Vaccine or not?

No. You do. you have very little control over what goes on around you in public. An individual is quite small by comparison than what exists and happens all around. Death gives no notice. You can't even control a stroke or sudden heart attack in your own home. You can only be ready to go. Cause you will go.

There's a tremendous difference between cultivating the remembrance of death and the fearful judgment of Christ, on the one hand, and governing one's actions by a heathen fatalism that causes one to subject himself and his loved ones to needless danger. The former leads to the examination of one's conscience and repentance for his sins; the latter leads to culpable neglect of one's obligations toward his neighbor. "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God," etc.
. "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God," etc.

Yep. You're right.

I work to keep my house from catching on fire. I don't just pray nothing happens.

If I have a fire inside my house, I'm going to put it out instead of praying it doesn't ignite the curtains and the walls.

If my house is on fire, I'm going to call the fire department instead of standing outside praying for rain.

The "God is my vaccine" people are an example of why thousands of Christian Scientist children have died or been irreparably sickened.

If you've had Covid and have natural immunity, you're good. I'm not knocking those people.
Thank you. He lived a good life. He was from Johnson City in the mountains. Miss his voice, I can’t wait to be back in Tennessee and hear people talk like him

Nostalgia for the old speech and the old ways is something I too feel very keenly. My grandparents' generation is gone from this earth entirely; I've got to resort to old bluegrass and country music to hear something like their voices again. I can see from your love and respect for him that your grandfather was a very good man.
Nostalgia for the old speech and the old ways is something I too feel very keenly. My grandparents' generation is gone from this earth entirely; I've got to resort to old bluegrass and country music to hear something like their voices again. I can see from your love and respect for him that your grandfather was a very good man.
What I wouldn't give to hear my Granddad sing off-key to his favorite old (real) country cassettes or watch another Braves game with him....
All I ask is that if you are sick, i.e., hacking up a lung or sneezing non-stop, just don't do it on me. That was pre-Covid also.
I can second that. Thats like the whole 6ft thing as well; there’s not many times I’m talking to someone within 3-4ft anyways cause I don’t want to be up in your grill or you in mine.
More than HALF of Unvaccinated Americans believe COVID-19 shots are More Dangerous than the virus itself, poll finds

More than half of unvaccinated Americans believe that COVID-19 vaccines pose a greater risk to their health than the actual virus, a new poll suggests.

The survey, conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), found that 53 percent of people who have not gotten the vaccine believe the shots are riskier than contracting the disease.

This view is especially prominent among those who say they're 'definitely not' getting the vaccine with 75 percent of 'definitely not' responders believing the vaccine is more dangerous.

More than HALF of unvaccinated Americans believe the shots are more dangerous than COVID-19 itself | Daily Mail Online
Explain to me how the same piece of cloth can keep something from going out but can’t at the same rate/level (whatever we want to call it) keep it from coming in? That to me is the biggest contradiction I’ve heard throughout this whole thing. “Experts” have even said this. I can’t and won’t disagree that two people masked is in all likelihood better than just one masked but it’s irrational thinking, to me at least, to think that the cloth that will limit the particles from exiting and traveling 6 ft or less to the next person, can’t have the EXACT same efficacy on coming in.

So you’re of the belief that if you’re infected and wear a mask and I don’t, that the chances of you infecting me are less than me infecting you if I’m infected without a mask but you are wearing a mask? If the mask can limit 75% of the airborne particles, for example, going out why won’t the same mask limit incoming particles by 75% on the other side?

How do the statistics/case #’s support that spread is reduced/masks are efficacious? Alabama repeatedly set case, hospitalization and death records when we had a state mask mandate in place. The average known infection rate is between 10-12% in every state (save for Hawaii). Heavily populated states like NY and MI who had extreme mask mandates (MI’s was lifted at the end of June) didn’t fair any better than TX and FL who were conservative to non-existent with mask mandates with similar to larger populations. The least populated and second least densely populated state of Wyoming, with a mask mandate, had an equivalent infection rate as NJ, the most densely populated state. North Dakota (4th least dense state) had the same infection rate as Rhode Island (2nd most dense state) and hit their roughest months during their 3 month mask mandate. The gunslinger mentality of DeSantis, when it comes to masks, has to date (including the present surge) resulted in less death per capita and a lower CFR% than NY, MI & IL.

What about people who just ignore the mandates and do whatever they want? Or people that wear a mask under their nose or chin? It’s not like there aren’t like minded business owners who don’t care if you wear a mask or not in their office or establishment. This is a variable that is often over looked by people who claim masks are ineffective at stopping anything. Having a mandate in place doesn’t equal 100% compliance at all.
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What about people who just ignore the mandates and do whatever they want? Or people that wear a mask under their nose or chin? It’s not like there aren’t like minded business owners who don’t care if you wear a mask or not in their office or establishment. This is a variable that is often over looked by people who claim masks are ineffective at stopping anything. Having a mandate in place doesn’t equal 100% compliance at all.

