UFC 148 - July 7th @ 10PM ET

I'm saying Silva is a coward because he does not want to fight Sonnen. After over 2 years of Chael trying to pick a fight, Dana had to force Silva to fight Chael. Hell, Silva said in the press conference yesterday that he didnt think Chael deserves to fight him.

Personally, I think Silva has serious doubts on whether he can beat Chael again and that is why he has ducked him for over two years.

Also, Chael didnt test positive for steroids. He had an elevated T:E ratio that was outside the norm. The guy has to use TRT due to his health. I don't consider that cheating.

The doctor(s) that did the blood testing said it was indicative of steroid usage. You're free to believe he didn't take steroids and maybe you're right but as long as the doctor(s) believes it, I'm inclined believe it as well. Between 7 years of college, X amount of years as a resident and X amount of years practicing, you'd have to think there is a very high probability that their assessment is accurate. If they were wrong, they could not only be sued for potentially ruining Sonnen's career but sued for slander.

I guess I just trust the doctor's opinion and think it would be pretty reckless to accuse someone of steroids unless you're 100% positive.
I think he is hilarious, and more importantly, good for the UFC.

I agree it's good for the UFC. Well, good for ticket sales anyways. I've seen more and more people starting to say that they're sick of Sonnen doing this time after time. Regardless, it's selling tickets.
Can't wait for the wigh-in today. The stare down the other day was fantastic:

UFC 148: Silva vs. Sonnen Staredown at Press Conference - YouTube

Anderson has never been that animated. I think Chael is in his head. It may not matter, but I definitely think Chael has approached this fight the best way he could.

I'm not sure it's possible to get in Silva's head at this point. I believe he's angry but he has seen everything there is to see. If he loses, it's just because Chael straight up beat him. I don't think anything Chael has said or done would be the reason he loses if that's the outcome.

And actually, Silva seems to fight better when other fighters piss him off. At this point, I think any mistake he makes would happen naturally and not because he's trying to do something different based on being pissed.
The doctor(s) that did the blood testing said it was indicative of steroid usage. You're free to believe he didn't take steroids and maybe you're right but as long as the doctor(s) believes it, I'm inclined believe it as well. Between 7 years of college, X amount of years as a resident and X amount of years practicing, you'd have to think there is a very high probability that their assessment is accurate. If they were wrong, they could not only be sued for potentially ruining Sonnen's career but sued for slander.

I guess I just trust the doctor's opinion and think it would be pretty reckless to accuse someone of steroids unless you're 100% positive.
Yes, the article stated it was indicative of steroid usage. It didn't say he did use steroids. They are completely different things. I also agree that it is reckless to accuse someone of steroids unless you are 100% positive. That said, what substance specifically did he test positive for?
I think Chael might have to beat Silva standing up this time around. You'd have to think Silva has spent a ton of time working on his take down defense after Chael was able to it at will the last fight.

Just watching that last fight, Silva looked so lethargic. It was almost like he didn't come prepared and figured it was going to be another east win. I don't think that will be the case this time around and as someone else mentioned, Silva was fighting with a rib injury last time.

I would not be surprised to see Silva knock Sonnen out in the 1st round to be honest. After saying that, watch Sonnen finish Silva.
Yes, the article stated it was indicative of steroid usage. It didn't say he did use steroids. They are completely different things. I also agree that it is reckless to accuse someone of steroids unless you are 100% positive. That said, what substance specifically did he test positive for?

Is it even possible to detect the exact substance used? I thought they just went by higher testosterone levels since there are new types of steroids and hgh constantly being created to go undetected. In which case, I'm not sure it's possible to pin point the exact drug used. I really have no idea though because I'm not a doctor.

Like I said, I'm just going to have to side with the doctor(s) if that's what they believe. I'm not a expert and know very little about the field but they are experts, so the best thing in my opinion is to trust their diagnosis. You don't have to but I do.

Again, maybe you're right. It's just hard for me to fathom a doctor screwing up someone's career without being certain.
Something to note.

"A" is tested to determine T/E ratio while "B" is stored and maintained at the testing facility. A normal T/E ratio is considered 1:1, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and most commissions consider anything over 4:1 evidence of synthetic testosterone usage while the NSAC applies a more lenient 6:1 ratio.

