Vaccine or not?

I don't know the law in Germany, but she needs to be prosecuted for 8,600 counts of battery.
Nah, most Germans are D!cks. They have a superiority complex against the US, but if you ever have bought any of their equipment they try and engineer it like it's a swiss watch. Oh you have a transfer table that needs to move 200 feet, it needs to stop within .2mm or else it faults and wastes time and money. I hate the Germans and Angela Merkle is a good reason why Europe was invaded just like we are now.
I have a friend sitting in Hamblen county med center emergency waiting room with pneumonia for almost 24 hrs.
Waiting on a room, 20 people in front of them.
They called UT and was told there's currently an 18 hr wait to be seen in ER.
That’s sucks, can’t imagine being stuck waiting that long. Hope they get a room ASAP and get well soon.
Vaccine yes. With a 3yo little girl who has gone through pnemonia and put on high oxygen with a different coronavirus and rhino virus ill take whatever that might keep her safe. When you've seen your child struggle to breathe, retracting and belly breathing its something you never want to see again. I was never on the flu vaccine prior to her issues but I'm first in line for that one the past 2 years. Called today to see when I can get that jab as well.
But your leaving out that the other bystander is vaccinated (or can choose to be). If one is not vaccinated they’re willing to assume a risk, if they’re willing to assume that risk, then why should I go get vaxed to keep them safe? I don’t see why we need to look out for people who don’t want to be looked out for (myself included)?

I can debate the issue with myself - for or against. The closest I can get to agreeing with those who don't want the vaccine is it is that person's choice, I respect his doubts about safety, and we shouldn't operate under a dictatorship. From the other side if I'm vaccinated and you are vaccinated and we cross paths one of us is less likely to infect the other, and that makes the odds greater of winning against a virus. Back to the stop sign issue - just because I have the right of way doesn't mean that I am not looking at the cross street to be sure the other guy is doing what he's supposed to do - that's a risk we all take when we drive - that the other guy isn't taking his part seriously or just can't be bothered with someone else's rules.
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You question vaccines, I marvel at the technology and science that funneled them into existence.

The God angle is rich. Your comment reminds me of the single person that survives a mass casualty event to thank God for being good. barf.gif
I can live with that. Your approval (or ridicule) doesn't affect me in the least.

The technology is interesting. I believe there is probably potential there, but we really won't know for a few years. I certainly hope there is. I am about to pick up a bunch of shares of MRNA, so I will have an investment that I want to see head in the right direction. imho however, the touted 'successes' are spin in nature. I question the 'vaccines' because they aren't treated like vaccines. They are treated like therapy. For example, why are people asked about 'vaccinations' rather than immunity? You can poo poo that all you want, but it is a legitimate question. Aren't vaccines supposed to provide immunity? And where did the so-called "delta" variant come from? The wild? Really? What caused the mutation? And how does one know whether or not they contracted the 'delta' variant?

I am sure the government and Moderna are thrilled that you are so compliant. I will be too at some point.... maybe... but not yet. Now I am just happy that YOU are. So thanks.
I can live with that. Your approval (or ridicule) doesn't affect me in the least.

The technology is interesting. I believe there is probably potential there, but we really won't know for a few years. I certainly hope there is. I am about to pick up a bunch of shares of MRNA, so I will have an investment that I want to see head in the right direction. imho however, the touted 'successes' are spin in nature. For example, why are people asked about 'vaccinations' rather than immunity? You can poo poo that all you want, but it is a legitimate question. And where did the so-called "delta" variant come from? The wild? Really? What caused the mutation?

I am sure the government and Moderna are thrilled that you are so compliant. I will be too at some point.... maybe... but not yet. Now I am just happy that YOU are. So thanks.

I'm super glad that you believe there is "potential" in the technology.

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You seem to think it is. Don't worry, the government will soon take the decisions out of your hands.

Well said comrade.

since youre apparently a free born American citizen...i might suggest some reading on the founding fathers, Constitution, why this country seceded (other than taxation without proper representation), the Bill of Rights, personal Freedoms , and perhaps not acting like a pinko commie beitch .

Why are you so willing to give up control of your life to others? Seems so odd to me

This too. Plus, not trying to force your ill founded faith in untested medicines on other free citizens like a pinko commie bei...
Interesting video buried in the comments. It’s probably been shared on here already but interesting nonetheless. Of course, I know nothing about this dude. He sounds like he knows what he’s talking about but so would someone who wrote an episode of MI5 when it comes to spy work. Perhaps he stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Thanks for posting this.

