Vaccine or not?

Talking about Covid cases is erroneous to a conversation about Covid cases? Seems strange to reject facts about the very subject being discussed.

You wanted context. You were framing it to be current cases, but ignoring how those current cases fit in the context of total covid.

As I said you were defining it one way, him another. Neither erroneous.
This is not an accurate description of the conversation that took place.
What am I looking for? Nothing more than what you've already confirmed. It's clear from what you've written that you're effectively a social Darwinist (whether you accept the label or not), so no appeal to the vulnerability of your neighbor or to the common good is likely to sway you. It's also clear that, whether consciously or unconsciously, you've been arguing in bad faith (ignoring objections, moving the goalposts, and talking out of both sides of your mouth), so I don't see that any good can come from the two of us continuing this exchange. All the best to you and yours, AthensVol2007.

I’m ok with the social Darwinist label. I have high BP, am pre-diabetic and 18 months ago was considered clinically obese for my age and height (hated hearing that 5’10, 195lbs was obese but it is what it is). I am or was considered high-risk for this virus. Throughout it, I’ve never once expected or wanted anyone to take some virtue-signaling precaution on my behalf. If my “fat-ass” is at the grocery store, sitting in a restaurant, going to a game or whatever then I’ve spoken loud and clear that I’m willing to accept any and all risks and hold no one accountable or liable. It is not their duty or responsibility to protect me.
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Not terribly familiar with other two but most of the information put forward is from Weinstein who was a Biology Professor, and was a fairly well regarded until he dared to have a dissenting opinion. Of course you didn’t watch it though, it’s easier to make a cheap attempt to discredit him rather than to approach with something resembling an open mind
Did you watch it? The video had nothing to do with Weinstein. It was about information Kirsch put out.
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I’m ok with the social Darwinist label. I have high BP, am pre-diabetic and 18 months ago was considered clinically obese for my age and height (hated hearing that 5’10, 195lbs was obese but it is what it is). I am or was considered high-risk for this virus. Throughout it, I’ve never once expected or wanted anyone to take some virtue-signaling precaution on my behalf. If my “fat-ass” is at the grocery store, sitting in a restaurant, going to a game or whatever then I’ve spoken loud and clear that I’m willing to accept any and all risks and hold no one accountable or liable. It is not their duty or responsibility to protect me.
Not to be contrarian, but who told you 5’10” 195 is clinically obese?

For an individual of that height, a BMI of 30 (clinical obesity) would be achieved at around 209 or so pounds. A “normal” BMI would be around 174 pounds. It’s pretty squarely in the overweight category.
I've been tracking the UK, Israel, and the greater Nashville area. Unvaccinated hospitalizations are significantly higher than vaccinated. I'm not in a spot to look them up at the moment, but I can repeat what I posted earlier:

Williamson Medical Center had 0 Covid patients on 6/17. Today they have 22 with only 1 fully vaccinated.
You arent understanding. I want the delta of the delta. I want to know how the change has changed.

We know there is a spike. We see this spike everywhere from Gibraltar and other nations with higher vax rates. We see it in states and areas with high vaxxed, low vaxxes.

Are we seeing the change of the change correspond to vax rates vs previous spikes.

It seems like this would be something to check. This is a pandemic, individual cases dont matter. The patterns do. If we find some combination it would prove the vaccine works to stop the pandemic. Pandemic, not individual cases.

As it appears the vaccine doesnt seem to care about individual protection.
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Are we seeing the change of the change correspond to vax rates vs previous spikes.

Williamson County, TN is just shy of 56% fully vaccinated with over 85% of seniors. As of two days ago, 21 out of 22 patients being treated for Covid at Williamson Medical Center are from the just over 44% of the population that is unvaccinated. There is a likelihood that some sick county residents have been taken to more advanced hospitals in Nashville, but there is a substantial unlikelihood that anyone at WMC is not a WillCo resident.

