Vaccine or not?

What is the age stratification of the 3 million lives saved? Is it 99.9% 50+?

This article was short on details/methodology. Typically when I see that, something is getting hidden
To evaluate the impact of the vaccination program in the United States, we expanded our age-stratified, agent-based model of COVID-19 to include waning of naturally acquired or vaccine-elicited immunity, as well as booster vaccination. For the timelines of this study, the characteristics of five variants were included in the model, each with cumulative prevalence of at least 3 percent in the U.S., including Iota, Alpha, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron, in addition to the original Wuhan-I SARS-CoV-2 strain.

The model parameters included the population demographics of the U.S., prevalence of comorbidities, an empirically determined contact network accounting for changes in pandemic restrictions and mobility patterns, as well as age-specific risks of severe health outcomes because of COVID-19. The model incorporated data on daily vaccine doses administered in the U.S. and implemented the age-based expansion of the vaccination program. The minimum age eligibility for vaccination was 16 years before May 13, 2021, after which children 12 to 15 became eligible for vaccination. Vaccination of children ages 5 to 11 with Pfizer-BioNTech started on November 2, 2021; vaccination of children ages 6 months to 5 years began on June 18, 2022. First boosters were authorized to elderly people and individuals with comorbidities on September 1, 2021, and expanded to other age groups over the next few months. On March 29, 2022, an additional booster was recommended, and an Omicron-specific booster was introduced on September 1, 2022.

Vaccine efficacies against infection, and symptomatic and severe disease for different vaccine types — for each variant and by time since vaccination — were drawn from published estimates. The model was calibrated to reported national incidence data between October 1, 2020, and November 30, 2022, and validated with the trends of hospitalizations and deaths.

We evaluated the impact of vaccine rollout by simulating the pandemic trajectory under the counterfactual scenario without vaccination. The simulated outcomes of total infections, hospitalizations, and deaths were compared to the fitted model, reflecting the actual pandemic in the U.S. and vaccinations that occurred between December 12, 2020, and November 30, 2022. We then estimated medical cost savings based on these averted outcomes, as previously described.
To evaluate the impact of the vaccination program in the United States, we expanded our age-stratified, agent-based model of COVID-19 to include waning of naturally acquired or vaccine-elicited immunity, as well as booster vaccination. For the timelines of this study, the characteristics of five variants were included in the model, each with cumulative prevalence of at least 3 percent in the U.S., including Iota, Alpha, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron, in addition to the original Wuhan-I SARS-CoV-2 strain.

The model parameters included the population demographics of the U.S., prevalence of comorbidities, an empirically determined contact network accounting for changes in pandemic restrictions and mobility patterns, as well as age-specific risks of severe health outcomes because of COVID-19. The model incorporated data on daily vaccine doses administered in the U.S. and implemented the age-based expansion of the vaccination program. The minimum age eligibility for vaccination was 16 years before May 13, 2021, after which children 12 to 15 became eligible for vaccination. Vaccination of children ages 5 to 11 with Pfizer-BioNTech started on November 2, 2021; vaccination of children ages 6 months to 5 years began on June 18, 2022. First boosters were authorized to elderly people and individuals with comorbidities on September 1, 2021, and expanded to other age groups over the next few months. On March 29, 2022, an additional booster was recommended, and an Omicron-specific booster was introduced on September 1, 2022.

Vaccine efficacies against infection, and symptomatic and severe disease for different vaccine types — for each variant and by time since vaccination — were drawn from published estimates. The model was calibrated to reported national incidence data between October 1, 2020, and November 30, 2022, and validated with the trends of hospitalizations and deaths.

We evaluated the impact of vaccine rollout by simulating the pandemic trajectory under the counterfactual scenario without vaccination. The simulated outcomes of total infections, hospitalizations, and deaths were compared to the fitted model, reflecting the actual pandemic in the U.S. and vaccinations that occurred between December 12, 2020, and November 30, 2022. We then estimated medical cost savings based on these averted outcomes, as previously described.

So a simulated counterfactual computer model with no hard numbers used or provided in the article attached?

Ask @VolinWayne how I am when I don't see actual data...
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😂 How in holy hell did they come up with that?

Yeah, this study never passed smell test with me and I haven't posted it for that reason.

To get to the death numbers from this analysis, the following would have had to happen

1. Death rate from infection increased from 0.8%-0.9% to 1.3%-1.4%.

2. Every American would have had to catch it.

3. Virus wouldn't have weakened from Winter 2020 baseline.

4. Wouldn't have got any better treating cases in 2021 and 2022 vs 2020 baseline.

This isn't to say the vax didn't save lives in 2021. The data, especially from the summer 2021 surge, proves that out. There are other studies with actual data and not simulations (plus a couple of actuarial discussions) out there that have more conservative estimates of lives saved in the 1.0-1.5MM range. Those appear to jive much better with the data.