The maximum allowable limit in UFC is 4:1

Alistair Overeem tested at 14:1

Chael Sonnen tested at 16.9:1

UFC currently has something like 350 fighters under contract I believe. If you have 300+ fighters managing to stay at or below 4:1, I think you'd have to be naive to believe Sonnen and Overeem weren't taking something. What makes them so special compared to the rest of those other 300 fighters that they have triple and quadruple the testosterone? I mean, they weren't even close to the 4:1 ratio. So in other words, it appears to be physically impossible to naturally have that level of testosterone. I can't tell you what Sonnen took but come on... I think it's blatantly obvious he was taking something.
Something to note.

The maximum allowable limit in UFC is 4:1

Alistair Overeem tested at 14:1

Chael Sonnen tested at 16.9:1

UFC currently has something like 350 fighters under contract I believe. If you have 300+ fighters managing to stay at or below 4:1, I think you'd have to be naive to believe Sonnen and Overeem weren't taking something. What makes them so special compared to the rest of those other 300 fighters that they have triple and quadruple the testosterone? I mean, they weren't even close to the 4:1 ratio. So in other words, it appears to be physically impossible to naturally have that level of testosterone. I can't tell you what Sonnen took but come on... I think it's blatantly obvious he was taking something.

Sonnen says in his defense that people have varying degrees of testosterone levels, which is true. It is not weird for a male to have a 4:1 level, especially if their is a medical condition. However, Sonnen states that his levels are naturally low, and this is where the problem comes in. For one, every single reputable doctor that I've heard interviewed about Sonnen's case can't fathom how a guy competed his whole life in wrestling, at such a high level, if his levels where so low he need TRT.

One doctor, a Mr. Johnny Benjamin, says that the only way he could have competed at a high level with hypogonadism is if he took steroids in college.

Whether that is true I cannot say. My point is that I agree with you, and that Sonnen's levels were way to high for anyone. He is a cheater, a liar, and he will be stomped by a superior fighter.
Chael is in Anderson's head big time.

I'm not buying it. I think Silva is going to knock him out as promised. Silva was just as angry when he fought Belfort and we saw how that turned out. First round knock out and keep in mind, Belfort is 7-1 in his last 8 fights with 5 knock outs and a submission.

That one loss of his...


I'm pretty sure Silva is going to finish Sonnen similar to the way Henderson beat Bisping. Silva is just angry.
I'm not buying it. I think Silva is going to knock him out as promised. Silva was just as angry when he fought Belfort and we saw how that turned out. First round knock out and keep in mind, Belfort is 7-1 in his last 8 fights with 5 knock outs and a submission.

That one loss of his...


I'm pretty sure Silva is going to finish Sonnen similar to the way Henderson beat Bisping. Silva is just angry.
I just don't see Sonnen getting knocked out. I have a feeling this fight will be a 5 round war.
Something to note.

The maximum allowable limit in UFC is 4:1

Alistair Overeem tested at 14:1

Chael Sonnen tested at 16.9:1

UFC currently has something like 350 fighters under contract I believe. If you have 300+ fighters managing to stay at or below 4:1, I think you'd have to be naive to believe Sonnen and Overeem weren't taking something. What makes them so special compared to the rest of those other 300 fighters that they have triple and quadruple the testosterone? I mean, they weren't even close to the 4:1 ratio. So in other words, it appears to be physically impossible to naturally have that level of testosterone. I can't tell you what Sonnen took but come on... I think it's blatantly obvious he was taking something.

While I can't comment on Overeem, Sonnen suffers from hypogonadism. This information has become public. He must give himself regular injections of testosterone to avoid his levels from fluctuating. The NSAC has even provided him a theraputic-use-exemption for testosterone.

NSAC clears Chael Sonnen for conditional testosterone therapy - ESPN

And here is some information on hypogonadism:

Male hypogonadism - MayoClinic.com

Since all this information became public, I do believe it is "reckless" to say with 100% certainty that he used "steroids." It seems pretty clear to me that Sonnen has a medical condition in which he needs to take testosterone for his well being. It also seems very possible that there were no guidelines for his TRT usage prior to UFC 117, and that could very well be the reason why his T:E ratio was so elevated.
Very good video. Mike Dolce is the man, and his results speak for themselves. Sonnen was freaking ripped for the weigh-in.

Can't wait for this card tonight. Hope Sonnen tears Silva's head off his shoulders.
I'm not going to argue anymore. Sonnen needed meds that put him quadruple the limit of 300 other fighters. Fine, we'll agree that's a legit reason to be that far over the limit. The natural limit is 1:1 but he needed meds to put him at 17:1. Makes sense.

