Vaccine or not?

Wow Nelly. The conspiracy theories around this one gonna be lit.

"I ain't gettin' injected with no homo juice!"
"They're trying to turn us all gay!"
Etc, etc.
Hey, she opened up with a lie. The Moderna "vaccine" for COVID doesn't prevent you from getting COVID. Yet she claims that this new "vaccine" for HIV will prevent you from getting infected in the same manner.

These "vaccines" don't prevent you from jack sh*t. You will still get infected.
You've never heard me say that. It was obvious from the get go that this cram down was coming. I want a minimum of 5 years of solid data before I will consider these 'vaccines'. I would prefer 10, but I think China Flu won't be a thing by then
But there will be wuflu 2.0 or 10.0. You bring up a good point though. If in 5-10 years the vaccine type, Mrna proves to be safe, will people against the vaccine now be more apt to take it for future viruses? Do those people that require lengthy studies need lengthy studies for each version?
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You cant produce your opinion? Lol. Got it.
My opinion is that too many years of lesser of 2 evils has gotten us to this place. This is what the vast majority of voters want and it's what they get. How the system was designed
I just took it for granted, I suppose.
But after the last 18 months, I'm learning more and more that I really don't have any rights, I guess.
You truly believe you have the right to travel on someone else's plane under your own rules?
I know thats what cops always say. But at this point, I'll let you all have that point.
What rights, with regards to travel, does an individual have? I don't want to be labeled as a sovereign citizen.

You have the right to travel between states with all of the rights, protections, and limitations of whatever state you're in.
I think it would pass muster if the airline chose to do it. I’m not so sure on the government forcing it however.
When the govt owns the airlines it makes sense. They've spent too much money making them out to let them make actual rules
The governments allow the airlines to utilize their airports and airspace.
Even more reason the government cannot dictate this. The gov has a great deal of latitude to coerce in situations like this but cannot directly force. That’s the theory behind the mandates that I’ve read.
Even more reason the government cannot dictate this. The gov has a great deal of latitude to coerce in situations like this but cannot directly force. That’s the theory behind the mandates that I’ve read.
Can you skip TSA lines at the airport? Can you tell them not to open your bags?
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