I'll leave discussions about long-term risks and how widespread they are, mandates, use on young, and waning effectiveness in 2022 and 2023 for other parts of this thread...
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"231 Current and Former U.S. Service Members Demand Military Leaders Be Court-Martialed Over Forced COVID Vaccines: “Service Members Were Significantly Harmed by These Actions”

On January 1, 2024, two hundred thirty-one current and former service members from various branches of the United States Armed Forces came together to sign the “Declaration of Military Accountability.”

This document, spearheaded by Commander Robert A. Green Jr. of the U.S. Navy, marks a significant moment in military history, calling for sweeping reforms and accountability within the Armed Forces.

Veteran Brad Miller wrote on X, “At 4 am EST today (a few min ago), senior military leaders received an email with a letter attached called the Declaration of Military Accountability. I know because I sent the email. I sent it on behalf of myself & 230 other signatories of the letter.”

“The letter is not addressed to the military leaders but rather to the American people. The email was merely to inform these military leaders that there is group of troops & vets pledging to the American public that we will do everything lawfully within our power to stop the willful destruction of our military by its own leadership. Let’s take our country back in 2024 & let’s begin by defending our military from its own leadership. You can find the body of the letter below. Soon we’ll have it on a website where you can find it as well, along with the names of the 231 signatories.

“The signatories, in their open letter to the American public, emphasize the importance of moral and religious foundations as articulated by Second U.S. President John Adams, stressing that the Constitution is designed for a society grounded in these values,” he added.

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The letter reads in part:

The flag and general officers are far from the only ones complicit in recent illegal activities, as a significant number of SES leaders and political appointees contributed. Evidence indicates that other executive agencies are engaging in illegal activity. However, as service members and veterans, we feel particularly responsible for the DoD and, in accordance with our oaths, we will make every effort to demonstrate by example, how an institution can put its own house in order.
We the undersigned, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of service members and the American people, while appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for guidance and purity of intention, mutually pledge to each other that we will do everything in our power, through lawful word and action, to hold accountable military.
The declaration outlines grave concerns about the current state of the nation, highlighting “avaricious corruption” and failures within key institutions, including the Department of Defense.

A significant portion of the declaration criticizes the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate within the military. The authors accuse military leaders of ‘breaking laws, trampling constitutional rights, denying informed consent, permitting unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressing the free exercise of religion.’

The signatories link these actions to a range of consequences suffered by service members and their families, including financial hardship, emotional distress, physical ailments, and in some cases, homelessness and death.

In their pledge, the undersigned commit to holding their leadership accountable through moral and legal means. They express intentions to rebuild trust by demonstrating that leaders cannot disregard constitutional rights or laws for political gains.

The signatories include a diverse range of ranks and positions, from high-ranking officers to enlisted personnel, across various branches of the U.S. military.

Read the full letter below:

In the course of human events it sometimes becomes necessary to admonish the lawless, encourage the fainthearted, and strengthen the weak. We have reached just such a time in our history. The affairs of our nation are now steeped in avaricious corruption and our once stalwart institutions, including the Dept of Defense, are failing to fulfill the moral obligations upon which they were founded. Standing upon our natural and constitutional rights, we hereby apprise the American people that we have exhausted all internal efforts to rectify recent criminal activity within the Armed Forces.
In the Declaration of Independence our founding fathers sought separation. We seek no separation, but through this letter and the efforts we pledge herein, we pursue restoration through accountability. We intend to rebuild trust and restore the rule of law, particularly within the Armed Forces. Ultimately, we strive to once again become a moral people, restoring our nation, and making it again worthy of the great gift of liberty won by the colonial-era American people.
While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion.
Service members and families were significantly harmed by these actions. Their suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically.
Some service members became part of our ever-growing veteran homeless population, some developed debilitating vaccine injuries, and some even lost their lives. In an apparent attempt to avoid accountability, military leaders are continuing to ignore our communications regarding these injuries and the laws that were broken.
For GEN Milley, ADM Grady, GEN McConville, ADM Gilday, ADM Lescher, Gen Brown, Gen Berger, Gen Smith, VADM Kilby, VADM Nowell, VADM Fuller, LTG Martin, Lt Gen Davis, MG Edmonson, GEN Williams, ADM Fagan, VADM Buck, Lt Gen Clark, MG Francis, LTG Dingle, Lt Gen Miller, RADM Gillingham, and numerous others;
These individuals enabled lawlessness and the unwilling experimentation on service members. The moral and physical injuries they helped inflict are significant. They betrayed the trust of service members and the American people. Their actions caused irreparable harm to the Armed Forces and the institutions for which we have fought and bled.
These leaders refused to resign or take any other action to hold themselves accountable, nor have they attempted to repair the harm their policies and actions have caused. Since there has yet to be any accountability, the undersigned give our word to do everything morally permissible and legally possible to hold our own leadership accountable. We intend to rebuild trust by demonstrating that leaders cannot cast aside constitutional rights or the law for political expediency.
The flag and general officers are far from the only ones complicit in recent illegal activities, as a significant number of SES leaders and political appointees contributed. Evidence indicates that other executive agencies are engaging in illegal activity. However, as service members and veterans, we feel particularly responsible for the DoD and, in accordance with our oaths, we will make every effort to demonstrate by example, how an institution can put its own house in order.
We the undersigned, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of service members and the American people, while appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for guidance and purity of intention, mutually pledge to each other that we will do everything in our power, through lawful word and action, to hold accountable military leaders who failed to follow the law when their leadership and moral courage was most desperately needed.
In the coming years, thousands within our network will run for Congress and seek appointments to executive branch offices, while those of us still serving on active duty will continue to put fulfilling our oaths ahead of striving for rank or position. For those who achieve the lawful authority to do so, we pledge to recall from retirement the military leaders who broke the law and will convene courts-martial for the crimes they committed. For those of us who attain legislative offices, we pledge to introduce legislation to remove all retirement income for the military leaders who were criminally complicit, and we will ensure none serve in or retire from the Senior Executive Service.
This endeavor will be a continuous process with a long-term time horizon, but fulfilling our oaths to defend the Constitution requires just such persistent vigilance. Likewise, we are obligated, and so commit, to train those who come after us to fulfill their duty in achieving this accountability and safeguarding against such leadership failures hereafter.
Our nation was once great because it was good. It was built on moral principles founded in natural law and yet, the recent acceleration of moral relativism has us headed towards a precipitous implosion. While all good things come to an end, we refuse to allow our nation to go quietly into the depths of decadence and decay. We promise to exhaust all moral, ethical, and legal means to restore the rule of law and will begin by attempting to hold senior military leaders accountable. The Constitution is the supreme law of our land. We will fight to enforce that law and put an end to the two- tiered justice system. May future generations see our efforts and, God willing, may they also be recipients of the great gift of liberty that we have had the honor of safeguarding.
This isn't to say the vax didn't save lives in 2021. The data, especially from the summer 2021 surge, proves that out.
It really doesn't. The MRNA "vax" was not only ineffective, it's weakening of the immune system, made people subjected to MRNA experimentation have weaker immunity to covid, as well as flu, bacterial infections, Pneumonia, fungel etc etc. .
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Slightly off-topic: looks very much like we have a mismatched flu strain in the area. It will take a couple of weeks to see definitive report from the flu surveillance typing.
Slightly off-topic: looks very much like we have a mismatched flu strain in the area. It will take a couple of weeks to see definitive report from the flu surveillance typing.

What does that mean? Flu shot not right this year?
Damn skippy. Make sure to get your "seasonal" CV shot and wear a mask, because they work. But still get tested. A lot. That way, if you test positive, . . . well, you will at least know that you contracted CV (again) and you can do nothing, since it's a virus and there isn't any actual effective treatment. But don't take horse paste. And, definitely spray your groceries with Lysol, walk the grocery aisles according to the directional arrows, and stand on the circles while in line.

We're all in this together, and this is how we will eliminate the virus from the face of the Earth.
OK full disclosure. A couple of days before Christmas, the wife started feeling icky. We had a few of those old 'rona tests lying around from the panic of '20, so she said what the heck. It popped positive. (Could be because it was old and out of date, I dunno) A few days later I came down with mostly the same symptoms. didn't test. Didn't care and still don't because it wasn't even what I would call a bad cold.
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Just glad he had his 8th booster or it could have been much worse.

Thanks Bernie, but...
Scientists in a new paper detected spike protein in the bloodstream of people with long COVID two months after infection and COVID-19 vaccination, suggesting that spike protein may persist in the body much longer than previously predicted and does not remain at the injection site.

The study, published Dec. 27 in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, found vaccine spike protein in two patients at least two months after receiving their second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and viral spike protein in one subject who previously recovered from infection in a cohort of 81 patients with long COVID syndrome. Samples gathered from the unvaccinated control group were negative for spike protein.

“This study, in agreement with other published investigations, demonstrates that both natural and vaccine spike protein may still be present in long-COVID patients, thus supporting the existence of a possible mechanism that causes the persistence of spike protein in the human body for much longer than predicted by early studies,” the authors wrote.


A social media campaign calling on candidates in races across the country to pledge their support for pulling the COVID-19 vaccine off the market is gaining momentum, as the influence of pharmaceutical companies on elected officials continues to be a hot-button issue for candidates vying for political office.
Influence over elected officials is the tip of the tip of the iceberg. What really needs to happen is what Trump tried to do- stopping the revolving door between unelected government officials from the NIH, NSF, CDC, etc., pharma companies, and organizations like the AMA.

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