Vaccine or not?

Your statement is absolutely ridiculous. First of all, we now know that that they censored thousands of renowned doctors, scientists and experts in this field who had different opinions about covid and the safety of the vaccines. That was the only way they could reach the consensus that the vaccine was safe. I guess they are all now labeled as conspiracy theorists?

Then you have the simple fact that Phyzer wanted to wait 70 years before the public could gain access to the data pertaining to the covid vaccine. That doesn't raise a few questions for you?

You also have the absolutely huge increase in adverse reactions being reported to vaers since the Vaccine roll-out.
Florida health agency in Feb. reported the following:
1,700% increase in VAERS reports post the release of the COVID-19 vaccines
400% increase in overall vaccine administration for the same time period
4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions

Then you also had lots of groups being incentivised to push the covid vaccine. This included lots of organizations getting paid money as well as doctors being paid bonus checks per vaccinated patient.
Groups Lobbying for COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Were Funded by Pfizer

Another thing to think about is the simple fact that some of the most vaccinated countries in the world also have the highest excess death mortality.
Your reply is better than mine. I just insinuated he’s out of his mind instead of invoking reason.
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I think consulting a sports message board instead of a Physician is definitely the way to go.

The doctors who get bonus money for getting you to take the shot?

As someone who is around doctors daily and works in a similar capacity (mid level provider), I have no doubt there’s people in this forum who’ve read more studies on the vaccine than your average doctor.
The doctors who get bonus money for getting you to take the shot?

As someone who is around doctors daily and works in a similar capacity (mid level provider), I have no doubt there’s people in this forum who’ve read more studies on the vaccine than your average doctor.

"mid level provider" :rolleyes:
"mid level provider" :rolleyes:

Would you like to share your credentials? Since apparently a master’s degree in medicine is not enough for you. You started the appeal to authority. So let’s hear it

You’ll find many medical providers who do not recommend the vaccine for most patients. On top of that, I’ve never said you should listen to me or anyone else based on their authority, title, etc. That’s your claim. I’ve only posted actual scientific studies, that speak for themselves
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You've lost on the safety issue. You and others can keep finding individual cases of supposed adverse reactions here and there, but the bottom
line is the vaccines are safe. Not 100 percent safe, but close to it.

Nothing is 100 percent safe: You can't be 100 percent sure that when you walk out of your house, that debris from an orbiting satellite doesn't fall out of the sky, hit you in the head and kill you. The best advice is to read what experts and expert organizations have to say, stay away from opinions from politicians, cable talk-show hosts, conspiracy theorists, bloggers or anybody with a partisan or ideological bent, and make an informed decision. And that's true of every issue, not just this one.

So we should give this vaccine to 6 month old children who have no real risk of covid and just hope they aren’t the one who the vaccine harms?

You realize that’s the current guideline, right?
I Was Severely Injured by the Moderna Vaccine': Former Pussycat Dolls Member Speaks Out

Jessica Sutta: "I just read the FDA pulled an eye drop because it killed one person. Why is it so different with this?"

Very brave of Jessica to speak out. I'll definitely be pulling clips from this interview.

'I Was Severely Injured by the Moderna Vaccine': Former Pussycat Dolls Member Speaks Out
Why didn't she do just a teeny little bit of research before having that **** injected into her?
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So we should give this vaccine to 6 month old children who have no real risk of covid and just hope they aren’t the one who the vaccine harms?

You realize that’s the current guideline, right?

I tend to follow the guidance of experts--as many other people do. Are you suggesting that you know more than the experts? What I've learned is that Maga minds (and I used that word loosely) are riddled with conspiracy theories.

The anti-vax movement got its start when some people---I think the parents of autistic children--got it into their heads that vaccines caused their childrens' autism. It was a conspiracy theory that has been debunked many times.

