclear engineer Jonathan Toebe, 42, and wife, Diana, 49, were charged Saturday with selling secret information to an unidentified foreign country
A U.S. Navy nuclear engineer and his wife have been charged with selling secret information about nuclear submarines to an undercover FBI agent who posed as an operative for a foreign country, the Justice Department said on Sunday.

In a criminal complaint detailing espionage-related charges against Jonathan Toebbe, 42, and his wife Diana, 45, the government said he sold information for nearly the past year to a foreign power representative since April 2020.

Toebbe was arrested in West Virginia on Saturday along with his wife after he had placed a removable memory card at a prearranged 'dead drop' in the state, according to the Justice Department.


Diane Toebbe (left), 45, and Jonathan Toebbe (right), were charged with espionage and violation of the Atomic Energy Act after leaking sensitive classified information to an unknown foreign country in December 2020, a month after the 2020 election


The leaked secrets contained 'militarily sensitive design elements, operating parameters and performance characteristics of Virginia-class submarine reactors,' according to a federal court affidavit.

U.S. Navy engineer, wife charged with selling submarine secrets to an unidentified foreign country | Daily Mail Online
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US Nuclear Submarine Engineer and his Wife are charged with passing secrets to a foreign government hidden in PEANUT BUTTER sandwiches after being paid $70,000 in crypto – but they were actually dealing with undercover FBI agents

  • Navy nuclear engineer Jonathan Toebe, 42, and wife, Diana, 49, were charged Saturday with selling secret information to an unidentified foreign country
A U.S. Navy nuclear engineer and his wife have been charged with selling secret information about nuclear submarines to an undercover FBI agent who posed as an operative for a foreign country, the Justice Department said on Sunday.

In a criminal complaint detailing espionage-related charges against Jonathan Toebbe, 42, and his wife Diana, 45, the government said he sold information for nearly the past year to a foreign power representative since April 2020.

Toebbe was arrested in West Virginia on Saturday along with his wife after he had placed a removable memory card at a prearranged 'dead drop' in the state, according to the Justice Department.


Diane Toebbe (left), 45, and Jonathan Toebbe (right), were charged with espionage and violation of the Atomic Energy Act after leaking sensitive classified information to an unknown foreign country in December 2020, a month after the 2020 election


The leaked secrets contained 'militarily sensitive design elements, operating parameters and performance characteristics of Virginia-class submarine reactors,' according to a federal court affidavit.

U.S. Navy engineer, wife charged with selling submarine secrets to an unidentified foreign country | Daily Mail Online
So, is the wife 49 or 45? The media’s attention to detail is astounding.
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Looks like maybe he’s lucky to be a former Navy LT and not pulling a retired pension so no Military Justice involved because under the UCMJ, members of the armed forces who engage in espionage may receive a death sentence.
Navy nuclear engineer's wife arrested for Selling Secrets appears to Support BLM, 'resistance' Movements

Diana Toebbe's Facebook account has numerous posts concerning BLM, feminism and anti-Trump posts

The Facebook account appearing to belong to the woman who was charged alongside her Navy nuclear engineer husband with selling secret information about nuclear submarines to an undercover FBI agent is filled with liberal talking points on the Black Lives Matter movement and feminism.

Fox News examined what appears to be Diana Toebbe’s Facebook page, Twitter account and Instagram page, and found repeated posts supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, including a profile picture reading, "Black Lives Matter," and a post last year celebrating the social media protest against racism called "#blackouttuesday."

Jonathan and Diana Toebbe were arrested Saturday in West Virginia, according to a criminal complaint detailing espionage-related charges. The government said Jonathan Toebbe sold information for nearly the past year to a contact he believed represented a foreign power, but was actually an undercover FBI agent.

A Twitter account appearing to also belong to Diana Toebbe shows her following various "resistance" accounts in protest of Trump, including the "Rogue NASA" account described as "the unofficial ‘Resistance’ team of NASA" on its description.

One retweet from the account in 2017, just days after Trump's inauguration, shows a photo reading, "To the rest of the world, due to an insufficient amount of moral courage, America is temporarily out of order. We hope to restore service as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we in the resistance movement join hands with those around the world who realize we are one people. May the forces of good be with us. #TheResistance."

Navy nuclear engineer's wife arrested for selling secrets appears to support BLM, 'resistance' movements
Navy nuclear engineer's wife arrested for Selling Secrets appears to Support BLM, 'resistance' Movements

Diana Toebbe's Facebook account has numerous posts concerning BLM, feminism and anti-Trump posts

The Facebook account appearing to belong to the woman who was charged alongside her Navy nuclear engineer husband with selling secret information about nuclear submarines to an undercover FBI agent is filled with liberal talking points on the Black Lives Matter movement and feminism.

Fox News examined what appears to be Diana Toebbe’s Facebook page, Twitter account and Instagram page, and found repeated posts supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, including a profile picture reading, "Black Lives Matter," and a post last year celebrating the social media protest against racism called "#blackouttuesday."

Jonathan and Diana Toebbe were arrested Saturday in West Virginia, according to a criminal complaint detailing espionage-related charges. The government said Jonathan Toebbe sold information for nearly the past year to a contact he believed represented a foreign power, but was actually an undercover FBI agent.

A Twitter account appearing to also belong to Diana Toebbe shows her following various "resistance" accounts in protest of Trump, including the "Rogue NASA" account described as "the unofficial ‘Resistance’ team of NASA" on its description.

One retweet from the account in 2017, just days after Trump's inauguration, shows a photo reading, "To the rest of the world, due to an insufficient amount of moral courage, America is temporarily out of order. We hope to restore service as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we in the resistance movement join hands with those around the world who realize we are one people. May the forces of good be with us. #TheResistance."

Navy nuclear engineer's wife arrested for selling secrets appears to support BLM, 'resistance' movements
Well in that case they probably get a chest full of medals and awards
Looks like maybe he’s lucky to be a former Navy LT and not pulling a retired pension so no Military Justice involved because under the UCMJ, members of the armed forces who engage in espionage may receive a death sentence.

Should still be the death penalty. Need to stop using these people as bargaining chips and start setting some examples.
Apparently that HY100 steel is a bear to weld or repair when procured. Hopefully they can do it on Guam. The optics of a Seawolf hitching a ride back to the states will be a propaganda victory for the CCP even though they probably had no collision with a CCP vessel..CCP subs strong
Just send the USS Frank Cable over. They will get them fixed right up.

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