Vaccine or not?

The lockdowns killed a whole lot more than the vax ever did...
Absolutely agree

Now do depression and suicide.

Edit: and …serious question, I have a workout buddy who is a pulmonologist. He’s saying we’re about to see a spike in the amount of copd, lung disease issues he claims form masking. Has any of that shown up on the balance sheet?
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Absolutely agree

Now do depression and suicide.

Edit: and …serious question, I have a workout buddy who is a pulmonologist. He’s saying we’re about to see a spike in the amount of copd, lung disease issues he claims form masking. Has any of that shown up on the balance sheet?

Suicides have continued upward trend going up ~10% from 2019 to 2022..

Saw bigger jump in 21 and 22 and that may be job related.

Colon cancer is really the one epidemic you might see in next 10 years to impact insurance rates....
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The red woman and I regularly talk about that exact stupidity

Edit: gym and workout studios closed
Liquor store, open
I heard (don’t remember where) that they were worried that the effect of closing liquor stores would be an outbreak of alcoholics suffering dt’s thus taking up hospital beds. Interesting if true.
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I heard (don’t remember where) that they were worried that the effect of closing liquor stores would be an outbreak of alcoholics suffering dt’s thus taking up hospital beds. Interesting if true.
Or really sad.
But seriously. Why close anything? It was so stupid the way we decided who should be closed and who shouldn’t

I remember a big line waiting to get in Home Depot. They were limiting the number of people in the store. Except the contractors. We could come and go as we please.
Or really sad.
But seriously. Why close anything? It was so stupid the way we decided who should be closed and who shouldn’t

I remember a big line waiting to get in Home Depot. They were limiting the number of people in the store. Except the contractors. We could come and go as we please.

My techs all carried a letter signed by me on our letterhead that said:

We are an essential business.

Nothing else. I had a crew pulled over at a scale in NY and they were going to be detained because they didn’t have anything identifying them as “essential” so I faxed the scale house that letter.
My techs all carried a letter signed by me on our letterhead that said:

We are an essential business.

Nothing else. I had a crew pulled over at a scale in NY and they were going to be detained because they didn’t have anything identifying them as “essential” so I faxed the scale house that letter.
I should have thought of that
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My techs all carried a letter signed by me on our letterhead that said:

We are an essential business.

Nothing else. I had a crew pulled over at a scale in NY and they were going to be detained because they didn’t have anything identifying them as “essential” so I faxed the scale house that letter.
That's awesome.

I had a copy of my positive antibody test and sent that to the hospitals when they required the CV shot. Never heard a word.
I totally understand your point, and your assessment of the majority of available studies is correct. However, there are many people (and many who are very smart) who believe the studies are tainted. There is a laundry list of examples in the history of medical literature, and this was a unique time in medicine.

As I've said before, and yes it is anecdotal, but between myself, family members, and several colleague friends, I have witnessed enough rapid improvement following early ivermectin treatment to not accept it as coincidence. I was 90% better in 24 hours with my second infection. Nobody grew a tail or developed an unexpected affinity for apples, either.

This was our experience as well. My wife, kids, and I never got the jab thankfully nor will we. We used ivermectin liberally any time we felt that we may have been exposed during the early period of cov19 when things were crazy. None of us ever got really sick though.

My FIL however who was older, a little overweight etc got covid...was taken to the hospital and kidnapped for 21 days where we could not see him even when the police were called to the hospital...when my wife with legal papers in hand, after much drama including meeting with hospital execs with a lawyer present was finally able to see him on the 21st day he was apparently ventilated since day 1, had developed multiple preventable secondary infections including bedsores. Had never received any antiviral drugs, ivermectin etc despite my wife fighting with the hospital since day 1 to get those drugs given to him. He was unresponsive, comatose, and kept alive only by the machines by the time any family was able to see him those 3 weeks later. He died within 48 hours. My wife had abandoned her job, largely our family, and spent everyday at that hospital for 3 weeks trying to get updates on his condition and trying to see her Dad. They tried to have her removed despite her pleas...threatened to have us arrested, and refused to give him Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin or any other antiviral treatment from day 1 when he was admitted. They straight up kidnapped and killed my FIL. My wife has an audio tape of 1 of his doctors saying that he refused to feed my FIL or give him more antibiotics around day 19. My MIL is trying to file suit for his wrongful death etc

As someone who has been adjacent to medical studies and data collection, the process can be manipulated. I personally do not trust anything in the form of a paper or study that came out in or around the Covid era. The medical community lost its mind and abandoned its training. Folks with common sense and reason were called crazy and have been vindicated as time has progressed.