Do what you want to do--and meantime, we'll await the next news clips dug up by Newsmax citing somebody in Topeka who claims that the Covid vaccine is responsible for his sore knees.
I tend to follow the guidance of experts--as many other people do. Are you suggesting that you know more than the experts? What I've learned is that Maga minds (and I used that word loosely) are riddled with conspiracy theories.

The anti-vax movement got its start when some people---I think the parents of autistic children--got it into their heads that vaccines caused their childrens' autism. It was a conspiracy theory that has been debunked many times.

Do what you want to do--and meantime, we'll await the next news clips dug up by Newsmax citing somebody in Topeka who claims that the Covid vaccine is responsible for his sore knees.


I tend to follow the guidance of experts--as many other people do. Are you suggesting that you know more than the experts? What I've learned is that Maga minds (and I used that word loosely) are riddled with conspiracy theories.

The anti-vax movement got its start when some people---I think the parents of autistic children--got it into their heads that vaccines caused their childrens' autism. It was a conspiracy theory that has been debunked many times.

Do what you want to do--and meantime, we'll await the next news clips dug up by Newsmax citing somebody in Topeka who claims that the Covid vaccine is responsible for his sore knees.

By experts do you mean the government agencies that are funded by the pharmaceutical industry and who go to work for the pharmaceutical industry after they leave those agencies?

The same government agencies who literally gave OxyContin a label saying it was “less addictive” and then the person who approved the label immediately went to work for Purdue pharma after?

I’m not talking about autism, nor conspiracies. I’m talking about actual scientific papers published showing the risk of myocarditis to be 2x the risk of myocarditis from covid.

Given covid is not a major illness for a 6 month old, why would anyone expose them to such a risk?

Rather than simply relying on “experts”, try reading actual studies for yourself so you can make actual informed decisions. Because there is no class of “experts” who have the same opinion. For example the world health organization and the cdc have different guidelines on childhood covid vaccines
You are on a roll tonight. Shatting on military serviceman and medical professionals. How do you feel about people who train service animals?

Yeah, and when he claimed or insinuated he served in the military he ran away from another forum when asked to provide the branch he served in, where he went through basic training, his MOS, etc. Maybe he did and maybe he didn't, but usually when someone ghosts a thread after a question like that, they're probably fos.
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By experts do you mean the government agencies that are funded by the pharmaceutical industry and who go to work for the pharmaceutical industry after they leave those agencies?

The same government agencies who literally gave OxyContin a label saying it was “less addictive” and then the person who approved the label immediately went to work for Purdue pharma after?

I’m not talking about autism, nor conspiracies. I’m talking about actual scientific papers published showing the risk of myocarditis to be 2x the risk of myocarditis from covid.

Given covid is not a major illness for a 6 month old, why would anyone expose them to such a risk?

Rather than simply relying on “experts”, try reading actual studies for yourself so you can make actual informed decisions. Because there is no class of “experts” who have the same opinion. For example the world health organization and the cdc have different guidelines on childhood covid vaccines

When Biden got elected, the political right/fox started a campaign to politicize Covid and the vaccines--fact. There have been efforts to portray the vaccines as unsafe when the FACT is they are safe. Does that mean that there /won't be any adverse reactions? No, of course not. But more than two-thirds of the country has been vaxxed and there have been no significant issues.

The CDC is independent and almost entirely government funded save for a little private foundation money. The FDA is a different story. It gets about 40 percent of its funding from drug company "user fees," and there has long been too much of a relationship between the drug companies and the regulatory agency. There are certainly instances of the industry having too much sway over the FDA, and no question the opioid crisis was a major regulatory failure that got a LOT of people killed, partly because there are in fact a lot of corrupt doctors in American who prescribe drugs too often and too easily. One big problem is that there is far too much direct to consumer advertising by drug companies, who go over the heads of the medical community and try to gin up demand for their drugs with TV commercials and other advertising. I think drug advertising should be banned. Even though it can sometimes cave in to drug industry pressure, the FDA nevertheless seems to do a solid job of analyzing the efficacy and safety of new drugs--powerful pain killers being the unfortunate exception. I can certainly be skeptical of big business/big pharm---but when it comes a global/national health crisis, as we had with Covid, my feeling is that there is a genuine effort by everyone to do the right thing for the public. That doesn't mean mistakes weren't made or that there wasn't confusion or uncertainty about particular issues, but this was the first major pandemic the U.S. has experienced in decades. Everyone did the best they could.
What the hell do you care if someone wears a mask or not? MAGA people want to be free to lug around dangerous, useless weapons, but
get their knickers in a knot when some people wear masks. Go figure....

