Vaccine or not?

This is a very interesting and eye opening interview. People need to realize just how intertwined the pharmaceutical companies are with the regulatory agencies that are supposed to be regulating their products and then you add to that all of the beurocrats from Washington who are highly invested in the pharmaceutical industry. At the end of the day they are there for one reason and it's to make money.

Another thing to consider is the millions of dollars that is being spent on advertising these covid "vaccines" and the amount of revenue that's being brought in as a result. It's not a healthy business motto to bite the hand that feeds you.....this would help to explain why the lack of coverage by the news media on all of the many adverse reactions that have happened over the past 3 years.
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This is a very interesting and eye opening interview. People need to realize just how intertwined the pharmaceutical companies are with the regulatory agencies that are supposed to be regulating their products and then you add to that all of the beurocrats from Washington who are highly invested in the pharmaceutical industry. At the end of the day they are there for one reason and it's to make money.

Another thing to consider is the millions of dollars that is being spent on advertising these covid "vaccines" and the amount of revenue that's being brought in as a result. It's not a healthy business motto to bite the hand that feeds you.....this would help to explain why the lack of coverage by the news media on all of the many adverse reactions that have happened over the past 3 years.
Hint: this is not just in pharma.

Look at where officers ranked Colonel and above end up once they "retire". Look at Veterans Affairs SES-level folks, Chiefs of Staff, etc. and where they end up once they "retire". Look at where the SES folks out of USAID end up. NSF. USGS. Anywhere. Government folks know that if they play ball with industry/consultants, they can work until they lock in their retirement benefits and end up in a cushy, nearly no-show job with a consulting firm where they schmooze with their buddies still in government to keep big contracts alive. Things don't get fixed in government because nobody is incentivized to actually fix anything. Problems only become problems when they can be political weapons.
Hint: this is not just in pharma.

Look at where officers ranked Colonel and above end up once they "retire". Look at Veterans Affairs SES-level folks, Chiefs of Staff, etc. and where they end up once they "retire". Look at where the SES folks out of USAID end up. NSF. USGS. Anywhere. Government folks know that if they play ball with industry/consultants, they can work until they lock in their retirement benefits and end up in a cushy, nearly no-show job with a consulting firm where they schmooze with their buddies still in government to keep big contracts alive. Things don't get fixed in government because nobody is incentivized to actually fix anything. Problems only become problems when they can be political weapons.
Oh I absolutely 100% agree with you.
To be serious for a moment...Howard Stern is the poster child for what can happen when the left panics folks. It can take a guy like this who has neurotic tendencies, and you turn him into a basement dwelling hermit. Completely change his life forever. Y2K had this effect on some folks too. It's really kinda sad that the left does this to people
Vaccines Could Impact Mortality and Risks of Other Diseases: Study

In a review published on Dec. 26 in Vaccine, researchers found that non-live vaccines like influenza, COVID-19, hepatitis B, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) tend to cause adverse nonspecific effects (NSE), increasing a person’s risks of all-cause mortality and the potential risk of infections from diseases they are meant to protect against.

Damage to the blood explains many of the harms caused by corona vaccinations​

"Such phenomena have never been seen before after any previous vaccinations"​

Link doesn't show it, but it will translate.

Lawsuit: United Airlines Mocked and Shamed Vaccine Mandate Holdouts — CEO Accused of Floating ‘Scarlet Letter’ on ID Badges​


United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby and upper management expressed animosity toward religious employees who sought exemptions from the company’s draconian coronavirus vaccine mandate, internal company communications have revealed.

A legal brief filed early Saturday in part of a larger lawsuit against the airline contains internal communications obtained in discovery, which shows management’s effort to coerce religious employees to take the coronavirus vaccine at every turn. The effort was so blatant that one union president, Craig Symons, expressed to Scott Kirby and others that United was “over the line” and attempting to institute a “purge of religious orthodoxy,” the brief revealed.

Drug Adverse Event Comparison (01/01/1996 - 12/29/23):

Ivermectin - 4,297
HCQ - 29,415
Flu Vaccine - 223,663
Dexamethasone - 113,686
Tylenol - 139,025
Remdesivir - 9,478
COVID Vaccines - 1,621,120

Naysayers will say this number is so high because billions of COVID-19 shots were administered. However, Senator Ron Johnson ran a calculation, and he found that the COVID shots were 55 times more lethal (25.1 vs 0.46 deaths per million doses) than the flu vaccines.
This is dangerous thinking. At what point do we start calling a spade a spade and treat these discrimatory people the same way we would treat anybody else who is a racist or openly discriminates against a certain group of people?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), online “anti-vaccine activism” is more dangerous than terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and gun violence.

“We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally,” said Baylor College of Medicine’s Dr. Peter Hotez, in a shocking video shared December 14, 2022 by the WHO on Twitter.

Dr. Hotez continued to warn that anti-vaccine activism is “a killing force” that is more dangerous than “gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, or cyberattacks.”

“And now it’s become a political movement,” he continued. “In the U.S., it’s linked to far extremism on the far Right. Same in Germany. So this is a new face of anti-science aggression.”

The video concludes with Dr. Hotez saying: “And so we need political solutions to address this.”

WHO shares video stating online "anti-vaccine activism" is deadlier than "global terrorism"

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