Vaccine or not?

We do know that spike protein is responsible for much of the damage/inflammation induced by CV.

It would be very reasonable to question whether causing the body to produce a spike protein analogue is a good idea, and it does give me pause when I see recommendations for continued/additional "boosters," without knowing the possible long term effects of repeated spike protein exposure.
This goes against our current knowledge of how the mrna vaccines work to produce spike proteins. Spike protein produced by the vaccines stay locally and are absorbed by the nearby lymph nodes to produce the antibodies and other immune cells needed for protection. This is different from how spike protein can spread through the body with natural infection. Here are some references that explain it better than I can.
How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body?
Fact Check-No evidence spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccines are toxic
it seems that whatever spike protein that may leak out if any is quickly broken down by the liver. There may be other good reasons to avoid frequent boosters but unless you know of some study that refutes this don’t think that accumulation of spike protein from the vaccine is one of them. In fact you could make the case that having high antibody titers from the vaccine prevents this from occurring with natural infection.
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I’ve only seen goal posts being brought out from one side and not necessarily when they should be applied. That’s always the risk with idiots and talking points 🤷‍♂️

You may not be paying attention. I've seen plenty of "i won't get an unapproved vaccine" takes. Now that Pfizer is a getting approved, they don't like the approval process. That is setting a goalpost, then moving it.
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You may not be paying attention. I've seen plenty of "i won't get an unapproved vaccine" takes. Now that Pfizer is a getting approved, they don't like the approval process. That is setting a goalpost, then moving it.
I actually haven’t but ok🤷‍♂️ I’ve seen a lot of skepticism over the timeline even with approval but don’t remember seeing that qualifier. And no don’t go digging I’ll take your word that you have.
This goes against our current knowledge of how the mrna vaccines work to produce spike proteins. Spike protein produced by the vaccines stay locally and are absorbed by the nearby lymph nodes to produce the antibodies and other immune cells needed for protection. This is different from how spike protein can spread through the body with natural infection. Here are some references that explain it better than I can.
How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body?
Fact Check-No evidence spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccines are toxic
it seems that whatever spike protein that may leak out if any is quickly broken down by the liver. There may be other good reasons to avoid frequent boosters but unless you know of some study that refutes this don’t think that accumulation of spike protein from the vaccine is one of them. In fact you could make the case that having high antibody titers from the vaccine prevents this from occurring with natural infection.
By what mechanism do you explain the known risk of myocardial inflammation?
This goes against our current knowledge of how the mrna vaccines work to produce spike proteins. Spike protein produced by the vaccines stay locally and are absorbed by the nearby lymph nodes to produce the antibodies and other immune cells needed for protection. This is different from how spike protein can spread through the body with natural infection. Here are some references that explain it better than I can.
How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body?
Fact Check-No evidence spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccines are toxic
it seems that whatever spike protein that may leak out if any is quickly broken down by the liver. There may be other good reasons to avoid frequent boosters but unless you know of some study that refutes this don’t think that accumulation of spike protein from the vaccine is one of them. In fact you could make the case that having high antibody titers from the vaccine prevents this from occurring with natural infection.
Actually, spike protein is known to be found in systemic circulation -- albeit in low levels -- after immunization.

Ultrasensitive blood test detects viral protein, confirms mRNA vaccine activates robust immune response
I actually haven’t but ok🤷‍♂️ I’ve seen a lot of skepticism over the timeline even with approval but don’t remember seeing that qualifier. And no don’t go digging I’ll take your word that you have.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I had a couple of links in my back pocket, no fox news, but at least one Murdoch owned outlet. I try to come across as only partially FOS.
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You made the 1% comment...seems disingenuous to make a comment as such then continue do do activities that put your life in risk as much if not more...but to each thier own..

The 1% statement was based in context of a widely accessible vaccine making it easily preventable. Making an analogy that is entirely unrealistic such as never driving or walking is an apples and oranges comparison. Like I said before, just because there is an analogy does not make it a good one.
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UT just announced a free gift for vaccinated faculty and staff. "Gift items include hammocks, portable Bluetooth speakers, mugs, tumblers, water bottles, and fanny packs." Did they really need to include the fanny packs in the official announcement?
In other words, more cheap **** from the people that brought you the WuFlu in the first place.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I had a couple of links in my back pocket, no fox news, but at least one Murdoch owned outlet. I try to come across as only partially FOS.
You nail that dude! 👍😂

And I thought you were saying about seeing it here. I don’t recall that qualifier here but I’d guess it is for some don’t know. I can easily see parts of the media pushing that.
You may not be paying attention. I've seen plenty of "i won't get an unapproved vaccine" takes. Now that Pfizer is a getting approved, they don't like the approval process. That is setting a goalpost, then moving it.
You've never heard me say that. It was obvious from the get go that this cram down was coming. I want a minimum of 5 years of solid data before I will consider these 'vaccines'. I would prefer 10, but I think China Flu won't be a thing by then
Actually, spike protein is known to be found in systemic circulation -- albeit in low levels -- after immunization.

Ultrasensitive blood test detects viral protein, confirms mRNA vaccine activates robust immune response
The article you referenced states extremely low levels and becomes undetectable quickly.

It seems like extremely low levels may be found in circulation. don’t know how giving multiple vaccines will cause excessive buildup of spike proteins when it quickly dissipates in the article you reference. Especially when in the article you cite none was detected with the second dose.
“After the second vaccine dose, no S1 or Spike was detectable.”

May be wrong as I am often am but isn’t myocarditis thought to occur by an aberrant innate and adaptive immune response to the mrna vaccines rather than direct invasion of spike protein? That seems to be what the aha thinks along with some molecular mimicry stuff. Don’t know if we know enough about what causes it yet.
The article you referenced states extremely low levels and becomes undetectable quickly.

It seems like extremely low levels may be found in circulation. don’t know how giving multiple vaccines will cause excessive buildup of spike proteins when it quickly dissipates in the article you reference. Especially when in the article you cite none was detected with the second dose.
“After the second vaccine dose, no S1 or Spike was detectable.”

May be wrong as I am often am but isn’t myocarditis thought to occur by an aberrant innate and adaptive immune response to the mrna vaccines rather than direct invasion of spike protein? That seems to be what the aha thinks along with some molecular mimicry stuff. Don’t know if we know enough about what causes it yet.
Nobody is quite sure what exactly causes the myocardial damage/inflammation.
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You've never heard me say that. It was obvious from the get go that this cram down was coming. I want a minimum of 5 years of solid data before I will consider these 'vaccines'. I would prefer 10, but I think China Flu won't be a thing by then

I didn't say you said that. I was thinking more opinion pieces I've seen, but there may be some VN posters that made the comment.

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