First, if they were serious about a level playing field, they would apply the rules and penalties evenly. I'd argue that they most certainly don't. Blue bloods rarely get taken to task and punished and if they do get "punishment", it's considered a slap on the wrist. They moan about "exploitation" yet they've been so totally inconsistent in how they handle things like eligibility with student athletes. Guess it depends on the school they're moving to? When's the last time bama or Michigan or OSU had a kid not have a decision on eligibility in time for the season start? How many times has UT had a player sit for months and months only to be cleared well after the season started? We've seen it with football and most recently in baseball. Back to the same article. Even there they offer a counterpoint to the "inequality" argument.
I guess my final thought is if "equality" is the goal, how is it that during decades of dominance by the same few schools, they never were nailed by the NCAA? Never a whiff of irregularities? With all that talent stockpiled, are we to believe that it was all legit and no rules were broken? When it does seem that a team violates the rules, why is it seemingly never a bottom feeder or one of the elites, but it's usually a team that threatens the established order? A team that maybe gets a little too high on the ladder for comfort that needs to be taken down a rung or three that gets "caught" cheating? You think Freeze would have been taken out if he hadn't beaten Saban on the field multiple times? I don't. Even if it's never proven, the "investigation" or the threat of one does enough damage on it's own. Nah, the NCAA has zero virtues. They've been corrupted and co-opted as a weapon in college sports. If they faced damages for their conduct, I'd wager that a lot of these "leaks" and frivolous "investigations" would decrease exponentially. No offense and I really enjoy your posts, but while your heart is in the right place, you give that soulless, corrupt tool called the NCAA way too much credit. In truth, they deserve none.