USPS on the brink of collapse?

We all see "abuse" of power however it fits our political spectrum. Im just not goofy enough to believe that lies with just one or the other much less in an election year.
If we are applying the term correctly, then it either does or doesn't meet the definition. Trump has been guilty of this a few times now (withholding aid to the Ukraine, so as to use it as leverage against their president's willingness to perform a campaign favor for him being another). This, is yet another example of how he is willing to abuse the power of his office.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and Post Roads." The Post Office has the constitutional authority to designate mail routes. The Post Office is also empowered to construct or designate post offices with the implied authority to carry, deliver, and regulate the mail of the United States as a whole. The Postal Power also includes the power to designate certain materials as non-mailable, and to pass statutes criminalizing abuses of the postal system (such as mail fraud and armed robbery of post offices)[1]

The way to reduce the burden on the Postal Service during the final weeks leading to election day is to designate bulk junk mail as non-mailable. It wouldn't surprise me if the GOP wasn't orchestrating such a campaign to flood the mail system at that time.

That would be like cutting the football program from UT's athletic department. Bulk junk mail is the USPS' bread and butter.
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Do you believe Lerner was the top official involved?
No. Look, I'm not saying Trump is the only president to ever abuse the power of his office, but he is the current president and this shouldn't be tolerated. Citing past examples of other abuses of power, don't give reason to ignore this one.
No. Look, I'm not saying Trump is the only president to ever abuse the power of his office, but he is the current president and this shouldn't be tolerated. Citing past examples of other abuses of power, don't give reason to ignore this one.

Was the previous president held accountable or was the abuse ignored? If it was ignored why?
What does Trump have to do with Kanye on the ballot?
Members of the Trump campaign, specifically attorney Lane Ruhland, were collecting signatures for petitions and hand delivering them to the Wisconsin Elections Commission. It's on video, filmed by WISN-TV, a local station in Milwaukee. A complaint has been filed against Ruhland for an ethics violation. An attorney can not simultaneously represent two political campaigns vying for election to the same office. That is a conflict of interest. Also, Kanye West has confirmed that he has met with Jared Kushner to discuss "strategy". It's a very lame and transparent sham... but evidently, Trump thinks he has a better chance of getting black voters to vote for a rapper who named his kid "North West", than he does of getting them to vote for him.
If we are applying the term correctly, then it either does or doesn't meet the definition. Trump has been guilty of this a few times now (withholding aid to the Ukraine, so as to use it as leverage against their president's willingness to perform a campaign favor for him being another). This, is yet another example of how he is willing to abuse the power of his office.
I haven't refuted the definition nor the idea that Trump has partaken.

Given the facts of our political system it doesn't surprise me. He didn't invent it.

The right will blow it off. The left will lose their mind. If he was a D it would be the opposite which was my original point.
No. Look, I'm not saying Trump is the only president to ever abuse the power of his office, but he is the current president and this shouldn't be tolerated. Citing past examples of other abuses of power, don't give reason to ignore this one.

It is in the past yes, and at this point yes there's less you can do about it.

This response pretty much covers my point to a T. It all depends on who.
There were hearings. It certainly wasn't ignored.

Well that depends on the perspective really. Its not like there was a mass outrage over it from the left. They just move on to the next advantage they can use. Its the way politics are done.
Have there been hearings on the current presidents abuses?
There will be. It happens with all of them. Its a major part of the game now.

Its the othersides way of saying, "yep, told you there was something to it". All they need to do is get you to think its possible. Whether it is or not normally don't matter.
Mailing out ballots en mass Is just a terrible idea. I woukd venture to say the error rate even when voting in person is unacceptable.
Intentionally depleting the resources of the United States Postal Service, which is an independent agency of the federal government, in order to gain an advantage in an election (either real or imagined) shouldn't be dismissed as "political gamesmanship". This is a textbook example of an abuse of power by the President of the United States.

Abuse of power: occurs when a leader acts in a manner that manipulates an area of control for personal gain at the follower's expense - all the while avoiding basic managerial responsibility. Intention may or may not be present.

Hey Karen, anyone that wants to vote can. It might take a minimum amount of effort but they can vote. AND let’s not forget that the USPS does not receive federal funding.
Hey Karen, anyone that wants to vote can. It might take a minimum amount of effort but they can vote. AND let’s not forget that the USPS does not receive federal funding.
If Trump is what some claim he is (and its not like the msm hasn't tried to keep it fresh on the publics mind everyday for the last 4 years) there shouldn't be an issue with people showing up to vote against him winning a second term. If enough people feel the same way you do they will get out and vote. Its really that simple.
Really if you actually used the post office for anything other than getting your new Harbor freight magazine , the 4000 coupons that total up to $1.87 in saving at the Grocery store if you buy 3 25lbs of sugar at once , the Tire store where you can get $4 off a new set of Toyos if you buy a second set at the same time , $150 off a new plastic mesh cover system for your gutters when you contract at least 6 sq. miles of gutter with them , or 67cents off a 50lb bag of blue buffalo dog food . You should think about upgrading how you send and receive important information .
You are either missing the point entirely or have your head in the sand. No one cares about junk mail. What IS important is that we have an election in less than 3 months and we're in the middle of a global pandemic. One would assume mail in/absentee ballots would be at an all time high in this election. These votes not being counted is blatent corrupt voter surpression. If polling places are swamped on election day due to this and people have to wait in line for hours on end, that is also voter supression. We should not be making it harder for people to vote. The fact that all of this with the USPS is happening literally right before the election is the brightest of red flags I've ever seen.
You are either missing the point entirely or have your head in the sand. No one cares about junk mail. What IS important is that we have an election in less than 3 months and we're in the middle of a global pandemic. One would assume mail in/absentee ballots would be at an all time high in this election. These votes not being counted is blatent corrupt voter surpression. If polling places are swamped on election day due to this and people have to wait in line for hours on end, that is also voter supression. We should not be making it harder for people to vote. The fact that all of this with the USPS is happening literally right before the election is the brightest of red flags I've ever seen.

You could have stopped after you said “ we have an election in three months “ if we have to overhaul a postal service that’s been in existence since 1639 because people are to dumb to send their mail in earlier instead of waiting until the last second to play beat the clock to see if my vote will count so I can have something else to whine about ... we have bigger problems than we know . If you will look on your junk mail , you’ll see they don’t have an issue getting your coupons to you in time for next weeks big sale at Kroger . 🤷‍♂️
You are either missing the point entirely or have your head in the sand. No one cares about junk mail. What IS important is that we have an election in less than 3 months and we're in the middle of a global pandemic. One would assume mail in/absentee ballots would be at an all time high in this election. These votes not being counted is blatent corrupt voter surpression. If polling places are swamped on election day due to this and people have to wait in line for hours on end, that is also voter supression. We should not be making it harder for people to vote. The fact that all of this with the USPS is happening literally right before the election is the brightest of red flags I've ever seen.

Would Trump voters not be impacted as well with this supposed suppression?

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