I have finally come to the conclusion that the people who are still wearing masks are actually doing us normal people a big favor by hiding their ugly faces.🤪
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When Biden got elected, the political right/fox started a campaign to politicize Covid and the vaccines--fact. There have been efforts to portray the vaccines as unsafe when the FACT is they are safe. Does that mean that there /won't be any adverse reactions? No, of course not. But more than two-thirds of the country has been vaxxed and there have been no significant issues.

The CDC is independent and almost entirely government funded save for a little private foundation money. The FDA is a different story. It gets about 40 percent of its funding from drug company "user fees," and there has long been too much of a relationship between the drug companies and the regulatory agency. There are certainly instances of the industry having too much sway over the FDA, and no question the opioid crisis was a major regulatory failure that got a LOT of people killed, partly because there are in fact a lot of corrupt doctors in American who prescribe drugs too often and too easily. One big problem is that there is far too much direct to consumer advertising by drug companies, who go over the heads of the medical community and try to gin up demand for their drugs with TV commercials and other advertising. I think drug advertising should be banned. Even though it can sometimes cave in to drug industry pressure, the FDA nevertheless seems to do a solid job of analyzing the efficacy and safety of new drugs--powerful pain killers being the unfortunate exception. I can certainly be skeptical of big business/big pharm---but when it comes a global/national health crisis, as we had with Covid, my feeling is that there is a genuine effort by everyone to do the right thing for the public. That doesn't mean mistakes weren't made or that there wasn't confusion or uncertainty about particular issues, but this was the first major pandemic the U.S. has experienced in decades. Everyone did the best they could.

I was skeptical of the vaccine way before Biden was elected. I will give you an example of politicisation . How many times in 2020 did we hear the liberal pundits say they were never going to take Trumps vaccine. That no vaccine was safe that had been rushed put the way this one was. Biden gets elected and suddenly everybody is pushing for vaccine mandates and that people who were still skeptical of the vaccine were the scum of the earth and should not be accepted in society.
What the hell do you care if someone wears a mask or not? MAGA people want to be free to lug around dangerous, useless weapons, but
get their knickers in a knot when some people wear masks. Go figure....
I actually don't care at all. Most of them look better that way.
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When Biden got elected, the political right/fox started a campaign to politicize Covid and the vaccines--fact. There have been efforts to portray the vaccines as unsafe when the FACT is they are safe. Does that mean that there /won't be any adverse reactions? No, of course not. But more than two-thirds of the country has been vaxxed and there have been no significant issues.
Talk about having your head in the sand.

I know you are the latest fly-by, but there's plenty of proof to the contrary. There is acknowledgement that a significant percentage of women experience menstrual changes (i.e. fertility effects). Pfizer includes a chart in its EUA documentation showing the risk of myocarditis is higher in young people than the risk of the virus, during certain transmission levels. VAERS has more reports than they have with all other vaccines combined. Athletes around the world have collapsed or died (even on TV, unless you don't believe what your own eyes see).

There is a huge effort to cover all this from the public eye, because the truth could be extremely damaging to both the pharmaceutical companies and the legislators that pushed/ forced the shots. Some countries have already limited their use in certain age/sex demographics, and more will follow suit.

But, get your 5th "booster" if you see fit.
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When Biden got elected, the political right/fox started a campaign to politicize Covid and the vaccines--fact.