I say good for them. Ignoring .gov mandates is admirable.
I say good for them. Ignoring .gov mandates is admirable.

Thanks for not addressing my point. A lot of anti maskers examples are dependent on people actually wearing masks and still transmitting or contracting the virus. Setting aside vaccination, do you think pointing to places like Alabama and Louisiana, where a large % of the population aren’t going to wear a mask anyway despite a mandate is a rock solid example of why masks don’t work?
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Thanks for not addressing my point. A lot of anti maskers examples are dependent on people actually wearing masks and still transmitting or contracting the virus. Setting aside vaccination, do you think pointing to places like Alabama and Louisiana, where a large % of the population aren’t going to wear a mask anyway despite a mandate is a rock solid example of why masks don’t work?

You can point to places like MI, NY and CA that had strict mandates and they didn't work. So the evidence says mask mandates don't work.

Masks can work if they are the correct mask and worn properly, that is not the same as a mask mandate.
It's almost scary reading thoughts about not doing something because the "government says so" and wondering how the same people will respond to a stop sign or traffic signal.

I think history has proven traffic lights work, i believe it's 2 different examples.
You're right, they're not being "forced" per se but people are being pressured to. The blue mayors, gov do want to force people. This is how it starts.

Tell that to Gov DeathSentence. The guy who a month ago, signed a blatantly unconstitutional law that would require all professors and students of public universities in Fl to submit a questionnaire about their political views. The same guy that’s banning private businesses and local municipalities from enacting policies that are designed to keep their employees and residents safe and limit their exposure. This is the GOP front runner for president. But tell me again how blue state governors crave power.
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Tell that to Gov DeathSentence. The guy who a month ago, signed a blatantly unconstitutional law that would require all professors and students of public universities in Fl to submit a questionnaire about their political views. The same guy that’s banning private businesses and local municipalities from enacting policies that are designed to keep their employees and residents safe and limit their exposure. This is the GOP front runner for president. But tell me again how blue state governors crave power.

White House fires back at Florida's GOP governor over handling of COVID surge

Two of the dumbest governors in the country. Both of their states, TX and Floridahhhhhh, account for 1/3 of the countries new covid cases. Good job boys.
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What about people who just ignore the mandates and do whatever they want? Or people that wear a mask under their nose or chin? It’s not like there aren’t like minded business owners who don’t care if you wear a mask or not in their office or establishment. This is a variable that is often over looked by people who claim masks are ineffective at stopping anything. Having a mandate in place doesn’t equal 100% compliance at all.
Wear yours and we’re all good; it’s that simple. If you don’t think you’re safe with your mask and vaccine with me running around unmasked then stay at home or put yourself in a hamster ball. I can’t fathom being this afraid of 0.03%.
I think history has proven traffic lights work, i believe it's 2 different examples.

Yes, they do work, and they are sited and enforced by governments. Traffic control devices are also things that affect individual liberties but are there for the good of society as a whole. I don't necessarily see that and public health measures as two different things. For the record, I have an extreme anti-authoritarian outlook; but I still sometimes see that limiting some individual liberties for the good of all makes sense. I'd also like to see most of congress and other "lawmakers" hanging from the trees ... for the good of us all. And as far as who to vent anger against - that's simple - China; they are due some massive payback for this debacle, but it won't be forthcoming from our lawmakers and administrators.
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Wear yours and we’re all good; it’s that simple. If you don’t think you’re safe with your mask and vaccine with me running around unmasked then stay at home or put yourself in a hamster ball. I can’t fathom being this afraid of 0.03%.

Who’s afraid? I just want to get to the other side of this thing with as few preventable deaths as possible so we can all carry on complaining about the state of TN football.
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Thanks for not addressing my point. A lot of anti maskers examples are dependent on people actually wearing masks and still transmitting or contracting the virus. Setting aside vaccination, do you think pointing to places like Alabama and Louisiana, where a large % of the population aren’t going to wear a mask anyway despite a mandate is a rock solid example of why masks don’t work?
It is when prior to the mandate NOBODY wore a mask. After the mandate our compliance was probably 90% in my estimation of going into retails, restaurants etc. Even if only 50% complied, that’s 1/2 the potential viral load being contained vs. 0% before the mandate; yet our numbers continued to rise and Governor Ivey kept extending the mandate.
Who’s afraid? I just want to get to the other side of this thing with as few preventable deaths as possible so we can all carry on complaining about the state of TN football.
Everyone who’s scared of catching this. It’ll die when the media stops reporting on it. It was literally a non-issue during the 2020 summer protests when EVERY media outlet pulled their case counter chyron off the screen for weeks. As soon as something better or more sensational comes along they’ll move to something else. These threads are examples in and of themselves; they’ve been on fire the last week or 2 since the new masking advice came out.
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