Once, when I was younger, much younger than I am now (like, 10 years ago or something like that), I was a bagger and produce assistant at a Food Lion in North Carolina.
One Sunday morning a gentleman, decked in Duke attire from head to toe, came through the checkout line, making it clear how Duke was A-Number One, but also just generally being an old dumbass. Duke had just defeated North Carolina, and he was happy.
Little did he know, that just a year or two later, his beloved high school gym would be renamed "Hansbrough Indoor Stadium."
I sometimes wonder about that man.
I hope he made it through.
More specifically, once K retires, the grocery store man will probably literally die of heart failure in the nursing home.
Oh, it's coming, you bunch of Dukies. It's coming. UNC has been through the ringer with coaching changes.
Your time is coming soon too.