Vaccine or not?

I have a friend sitting in Hamblen county med center emergency waiting room with pneumonia for almost 24 hrs.
Waiting on a room, 20 people in front of them.
They called UT and was told there's currently an 18 hr wait to be seen in ER.
Just an update. This lady never was taken to a room in the hospital.
They instead finally brought in a hospital bed to the ER examination room she is in.
Apperantly she'll remain there until she's well enough to be released.
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Biggest points:

1. Masks do nothing to stop spread of aerosol virus

2. Vaccines NEVER keep a person from getting infected with a virus. Ideally, they help a person defeat a virus after infection.

3. No virus with animal reservoir like CV can be eradicated without EVERY human having been infected and gained immunity as well as EVERY animal of ANY species that can be infected accompkishing the same...impossible. thats science, not an opinion.

4. Unlike smallpox, CV has animal reservoir in bats and likely other species as well.

5. The vaxcinated folks are constantly shedding and spreading CV....unvaxed folks CANNOT spread a pathogen they have never been infected by....

6. Coronaviruses are rampant in WINTER time...flu common colds etc....why a huge spike in middle of summer from CV??
Bc the vaccinated people are CAUSING all the unvaxed people to become infected and masks do nothing to slow this...

7. WhY then would our .gov make their 2 pronged "attack" on CV be mask mandates and vaccines when they KNOW from the millions of $ the CDC and NIH have spent in studies that masks do NOTHING and vaccines make the situation WORSE even if they get lucky and there are zero long term unanticipated side effects?

8. Why is the .gov trying to make us sicker and kill off the elderly and vulnerable???

You commies calling for mandates can shove that vaccine right up your arses.

Refute this Dr of infectious disease. Refute the science in the studies. Or STFU about vaccines, masks and CV. Thanks

And you're welcome for the summary for yall ignorant communists. You worry about what you put in your own body. We will take care of ours. Thanks

If you don't want the vaccine, don't take it. If you don't want to wear a mask. Don't wear one. But please don't post stuff that can be refuted in seconds using Google. A few of those are debateable. 5 and 6 just don't make a whole lot of sense.
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If you don't want the vaccine, don't take it. If you don't want to wear a mask. Don't wear one. But please don't post stuff that can be refuted in seconds using Google. 2, 5, and 6 just don't make a whole lot of sense.
I think 2 is a semantic thing involving the difference between an immunization, which keeps you from getting something, and a vaccination, which helps you develop antibodies to fight off what you get. It's like having a pro-2A person and a anti-gun person discuss whether or not an AR-15 is an assault rifle. They're not using the same definition for the same term, which makes if difficult to communicate.
I think 2 is a semantic thing involving the difference between an immunization, which keeps you from getting something, and a vaccination, which helps you develop antibodies to fight off what you get. It's like having a pro-2A person and a anti-gun person discuss whether or not an AR-15 is an assault rifle. They're not using the same definition for the same term, which makes if difficult to communicate.
I actually edited the post and took #2 out for exactly that reason. I still stand behind 5 and 6 being wrong. There's no live virus for vaccinated people to shed and we established a while back that Covid doesn't really care what the temperature is.
I have a friend sitting in Hamblen county med center emergency waiting room with pneumonia for almost 24 hrs.
Waiting on a room, 20 people in front of them.
They called UT and was told there's currently an 18 hr wait to be seen in ER.

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Vaccine Ingredients – Fetal Cells

Vaccines for varicella (chickenpox), rubella (the “R” in the MMR vaccine), hepatitis A, rabies (one version) and COVID-19 (one U.S.-approved version) are all made by growing the viruses in fetal cells. All of these, except the COVID-19 vaccine, are made using fibroblast cells. The COVID-19 vaccine (Johnson & Johnson (J&J)/Janssen) is made using fetal retinal cells.

Vaccine Ingredients – Fetal Cells | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

The Vatican has ruled that vaccines derived from these lines do not violate the spirit or letter of church law. These cells have been cultured for so many generations as to be considered separate from the donor body.

Good info for those who still have objections, though.
Eric Topol is one of the most provaccine advocates there are on Twitter even with the decrease efficacy to delta with some of these vaccines. Here is a really good tweet today that shows just how well vaccinated populations help with outbreaks.
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Eric Topol is one of the most provaccine advocates there are on Twitter even with the decrease efficacy to delta with some of these vaccines. Here is a really good tweet today that shows just how well vaccinated populations help with outbreaks.

Naaa, just like the snippet I posted they shouldn't be trying to hide that the experimental shot isn't doing what it was supposed to do. They shouldn't be screaming from the rooftop one thing while the data shows something entirely different.