You can view that small sample however you wish. Maybe it fits the numbers you're looking for or maybe it doesn't. As a Williamson County resident, there is only one way that I can interpret that information.
Right. The issue with Gibraltar, as I was saying earlier, is that they have a ton of tourists and a healthy portion of its workforce comes in every day from Spain. A lot of these unvaccinated cases aren't folks who will be counted in the census.
Like florida....
Well, you can't outrun Father Time. But, you can eat actual healthy food, get your ass off the couch and exercise or work outside regularly, not inhale carcinogens into your lungs, etc.
We have to wear masks or get treated like a death row murderer vaccinated or not yet, tobacco remains one of the biggest cash crops here in KY and there is absolutely no move by the government to ban it, have a moratorium from sales or to limit it to people of the appropriate age at all. It's amazing what massive taxes can do for whether or not a product is sold in this county. Politics is a bitch.
We have to wear masks or get treated like a death row murderer vaccinated or not yet, tobacco remains one of the biggest cash crops here in KY and there is absolutely no move by the government to ban it, have a moratorium from sales or to limit it to people of the appropriate age at all. It's amazing what massive taxes can do for whether or not a product is sold in this county. Politics is a bitch.

The government has been on a mission to 86 tobacco for years. Its demise is well known by all parties.
It is concerning how corporations, gov and education system are working in unison to force the vaccine. Why did they not push to enforce vaccines with other flu viruses? Those vaccines have at least been tested and have more of a long term study.
I believe that at Baptist Health Systems to work with patients you have to get a flu vaccine yearly. They are now requiring the Covax.
I’m ok with the social Darwinist label. I have high BP, am pre-diabetic and 18 months ago was considered clinically obese for my age and height (hated hearing that 5’10, 195lbs was obese but it is what it is). I am or was considered high-risk for this virus. Throughout it, I’ve never once expected or wanted anyone to take some virtue-signaling precaution on my behalf. If my “fat-ass” is at the grocery store, sitting in a restaurant, going to a game or whatever then I’ve spoken loud and clear that I’m willing to accept any and all risks and hold no one accountable or liable. It is not their duty or responsibility to protect me.
All I ask is that if you are sick, i.e., hacking up a lung or sneezing non-stop, just don't do it on me. That was pre-Covid also.
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The government has been on a mission to 86 tobacco for years. Its demise is well known by all parties.
There is absolutely zero evidence of an all out ban on tobacco. Use has been age limited and area restricted but smoking 2 - 3 packs a day is still unregulated.
We have to wear masks or get treated like a death row murderer vaccinated or not yet, tobacco remains one of the biggest cash crops here in KY and there is absolutely no move by the government to ban it, have a moratorium from sales or to limit it to people of the appropriate age at all. It's amazing what massive taxes can do for whether or not a product is sold in this county. Politics is a bitch.

Indoor smoking has long been banned in most locales. The risks of tobacco use are now assumed solely by those who use it (and their households, regrettably, in the case of smokers). The situation with covid is currently quite different (though perhaps it won't always be).
Indoor smoking has long been banned in most locales. The risks of tobacco use are now assumed solely by those who use it (and their households, regrettably, in the case of smokers). The situation with covid is currently quite different (though perhaps it won't always be).
The risk was ALWAYS primarily born by smokers and their families. Banning smoking indoors has had some effect but it is fact that smoking caused diseases kill way more each year than Covid ever will and it could easily be banned and that number would drop precipitously. However, you don't even see that mentioned.
@K-town Vol Fan provided a link that pretty much lays waste to what was presented. It addresses the information in that very interview.
It doesn’t lay it to waste. It suggests that there’s not enough evidence to accept Weinstein’s opinion as Gospel. That is fair, everything should be questioned. It’s also fair to say that there have been a number of people who have had serious adverse effects after being vaccinated. I don’t think there’s enough to establish a definitive correlation yet, or to dismiss the presence of one either. I wouldn’t consider myself an anti-Vaxer, I signed my grandparents up for it a long time ago. It might have been a contributing factor to my grandad dying. Anyway there’s enough smoke in regard to adverse effects to where I think it’s irresponsible to push for the vaccination of every age and health demographic. There was a young woman out of Utah that suddenly died of liver failure after vaccination, ( my grandad also had an unexpected failure of the liver after being vaccinated). I’ll find the article in a moment

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