USS destroyer sailing by chinese disputed islands

Don't see it in there about claiming the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Tsk tsk. Now you’re parsing. They claim territorial waters in international waters in the South China Sea. This is the point in the debate where you play Putin’s move on whataboutism and point to us taking territorial waters to show Xi is justified. So we have claimed territorial waters in… 🤷‍♂️
Tsk tsk. Now you’re parsing. They claim territorial waters in international waters in the South China Sea. This is the point in the debate where you play Putin’s move on whataboutism and point to us taking territorial waters to show Xi is justified. So we have claimed territorial waters in… 🤷‍♂️
No, you made the original claim that the Chinese were making territorial claims in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. You said that, not me. And now you claim I'm parsing.

Lol! “Chased US warship out of its territorial waters”. China considers the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean it’s “territorial waters” 🤡
No, you made the original claim that the Chinese were making territorial claims in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. You said that, not me. And now you claim I'm parsing.
You are parsing. The fact is China is laying territorial claims in international and claims to have “run off” our war ship from international waters. The Pacific and Indian Oceans are all international waters. You’re parsing that “no they’re only doing it in the South China Sea” 🤡
You are parsing. The fact is China is laying territorial claims in international and claims to have “run off” our war ship from international waters. The Pacific and Indian Oceans are all international waters. You’re parsing that “no they’re only doing it in the South China Sea” 🤡
No, I was asking you to give me a link showing that they made territorial claims on the Indian and Pacific Oceans. You made that claim. That isn't parsing.
No, I was asking you to give me a link showing that they made territorial claims on the Indian and Pacific Oceans. You made that claim. That isn't parsing.
yes you are parsing. I embellished. However I correctly pointed to them laying claim to waters not their own (the South China Sea) and then aggressed a foreign war ship in waters they had no right to do so in. Your turn.
The Chinese, Russian, N Korean forces test our range all the time. Russian subs will patrol our coasts and we know it. It is only right we test theirs. God Bless America and **** Trump.
I can tell you this for fact. FACT. we have so many ultra high frequency microphones in the water we can hear a fish fart. We know everything about our coast.
Yes they are. And you ignored that in your parsing. You’re having to work extra hard tonight on your water carrying 😂
I didn't ignore them because they were not worth going back over the obvious. It is pretty clear what they are doing in the South China Sea.
That's funny, the US Navy has been the world navy (replacing the Brits) since WWII. But you're saying that the Chinese are the ones bullying people in the Indian and Pacific Oceans?
It's nice to see that you carry water for all enemies of the U.S. You don't simply reserve that special status for Russia. I guess you're a big fan of North Korea, Iran, and the Taliban as well.
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All I know is we know when someone is in our waters. We know when you are ****ing your girlfriend. Everyone knows we patrol each others coasts. You can actually bring it if you can because you know you can't. If you get past our coastal security (unlikely) you will deal with navy, coast guard, marines, before you get to army, and air force are the ones with coastal bases. I think we only allow sharks to survive because of nature. WTF can you do? It's not the 1940's anymore and all Americans have been verified at this point. You are getting away with zilch in our waters.
They’re definitely the ones terraforming and claiming land in international waters. Which absolutely nobody else acknowledged as valid. So it’s pretty clear who the bully is here.

And no they aren’t bullying anybody in the Indian or Pacific Oceans with their current Navy of 500 Bass Trackers. I said they claim those territorial waters. It remains to be seen if they will be forced to defend that claim.
They most certainly are bullying countries in the Pacific and have been for years. And if any in the Indian Ocean start missing Belt and Road payments then we'll see activity there too.
I wish Trump had put all of China's boomers on the ocean floor then turned China into a giant smoking crater. They initiated war on this country when they built and then turned loose the Covid killing several hundred thousand of our citizens and millions worldwide. The problem of China would then be solved.
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They most certainly are bullying countries in the Pacific and have been for years. And if any in the Indian Ocean start missing Belt and Road payments then we'll see activity there too.
So basically, you're saying that the Chinese are acting like the United States?
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