Fix it, and a lot more will line up to get it.
If you don't want the vaccine, don't take it. If you don't want to wear a mask. Don't wear one. But please don't post stuff that can be refuted in seconds using Google. A few of those are debateable. 5 and 6 just don't make a whole lot of sense.

Thanks. I edited the post in 5 and 6 to remove suggestion that vaccinated people were responsible for most spread of CV to previously uninfected folks. I dont ever want to post misinformation whether it is a summmary of someone else's speech or my own opinion. I like to deal with facts and logic.

Also, as i stated in my preceeding post in this thread, my elderly family members ARE vaccinated. I support that as they fall in the small % of the population that is quite vulnerable to CV as well as the well as i support anyone in the country choosing to get a shot. Thats their choice and honestly none of my business . What I have a REAL major problem with is the notion that the .gov or ANY other entity thinking they will mandate these well as any poster like the 1 which i quoted taking joy in exactly that happening like the guy which i quoted.

If these clowns want to live in a dictatorship or communist country where the government decides every aspect of citizens lives then so be it...IMO they should find another country that is governed in that way. Those of us who still value our rights and individual freedoms would like to keep our country the way it is regarding those things ( many of us would like the overreach from the Patriot Act post 9.11 to be repealed)

Anyway, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Seeing that you posted it and that Louder agreed got my attention. From what i have read, other corona viruses such as influenza and rhino spread much more in winter bc the cold weather makes the mucous like exterior of each virus get harder...which makes them survive much longer on surfaces where other folks can become infected. You mentioned that CV is different from the other coronaviruses though and it was settled science from a while ago? Did the articles or studies you read ever say why CV19 is different from the other coronaviruses?
You mentioned that CV is different from the other coronaviruses though and it was settled science from a while ago? Did the articles or studies you read ever say why CV19 is different from the other coronaviruses?
First of all, thanks for having a discussion. Documentation I have read seems to agree that temperature plays a small role in the transmissibility of the virus but that it is mostly statistically insignificant except to the extent that cold weather forces people indoors.

In short, the way I understand it, most transmission is occurring indoors regardless of season anyway and the ease in which the virus is transmitted overcomes any affect temperature has.

Here is a summary of a recent study in the UK.

Does warm weather mean you are less likely to catch Covid?
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We had a discussion about people claiming a religious exemption to the vaccine a few days ago. It was my position that someone claiming an exemption could be required to wear a mask and get tested regularly. I haven't read the opinion, but according to articles I've read the Indiana University vaccine policy did just that. It was upheld by the 7th circuit and Amy Comey Barrett declined to review.
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We had a discussion about people claiming a religious exemption to the vaccine a few days ago. It was my position that someone claiming an exemption could be required to wear a mask and get tested regularly. I haven't read the opinion, but according to articles I've read the Indiana University vaccine policy did just that. It was upheld by the 7th circuit and Amy Comey Barrett declined to review.
We had a discussion about people claiming a religious exemption to the vaccine a few days ago. It was my position that someone claiming an exemption could be required to wear a mask and get tested regularly. I haven't read the opinion, but according to articles I've read the Indiana University vaccine policy did just that. It was upheld by the 7th circuit and Amy Comey Barrett declined to review.
Yeah, you nailed that one. The timing seems suspicious though. What do have on ACB?
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Just a heads up for folks who are likely not Christians or are catholics...

Pretty much every single believer i have ever met who is NOT a Catholic...which is the vast, overwhelming majority of Christians...all members of protestant churches of any denomination such as Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, CoGs, CoCs, and about 100 other types of Christians who may or may not attend church regularly or be members but do read the Bible and worship the God of Isaac and you know....maybe a Billion or more people on planet Earth....

Could not possibly care any less what the Vatican, their invented religious figure "the pope" who is never mentioned in the Bible, or the catholic church have to say about ANYTHING WHATSOEVER. It means less than nothing to anyone on this planet EXCEPT for a catholic. I personally know and have met several people raised catholic that are very good people and love God. Ask any non catholic Christian what they think and know about the catholic church, the vatican, idol worship, indulgences, praying or paying relatives out of fictional "purgatory" (also never once mentioned in the Bible by name or even as a concept or place) ...or any of a litany of other shenanigans by the catholic church such as well publicized institutional molestation by priests and the 100s of millions in slush funds for their lawyers that protect the molesters and their churches.....

Just wanted to get that out there, seems folks keep posting stuff in this forum about what the catholic church or pope thinks about world affairs....pretty much every Christian you will ever come across outside that 1 denomination looks at those statements with the same incredulity that they do if Bin Laden said the same things. Zero credibility. None. Right up there with a Benny Hinn televangelist grifter sheisting demented 80 year old ladies out of their SS checks.

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