UFC 148 - July 7th @ 10PM ET

Fight sucked. At least Silva and Sonnen could fight the worst fight ever and it would still be better than that :)
The kids aren't alright - Offspring

Automatically pulling for him.
Guess he chose the right song to come out to. Kid isn't alright... he got f'ed up in like 2 seconds.
Now this fight is going to be something.

Maia has been struggling lately but I think he'll take Kim.
Um yeah.... you know it's over when you do literally nothing and the guy on top gets off on his own will. Maia knew it was over.

Too easy.
Tito is no longer a jerk compared to Forrest Griffin. What a loser

Is this staged?

What is happening? Seems stupid
I was surprised to see the strike count so drastically in Forrest's favor. I didn't think it had been that one-sided.
Is it just me or did that seem staged?

Forrest walks away like a turd and then comes back and interviews Tito.

Wtf just happened?

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