Biggest points:

1. Masks do nothing to stop spread of aerosol virus

2. Vaccines NEVER keep a person from getting infected with a virus. Ideally, they help a person defeat a virus after infection.

3. No virus with animal reservoir like CV can be eradicated without EVERY human having been infected and gained immunity as well as EVERY animal of ANY species that can be infected accompkishing the same...impossible. thats science, not an opinion.

4. Unlike smallpox, CV has animal reservoir in bats and likely other species as well.

5. unvaxed folks CANNOT spread a pathogen they have never been infected by....

6. Coronaviruses are rampant in WINTER time...flu common colds etc....why a huge spike in middle of summer from CV??

7. WhY then would our .gov make their 2 pronged "attack" on CV be mask mandates and vaccines when they KNOW from the millions of $ the CDC and NIH have spent in studies that masks do NOTHING and vaccines make the situation WORSE even if they get lucky and there are zero long term unanticipated side effects?

8. Why is the .gov trying to make us sicker and kill off the elderly and vulnerable???

You commies calling for mandates can shove that vaccine right up your arses.

Refute this Dr of infectious disease. Refute the science in the studies. Or STFU about vaccines, masks and CV. Thanks

And you're welcome for the summary for yall ignorant communists. You worry about what you put in your own body. We will take care of ours. Thanks
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Thanks for posting this.

Biggest points:

1. Masks do nothing to stop spread of aerosol virus

2. Vaccines NEVER keep a person from getting infected with a virus. Ideally, they help a person defeat a virus after infection.

3. No virus with animal reservoir like CV can be eradicated without EVERY human having been infected and gained immunity as well as EVERY animal of ANY species that can be infected accompkishing the same...impossible. thats science, not an opinion.

4. Unlike smallpox, CV has animal reservoir in bats and likely other species as well.

5. The vaxcinated folks are constantly shedding and spreading CV....unvaxed folks CANNOT spread a pathogen they have never been infected by....

6. Coronaviruses are rampant in WINTER time...flu common colds etc....why a huge spike in middle of summer from CV??
Bc the vaccinated people are CAUSING all the unvaxed people to become infected and masks do nothing to slow this...

7. WhY then would our .gov make their 2 pronged "attack" on CV be mask mandates and vaccines when they KNOW from the millions of $ the CDC and NIH have spent in studies that masks do NOTHING and vaccines make the situation WORSE even if they get lucky and there are zero long term unanticipated side effects?

8. Why is the .gov trying to make us sicker and kill off the elderly and vulnerable???

You commies calling for mandates can shove that vaccine right up your arses.

Refute this Dr of infectious disease. Refute the science in the studies. Or STFU about vaccines, masks and CV. Thanks

And you're welcome for the summary for yall ignorant communists. You worry about what you put in your own body. We will take care of ours. Thanks
The good news is I can use this as an excuse to get rid of this damn cat my wife got. Your stuff was pretty big too though.
Thanks for posting this.

Biggest points:

1. Masks do nothing to stop spread of aerosol virus

2. Vaccines NEVER keep a person from getting infected with a virus. Ideally, they help a person defeat a virus after infection.

3. No virus with animal reservoir like CV can be eradicated without EVERY human having been infected and gained immunity as well as EVERY animal of ANY species that can be infected accompkishing the same...impossible. thats science, not an opinion.

4. Unlike smallpox, CV has animal reservoir in bats and likely other species as well.

5. The vaxcinated folks are constantly shedding and spreading CV....unvaxed folks CANNOT spread a pathogen they have never been infected by....

6. Coronaviruses are rampant in WINTER time...flu common colds etc....why a huge spike in middle of summer from CV??
Bc the vaccinated people are CAUSING all the unvaxed people to become infected and masks do nothing to slow this...

7. WhY then would our .gov make their 2 pronged "attack" on CV be mask mandates and vaccines when they KNOW from the millions of $ the CDC and NIH have spent in studies that masks do NOTHING and vaccines make the situation WORSE even if they get lucky and there are zero long term unanticipated side effects?

8. Why is the .gov trying to make us sicker and kill off the elderly and vulnerable???

You commies calling for mandates can shove that vaccine right up your arses.

Refute this Dr of infectious disease. Refute the science in the studies. Or STFU about vaccines, masks and CV. Thanks

And you're welcome for the summary for yall ignorant communists. You worry about what you put in your own body. We will take care of ours. Thanks
Indiana Doctor Piles On Bogus COVID-19 Claims in Viral Video -

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