And you believe him? You so want this to be true don't you? He has a long history of close ties with Iran and Iranian influence.
Abdul-Mahdi is a former member of the powerful Shi'a party the
Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, or SIIC.
[2] Long based in neighboring
In the 1970s, Abdul-Mahdi was a leading member of the
Iraqi Communist Party.
Abdul-Mahdi adopted
Iranian Islamic ideas, eventually merging with the Islamists when
Ayatollah Khomeini eradicated the communists and other liberal opposition groups in
Iran. Abdul-Mahdi continued his association with Iran and gradually amalgamated his group within the ICP-Central Leadership with the Iranians, rejecting his
Marxist past and devoting all his group's time to propagating Khomeini's ideas in
France, where he lived at the time. He eventually was made a member of the
Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, an exiled opposition party and militia that was formed by Iran in Tehran in 1982 but composed exclusively of Iraqi exiles.
Yep, he is as unbiased and believable as the day is long.