I don't care if there any players on the current Duke roster are from North Carolina. This isn't football where it's important to secure your instate talent to be successful. We all know that most kids from Greensboro or Kinston are going to Carolina anyway, and State and Wake will get the leftovers. I have no problem with K recruiting kids from the Northeast, Chicago or Texas as long as they can play and are good kids.
I joke about the "University of the People" because it's an easy target. It's the same as the "Go Heels, Go America" bull****. You think Duke has an arrogance? What about the "Carolina Way"? This whole PERCEPTION of righteousness, innocence, and dignity, while looking down at everyone else is a joke. "Coach K curses at the refs, Dean never did anything wrong" it's all a bunch of crap. You made my point for me by bringing up the academic scandal, by basically saying that everyone else does it so it shouldn't be that big of a deal. This has been the UNC party line defense from the get go, which contradicts the idea that Carolina is above such things and is different from most institutions in the country. It's not. I've never seen a university that has had such academic and athletic success across the board play the victim more than the University of North Carolina. It's always somebody else's fault. So I guess I shouldn't make fun of the phrase "University of the People" because UNC really is like everyone else.
By the way, I heard Belle Knox, Chris Christie, Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi were all sharing a suite at the Duke/ Gonzaga game tomorrow.