U.S. Navy Not Fit For War

That’s why I included the “jmo” - definitely going to defer to you guys.

I think the Military should be able to remove a commanding officer. I just think their rationale in this case is BS.

100% agree that the rationale is BS
I don't agree with the ruling and think it'll be overturned, but the Navy very well could have replaced him for other reasons (you know it's easy to pick one) and sent the ship on its way.

Agreed. I think our officer corp across all branches needs a major overhaul and probably 90% of O5 and above need to be retired.
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What rank was it in the Army that's possessive of grass? 8 or 9?

E-9 the Battalion SGM and Brigade SGM. I once spent an enjoyable afternoon counting all of the grass blades I murdered by walking across forbidden ground. Never did figure out why walking on the grass for less than 30 seconds killed it but low crawling across it for hours pretending to count didn't.

1st SGts loved their rocks and they had to be painted every so often.
Agreed. I think our officer corp across all branches needs a major overhaul and probably 90% of O5 and above need to be retired.

May I once again say, you don't know what you're talking about.

And what an incredibly stupid proposal to retire everyone above Lieutenant Colonel or Commander. You must be pro-Russian.

My last reserve unit was a command and control communications. My active duties were as a watch officer in the Navy Command Center, i.e. the top of the pyramid. The guys who make Admiral are cold, calculating, and highly competent politicians. If they had gone directly to work at Apple or Goldman Sacs or GM they would have risen to top management. I doubt you've ever met an Admiral.

You guys are just butt-hurt over the fact the top of the military command considered Trump to be unstable and untrustworthy and took steps to ensure he couldn't use the military against citizens and he couldn't unilaterally precipitate a nuclear war. These guys saw Trump up close and personal on a repeated basis. I'll trust their evaluation.
May I once again say, you don't know what you're talking about.

And what an incredibly stupid proposal to retire everyone above Lieutenant Colonel or Commander. You must be pro-Russian.

My last reserve unit was a command and control communications. My active duties were as a watch officer in the Navy Command Center, i.e. the top of the pyramid. The guys who make Admiral are cold, calculating, and highly competent politicians. If they had gone directly to work at Apple or Goldman Sacs or GM they would have risen to top management. I doubt you've ever met an Admiral.

You guys are just butt-hurt over the fact the top of the military command considered Trump to be unstable and untrustworthy and took steps to ensure he couldn't use the military against citizens and he couldn't unilaterally precipitate a nuclear war. These guys saw Trump up close and personal on a repeated basis. I'll trust their evaluation.

How long have you been retired?
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May I once again say, you don't know what you're talking about.

And what an incredibly stupid proposal to retire everyone above Lieutenant Colonel or Commander. You must be pro-Russian.

My last reserve unit was a command and control communications. My active duties were as a watch officer in the Navy Command Center, i.e. the top of the pyramid. The guys who make Admiral are cold, calculating, and highly competent politicians. If they had gone directly to work at Apple or Goldman Sacs or GM they would have risen to top management. I doubt you've ever met an Admiral.

You guys are just butt-hurt over the fact the top of the military command considered Trump to be unstable and untrustworthy and took steps to ensure he couldn't use the military against citizens and he couldn't unilaterally precipitate a nuclear war. These guys saw Trump up close and personal on a repeated basis. I'll trust their evaluation.

Didn't the joint chiefs of staff say that he wanted to understand white rage and say "And I'm white"? And you're complaining about Trump?
E-9 the Battalion SGM and Brigade SGM. I once spent an enjoyable afternoon counting all of the grass blades I murdered by walking across forbidden ground. Never did figure out why walking on the grass for less than 30 seconds killed it but low crawling across it for hours pretending to count didn't.

1st SGts loved their rocks and they had to be painted every so often.

Sounds like you shouldn't have walked on their grass...
And I don't expect an answer to my question because you know I'm gonna nuke your response...
May I once again say, you don't know what you're talking about.

And what an incredibly stupid proposal to retire everyone above Lieutenant Colonel or Commander. You must be pro-Russian.

My last reserve unit was a command and control communications. My active duties were as a watch officer in the Navy Command Center, i.e. the top of the pyramid. The guys who make Admiral are cold, calculating, and highly competent politicians. If they had gone directly to work at Apple or Goldman Sacs or GM they would have risen to top management. I doubt you've ever met an Admiral.

You guys are just butt-hurt over the fact the top of the military command considered Trump to be unstable and untrustworthy and took steps to ensure he couldn't use the military against citizens and he couldn't unilaterally precipitate a nuclear war. These guys saw Trump up close and personal on a repeated basis. I'll trust their evaluation.