This makes me assume that you don't actually understand the timeline of events. Why would the right/fox or anyone else speak out against the vaccines before they were even on the market?
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When Biden got elected, the political right/fox started a campaign to politicize Covid and the vaccines--fact. There have been efforts to portray the vaccines as unsafe when the FACT is they are safe. Does that mean that there /won't be any adverse reactions? No, of course not. But more than two-thirds of the country has been vaxxed and there have been no significant issues.

The CDC is independent and almost entirely government funded save for a little private foundation money. The FDA is a different story. It gets about 40 percent of its funding from drug company "user fees," and there has long been too much of a relationship between the drug companies and the regulatory agency. There are certainly instances of the industry having too much sway over the FDA, and no question the opioid crisis was a major regulatory failure that got a LOT of people killed, partly because there are in fact a lot of corrupt doctors in American who prescribe drugs too often and too easily. One big problem is that there is far too much direct to consumer advertising by drug companies, who go over the heads of the medical community and try to gin up demand for their drugs with TV commercials and other advertising. I think drug advertising should be banned. Even though it can sometimes cave in to drug industry pressure, the FDA nevertheless seems to do a solid job of analyzing the efficacy and safety of new drugs--powerful pain killers being the unfortunate exception. I can certainly be skeptical of big business/big pharm---but when it comes a global/national health crisis, as we had with Covid, my feeling is that there is a genuine effort by everyone to do the right thing for the public. That doesn't mean mistakes weren't made or that there wasn't confusion or uncertainty about particular issues, but this was the first major pandemic the U.S. has experienced in decades. Everyone did the best they could.

What's amazing is that in this you seem to agree with me that your "experts" have been compromised by institutional capture. Yet you still agree with your previous claim of "I follow the experts!" (as if 100% of people agree on anything).

The CDC was ran by a man who openly lied about funding gain of function research in Wuhan.
I tend to follow the guidance of experts--as many other people do. Are you suggesting that you know more than the experts? What I've learned is that Maga minds (and I used that word loosely) are riddled with conspiracy theories.

The anti-vax movement got its start when some people---I think the parents of autistic children--got it into their heads that vaccines caused their childrens' autism. It was a conspiracy theory that has been debunked many times.

Do what you want to do--and meantime, we'll await the next news clips dug up by Newsmax citing somebody in Topeka who claims that the Covid vaccine is responsible for his sore knees.
When Biden got elected, the political right/fox started a campaign to politicize Covid and the vaccines--fact. There have been efforts to portray the vaccines as unsafe when the FACT is they are safe. Does that mean that there /won't be any adverse reactions? No, of course not. But more than two-thirds of the country has been vaxxed and there have been no significant issues.

The CDC is independent and almost entirely government funded save for a little private foundation money. The FDA is a different story. It gets about 40 percent of its funding from drug company "user fees," and there has long been too much of a relationship between the drug companies and the regulatory agency. There are certainly instances of the industry having too much sway over the FDA, and no question the opioid crisis was a major regulatory failure that got a LOT of people killed, partly because there are in fact a lot of corrupt doctors in American who prescribe drugs too often and too easily. One big problem is that there is far too much direct to consumer advertising by drug companies, who go over the heads of the medical community and try to gin up demand for their drugs with TV commercials and other advertising. I think drug advertising should be banned. Even though it can sometimes cave in to drug industry pressure, the FDA nevertheless seems to do a solid job of analyzing the efficacy and safety of new drugs--powerful pain killers being the unfortunate exception. I can certainly be skeptical of big business/big pharm---but when it comes a global/national health crisis, as we had with Covid, my feeling is that there is a genuine effort by everyone to do the right thing for the public. That doesn't mean mistakes weren't made or that there wasn't confusion or uncertainty about particular issues, but this was the first major pandemic the U.S. has experienced in decades. Everyone did the best they could.

There was "uncertainty" in your terms but a push by the Biden Administration in Fall/Winter of 2021 for universal vax mandates even with stats that did not back it up (for large portions of the population)...

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