Sorry if I have offended face diaper wearers that are still maintaining that 6 foot safe space.

Exactly. A portion of the medical community completely abandoned their training, honor, integrity, the scientific method, logic and reason. It was shameful. The masks in particular are so damn crazy when those tiny virus pass directly through them though...yet I STILL SEE people wearing them sometimes to this very day. So crazy man...not old retired people either. I can kinda understand that for those who are actually vulnerable. I see young people though...riding ALONE in their cars with masks on LMAO HAHAHA
Exactly. A portion of the medical community completely abandoned their training, honor, integrity, the scientific method, logic and reason.
you just can’t make that argument while abandoning the scientific method,logic and reasoning.

I guess you can it’s just an incredibly ironic thing to say.
you just can’t make that argument while abandoning the scientific method,logic and reasoning.

I guess you can it’s just an incredibly ironic thing to say.
I think if you have the experience that marcusluvsvols family had you have a right to make about any argument you want against the imbecils who treated his family this way......I know he has a different opinion then you do but dude, have some compassion for a man who had an absolutely devastating experience with a hospital.....
you just can’t make that argument while abandoning the scientific method,logic and reasoning.

I guess you can it’s just an incredibly ironic thing to say.
It seems the ones abandoning good practice and science were the hospitals, no? There was no evidence or method researched for most of their practices that inevitably led to worse outcomes.
I think if you have the experience that marcusluvsvols family had you have a right to make about any argument you want against the imbecils who treated his family this way......I know he has a different opinion then you do but dude, have some compassion for a man who had an absolutely devastating experience with a hospital.....
Nothing to do with his family
I promise you I have been through far worse with the medical community in the last 10 years.
Blindly accepting antidotal drugs and treatments is a killer and we’re still here while nobody else from our support group is.
It seems the ones abandoning good practice and science were the hospitals, no? There was no evidence or method researched for most of their practices that inevitably led to worse outcomes.
It’s not lost on me that damn near everyone has lost their objectivity on the Covid issues. The mask mandate people want to ignore the huge mistake mask were and ignore the studies on it while at the same time pointing out that ivermectin doesn’t work. So studies are good one way but not another. The people ignoring studies to prop up ivermectin are all over the studies proving that the covid vaccine was a failure. There’s very damn few that seem to want the truth free of their preconceived opinions and that’s breaking down political ideology lines.

It’s ironic
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It’s not lost on me that damn near everyone has lost their objectivity on the Covid issues. The mask mandate people want to ignore the huge mistake mask were and ignore the studies on it while at the same time pointing out that ivermectin doesn’t work. So studies are good one way but not another. The people ignoring studies to prop up ivermectin are all over the studies proving that the covid vaccine was a failure. There’s very damn few that seem to want the truth free of their preconceived opinions and that’s breaking down political ideology lines.

It’s ironic
If you yourself actually understood how "studies" worked these days and actually wanted to be objective, you'd realize that one can believe in the validity of some studies and not in others.
Nothing to do with his family
I promise you I have been through far worse with the medical community in the last 10 years.
What an inconsiderate and narcissistic thing to say. What could you have been through that is worse than a hospital killing you and preventing your family from seeing you/removing you? You alive today is not "far worse" than being dead.

Blindly accepting antidotal drugs and treatments is a killer and we’re still here while nobody else from our support group is.
You making the decision to take drugs or treatments is not the same as a hospital holding you hostage and forcing a treatment on you, sir.
If you yourself actually understood how "studies" worked these days and actually wanted to be objective, you'd realize that one can believe in the validity of some studies and not in others.
Ya. That becomes a problem when you base your decision on politics instead of the scientific method
What an inconsiderate and narcissistic thing to say. What could you have been through that is worse than a hospital killing you and preventing your family from seeing you/removing you? You alive today is not "far worse" than being dead.

You making the decision to take drugs or treatments is not the same as a hospital holding you hostage and forcing a treatment on you, sir.
You have no idea what we’ve been through and who did what to us.
You do like to assume things though

VN Store