You are absolutely correct flag grade officers are “cold, calculating, and highly competent politicians” and that’s the problem. Correct, I have never met an admiral but have met a few generals and I doubt they are much different.

Your last paragraph is plain stupidity.
May I once again say, you don't know what you're talking about.

And what an incredibly stupid proposal to retire everyone above Lieutenant Colonel or Commander. You must be pro-Russian.

My last reserve unit was a command and control communications. My active duties were as a watch officer in the Navy Command Center, i.e. the top of the pyramid. The guys who make Admiral are cold, calculating, and highly competent politicians. If they had gone directly to work at Apple or Goldman Sacs or GM they would have risen to top management. I doubt you've ever met an Admiral.

You guys are just butt-hurt over the fact the top of the military command considered Trump to be unstable and untrustworthy and took steps to ensure he couldn't use the military against citizens and he couldn't unilaterally precipitate a nuclear war. These guys saw Trump up close and personal on a repeated basis. I'll trust their evaluation.
Sounds like you agree they are no longer fit for military duty. Welcome to enlightenment
Sounds like you agree they are no longer fit for military duty. Welcome to enlightenment

No, the Navy has always been political in its competition to make higher ranks. So that is not a negative comment towards them. It's that they understand the nature of politics. Like I say, everyone is all butt hurt because senior officers clearly saw a President, who they interacted with on a weekly basis, and who they considered they considered to be mentally unstable.

Your feelings about Trump are not based on your personal knowledge of and interactions with Trump, theirs were.

BTW, all plans for military action with the Navy are done in a little room by Captains (O-6) in the extremely secure Navy Command Center.
How long have you been retired?

20 years. Have come to the time when my former flight students are finishing their careers. Several became squadron and Wing COs, but none made Admiral. I'm going to miss the inside info they've told me after I retired and while they pursued their careers.

The biggest change in Naval Aviation is the pilots. When I went in, the majority were slender runners, most less than 6 foot. Now they all look like linebackers. (The aviation physiologists determined that you could pull more G's if you were a weightlifter versus a runner.) I had an accounting degree, now you must have a science, math or engineering degree, and if you're going in through AOCS, many have their master's degree.

But the biggest thing is that they don't drink more than a beer or glass of wine at any function. We drank any chance we got. If we weren't flying and didn't have anything to do with our ground job, we were at the club. They don't even use the clubs now. Most officer and enlisted clubs have been combined and they still don't have much activity. The big fear is a DUI. If they're going to drink they're going to do it in town where they can use uber. When I was in, you could survive a DUI by getting a great lawyer and going into a diversionary program. Now, you just have to get arrested and your career is over.
20 years. Have come to the time when my former flight students are finishing their careers. Several became squadron and Wing COs, but none made Admiral. I'm going to miss the inside info they've told me after I retired and while they pursued their careers.

The biggest change in Naval Aviation is the pilots. When I went in, the majority were slender runners, most less than 6 foot. Now they all look like linebackers. (The aviation physiologists determined that you could pull more G's if you were a weightlifter versus a runner.) I had an accounting degree, now you must have a science, math or engineering degree, and if you're going in through AOCS, many have their master's degree.

But the biggest thing is that they don't drink more than a beer or glass of wine at any function. We drank any chance we got. If we weren't flying and didn't have anything to do with our ground job, we were at the club. They don't even use the clubs now. Most officer and enlisted clubs have been combined and they still don't have much activity. The big fear is a DUI. If they're going to drink they're going to do it in town where they can use uber. When I was in, you could survive a DUI by getting a great lawyer and going into a diversionary program. Now, you just have to get arrested and your career is over.

So, you really have no idea what's been going on other than second hand information...
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So, you really have no idea what's been going on other than second hand information...
2nd hand information from the people actually there and doing it.

Not like you and Infowars both of which contain zero real information.
My last reserve unit was a command and control communications. My active duties were as a watch officer in the Navy Command Center, i.e. the top of the pyramid. The guys who make Admiral are cold, calculating, and highly competent politicians. If they had gone directly to work at Apple or Goldman Sacs or GM they would have risen to top management. I doubt you've ever met an Admiral.
This explains a lot... explains how these people could lie about the troop reduction numbers in Syria, for example. What else did they lie to him about?
2nd hand information from the people actually there and doing it.

Not like you and Infowars both of which contain zero real information.

You mean other than also having friends still in and around the .mil system like you?

You see, I don't live in an echo chamber. They hate Biden and loved Trump. But then again, most aren't career politicians that would suck someone's butthole to get that next star or Eagles on their collar.
Woke Warpaint! Marines Approve Two-Tone NAIL POLISH for Troops and Longer Hair in push to 'positively impact Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion'

The US Marine Corps will allow service members to wear longer hair, two-tone nail polish and black socks with their combat utility uniform as part of a push for more 'diversity' and 'inclusion.'

