USPS on the brink of collapse?

You are either missing the point entirely or have your head in the sand. No one cares about junk mail. What IS important is that we have an election in less than 3 months and we're in the middle of a global pandemic. One would assume mail in/absentee ballots would be at an all time high in this election. These votes not being counted is blatent corrupt voter surpression. If polling places are swamped on election day due to this and people have to wait in line for hours on end, that is also voter supression. We should not be making it harder for people to vote. The fact that all of this with the USPS is happening literally right before the election is the brightest of red flags I've ever seen.

Voting should be just as difficult, if not more, as buying a gun. Inconvenience is far from suppression but it’s understandable you would say something like that. The USPS already said they couldn’t promise ballots would arrive on time and I wouldn’t trust some driver delivering mail through a temp service with the handling of something so important. Giving them a blank check doesn’t make them operate any harder or more efficiently, it’s the USPS.
Would Trump voters not be impacted as well with this supposed suppression?
Of course not. All republican voter's got the secret Q email describing how to mark ballots prior to mailing. This way the post master general can set up the scanners to ensure Trump votes go right through the scanners and the Biden votes go through a shredder.
If Trump is what some claim he is (and its not like the msm hasn't tried to keep it fresh on the publics mind everyday for the last 4 years) there shouldn't be an issue with people showing up to vote against him winning a second term. If enough people feel the same way you do they will get out and vote. Its really that simple.
Trump is Hitler, Stalin, Mao, David Duke all rolled into one, but you're telling me in order to vote him out I have to stand in a line for 10 minutes with a mask on? It's a bridge too far sir.
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Voting should be just as difficult, if not more, as buying a gun. Inconvenience is far from suppression but it’s understandable you would say something like that. The USPS already said they couldn’t promise ballots would arrive on time and I wouldn’t trust some driver delivering mail through a temp service with the handling of something so important. Giving them a blank check doesn’t make them operate any harder or more efficiently, it’s the USPS.

I want to be able to order a gun online and have it delivered to my door without a background check. Furthermore, I want all firearm and firearm related purchases to be untaxed. Anything else is a suppression of my 2A right.
You are either missing the point entirely or have your head in the sand. No one cares about junk mail. What IS important is that we have an election in less than 3 months and we're in the middle of a global pandemic. One would assume mail in/absentee ballots would be at an all time high in this election. These votes not being counted is blatent corrupt voter surpression. If polling places are swamped on election day due to this and people have to wait in line for hours on end, that is also voter supression. We should not be making it harder for people to vote. The fact that all of this with the USPS is happening literally right before the election is the brightest of red flags I've ever seen.

All but 3-4 states offer early voting so there are options.
I want to be able to order a gun online and have it delivered to my door without a background check. Furthermore, I want all firearm and firearm related purchases to be untaxed. Anything else is a suppression of my 2A right.
Background checks, fees, and taxes disproportionately affect communities of color. Why do gun control proponents hate minorities?
You are either missing the point entirely or have your head in the sand. No one cares about junk mail. What IS important is that we have an election in less than 3 months and we're in the middle of a global pandemic. One would assume mail in/absentee ballots would be at an all time high in this election. These votes not being counted is blatent corrupt voter surpression. If polling places are swamped on election day due to this and people have to wait in line for hours on end, that is also voter supression. We should not be making it harder for people to vote. The fact that all of this with the USPS is happening literally right before the election is the brightest of red flags I've ever seen.
Literally right before is three months?
Voting should be just as difficult, if not more, as buying a gun. Inconvenience is far from suppression but it’s understandable you would say something like that. The USPS already said they couldn’t promise ballots would arrive on time and I wouldn’t trust some driver delivering mail through a temp service with the handling of something so important. Giving them a blank check doesn’t make them operate any harder or more efficiently, it’s the USPS.
Easily one of the dumbest statements ever and not just in this forum. The dumbing down of America front and center
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He didn't say easier. He said voting should be as or more difficult than buying a gun. Voting should be much easier than buying a gun

Then buying a gun should be as easy as voting? Why do you feel one right deserves suppression while others do not?

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