At this point, if push came to shove... I'd play Russian roulette with my life that Silva will win. I never thought Lesnar had a chance against Overeem(cause he cheats) and I never thought Evans had a shot against Jones. Remember how everyone thought Bones' was going to make a mistake??? He's 23 and he still found a way to beat Evans, who some consider the best pound for pound fighter. Sonnen gave it his all and Silva, Mr. 14-0, still won. I'm not even a Silva fan but I just think Sonnen is a terrible human being. He stole from people, tested quadruple over the testosterone limit and he still ran his mouth two years after being submitted. Sonnen is in Silva's head as much as Evan's was in Bones' head. Sure, Jon Jones is a freak of nature and is young but Silva is 14-0 for a reason. I'm not rich by any means and I'm not a gambling man but I'd feel confident in putting my life on the line that Silva will beat Sonnen. The same way I felt about Jones beating Evans.

This is going to be an awesome fight hopefully and I don't want to fight with any of you. I love you all because I'm glad we have a following growing on VolNation. This is just one of those heated fights. Sorry for any of the backhanded comments I've made that are slightly dickish. The fight tonight will decide it all(barring some weird decision with no real winner).

I know Sonnen can beat Silva, we saw it in fight one. I do think Silva can finish Sonnen in the first round though. Aside from the rib injury, the crazy amounts of testosterone and Silva flat out looking bad. Anyone notice that Silva's physique looked saggy in the first fight? He looks as cut as he's ever been.

It's going down tonight. 5 hours!!!!!
Get em Chael, time to bring another belt home to Oregon and the US of A

I love it when Dirk brought home the title to Dallas. :p

Just giving you crap.

I love Dirk, dude. For me, it's just who you put your heart into. You can do it however you please but Mr. Germany is credited for the Mavs title. He got plenty of help though.

Also, you like Sabonis, right?

Again, I love ya bro. Not picking a fight or anything. I'm just not all into picking fighters over their country. To each their own.

Should be awesome tonight!
I love it when Dirk brought home the title to Dallas. :p

Just giving you crap.

I love Dirk, dude. For me, it's just who you put your heart into. You can do it however you please but Mr. Germany is credited for the Mavs title. He got plenty of help though.

Also, you like Sabonis, right?

Again, I love ya bro. Not picking a fight or anything. I'm just not all into picking fighters over their country. To each their own.

Should be awesome tonight!
More of rooting for the local guys, even though I recognize that Sonnen can be ****ty. I actually was a pretty big fan of Randy Couture, and it wasn't until after I ran into him downtown a couple of times. He's an awesome guy.

Also, it was Chandler who brought the title home to Dallas, and the Lithuanian was awesome. He was the only person I ever saw go toe to toe with Shaq for any stretch of time, even if it was only 10-15 minutes a game on a good day. Dude would have been a force in the NBA if he came over in his prime. I can't think of many, if any other players over 7' that actually had the frame to match.
More of rooting for the local guys, even though I recognize that Sonnen can be ****ty. I actually was a pretty big fan of Randy Couture, and it wasn't until after I ran into him downtown a couple of times. He's an awesome guy.

Also, it was Chandler who brought the title home to Dallas, and the Lithuanian was awesome. He was the only person I ever saw go toe to toe with Shaq for any stretch of time, even if it was only 10-15 minutes a game on a good day. Dude would have been a force in the NBA if he came over in his prime. I can't think of many, if any other players over 7' that actually had the frame to match.

I gotchya. Was just saying that Dirk gets all the credit but yeah, Chandler gets credit too for being the anchor. Terry for burying awesome 3's. Marion play some good D and made his weird little tear drop/hook shots.

I was just pointing out that for me, I go by people I like rather than countries. Just like all sports. Although it doesn't really matter in football since they're all American.

Sonnen, Bisping, Lesnar etc. I can't stand.

I get selling tickets but some guys are just dicks. At that point for me, screw country pride. I pull for morals. Odd when you consider it's fighting. Yet, fighting has found a way to have morals.

5 hours!!!!!!!
Stay classy and sweep the leg

Classy is out the window for this fight.

Sonnen wants Silva's wife to make him a medium rare steak.

Silva shouldered Sonnen in the face and said "You're screwed".

I thought this fight would be cool but figured there were 3 fights already better than this, this year. This is turning into something else. I think Sonnen will do what he did before or Silva will end him in a brutal manner.

This fight has blown up. Especially in the last week.

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