The military branch unveiled the changes on Wednesday, after they were approved by a Marine Corps uniform board last month.

As part of the update, Marines will be permitted to grow the 'bulk of their hair' up to three inches - an increase from the current two inches - meaning that they could have thicker hair.

In addition, male Marines will be able to 'edge up' their hair, which includes removing a 'widow's peak,' or shaving excessive hair on the forehead to make for a neater hairline.

For female Marines, the Corps has green-lit the use of ombre, a faded manicure, while in utility uniform. Previously, Marines were only authorized to wear clear or 'nude' varnish that matches their skin tone and covers the entire nail, reported Marine Times.

First Lt. Phillip Parker, a spokesman for Marine Corps Training and Education Command, stated that the goal of these changes is to 'positively impact diversity, equity, and inclusion.'

Sartorial changes that were unveiled this week include the addition of better-fitting maternity shirts and tunics with adjustable tabs, and a nursing undershirt for pregnant and nursing Marines.

The Corps is adopting a better fitting version of the maternity uniform that uses side tabs with the current service uniform maternity tunic and maternity khaki shirt. Additionally, a nursing undershirt that eases access for pumping and nursing is available.

Marines approve two-tone nail polish for troops and longer hair | Daily Mail Online
Woke Warpaint! Marines Approve Two-Tone NAIL POLISH for Troops and Longer Hair in push to 'positively impact Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion'

The US Marine Corps will allow service members to wear longer hair, two-tone nail polish and black socks with their combat utility uniform as part of a push for more 'diversity' and 'inclusion.'

The military branch unveiled the changes on Wednesday, after they were approved by a Marine Corps uniform board last month.

As part of the update, Marines will be permitted to grow the 'bulk of their hair' up to three inches - an increase from the current two inches - meaning that they could have thicker hair.

In addition, male Marines will be able to 'edge up' their hair, which includes removing a 'widow's peak,' or shaving excessive hair on the forehead to make for a neater hairline.

For female Marines, the Corps has green-lit the use of ombre, a faded manicure, while in utility uniform. Previously, Marines were only authorized to wear clear or 'nude' varnish that matches their skin tone and covers the entire nail, reported Marine Times.

First Lt. Phillip Parker, a spokesman for Marine Corps Training and Education Command, stated that the goal of these changes is to 'positively impact diversity, equity, and inclusion.'

Sartorial changes that were unveiled this week include the addition of better-fitting maternity shirts and tunics with adjustable tabs, and a nursing undershirt for pregnant and nursing Marines.

The Corps is adopting a better fitting version of the maternity uniform that uses side tabs with the current service uniform maternity tunic and maternity khaki shirt. Additionally, a nursing undershirt that eases access for pumping and nursing is available.

Marines approve two-tone nail polish for troops and longer hair | Daily Mail Online
We’re about to go to war and instead of improved body armor the marines are making it easy on nursing mothers 🤦
Woke Warpaint! Marines Approve Two-Tone NAIL POLISH for Troops and Longer Hair in push to 'positively impact Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion'

The US Marine Corps will allow service members to wear longer hair, two-tone nail polish and black socks with their combat utility uniform as part of a push for more 'diversity' and 'inclusion.'

The military branch unveiled the changes on Wednesday, after they were approved by a Marine Corps uniform board last month.

As part of the update, Marines will be permitted to grow the 'bulk of their hair' up to three inches - an increase from the current two inches - meaning that they could have thicker hair.

In addition, male Marines will be able to 'edge up' their hair, which includes removing a 'widow's peak,' or shaving excessive hair on the forehead to make for a neater hairline.

For female Marines, the Corps has green-lit the use of ombre, a faded manicure, while in utility uniform. Previously, Marines were only authorized to wear clear or 'nude' varnish that matches their skin tone and covers the entire nail, reported Marine Times.

First Lt. Phillip Parker, a spokesman for Marine Corps Training and Education Command, stated that the goal of these changes is to 'positively impact diversity, equity, and inclusion.'

Sartorial changes that were unveiled this week include the addition of better-fitting maternity shirts and tunics with adjustable tabs, and a nursing undershirt for pregnant and nursing Marines.

The Corps is adopting a better fitting version of the maternity uniform that uses side tabs with the current service uniform maternity tunic and maternity khaki shirt. Additionally, a nursing undershirt that eases access for pumping and nursing is available.

Marines approve two-tone nail polish for troops and longer hair | Daily Mail Online
Faded Marine Manicures

These are the kinds of common sense improvements that are going to enable our 21st century Distributed Warfare doctrine.

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