Vaccine or not?

Just an idea: wouldn't the "safest" attendees at mass gatherings be those who can provide proof of immunity? A positive nucleocapsid ab test and a high IgG titer would be ideal.

Honestly, with the apparent vaccine escape we are seeing with Delta variant, vaccination status doesn't mean squat as far as catching/transmitting it. It does seem to decrease the risk of hospitalization/death, so far.
That's not what this discussion is about. Try again. Maybe you can find a tweet about it?
Just so we're clear, the Constitution explicitly says people (broadly read as companies) have a right of free speech. It does not say people have a right to travel on airplanes.
Just so we're clear, the Constitution explicitly says people (broadly read as companies) have a right of free speech. It does not say people have a right to travel on airplanes.

Again, nowhere close to what we we discussing.
In 2010 Bill Gates said that in the future we could reduce population if we do a really good job with vaccines. He says this around 4:40 into the video

Does anyone actually pay attention to Alex Jones anymore? Are there really that many lizard people Illuminati believers left?
Listening to Alex Jones is amazing entertainment. He had a 4hr podcast with Rogan that was off the charts fun
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I got beef with this for several reasons.

One it is irrelevant because anyone can be exposed within the 72 hours.
But two, and most importantly, if implemented across all stadiums, aren't you overcrowding testing sites, urgent cares, etc unnecessarily?

Essentially you are taking the spot of an actual sick person to be cared for and seen by introducing the need for negative tests. We need to move on from this requirement and thought process.

Three, I also don't understand the complete disregard for natural immunity. That's what makes this all asinine.
What about four: Even the vaccinated can spread the virus
Five: Mike the Tiger can probably spread it
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Why should I have to prove it? We need to drop this mindset that zero covid is the goal. It isn't realistic. A vaccinated person who is sick can easily get into the game and infect another vaccinated person who then dies. Or someone who can't take the vax for health reasons. If that happens, should liability solely fall on the host of the game?

Your response is going to be "if they are worried, stay home". Agreed. Same across the board though.

"if it can save just one life"
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Recent data from Israel:

the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people over age 60 (178.7 per 100,000) was nine times more than the rate among fully vaccinated people of the same age category, and the rate of serious cases among unvaccinated people in the under-60 crowd (3.2 per 100,000) was a little more than double the rate among vaccinated people in that age bracket.
178.7/100000 = .1787%
3.2/100000 = .0032%

I'm still liking my odds.
Just an idea: wouldn't the "safest" attendees at mass gatherings be those who can provide proof of immunity? A positive nucleocapsid ab test and a high IgG titer would be ideal.

Honestly, with the apparent vaccine escape we are seeing with Delta variant, vaccination status doesn't mean squat as far as catching/transmitting it. It does seem to decrease the risk of hospitalization/death, so far.

It is like they are intentionally going out of their way to ignore natural immunity and are herding you towards the jab...
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Yep. But none of the others had ever sought approval before now. It doesn't mean that they were not thoroughly tested or were producing troubling results.
If it went through the typical vaccine development timeframe instead of Covid appearing and less than a year later there’s a vaccine being distributed I might not have hesitation.

Although if I hadn’t already had Covid earlier this year before vaccines were available I might have a different opinion.
LMAO you’re the one qualifying how the state has the power to limit shall nots as called out in the Constitution Junior.

You must have started drinking early today.

All I said that was if something that can be taken it away, it's a privilege. You naively believe that Constitutional Rights are irrevocable, this must be quite embarrassing to publicly have to admit you weren't aware of what most kids learn in grade school.

Take a few minutes and bone up on your civics.

3-Minute Civics: Can my constitutional rights be limited?
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Assuming you meant to type liable.

The data shows the vaccines are safe and effective. Any side effects that happen because of it is short term and gone after a couple days.

Or you can get COVID, spend time in an ICU if you can get in and potentially die even though a readily available vaccine could've prevented it.
If you want us to think of it as any ole vaccine you need to treat it like any ole vaccine. That includes the makers being held liable. Heck when J&J messed batches up people had no recourse. Same goes for any, if Pfizers next batch had lethal levels of arsenic in it because they didnt properly clean a tank and a bunch of people died Pfizer could not be held responsible.

It's big pharma/corporation protection. Has nothing to do with people being safe. It's about protecting both Trump and Bidens donors.
You just have started drinking early today.

All I said that was if something that can be taken it away, it's a privilege. You naively believe that Constitutional Rights are irrevocable, this must be quite embarrassing to publicly have to admit you weren't aware of what most kids learn in grade school.

Take a few minutes and bone up on your civics.

3-Minute Civics: Can my constitutional rights be limited?

By your reasoning life is just a privilege.
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Rights can be taken from you.

Exactly my point, thanks.

Constitutional Rights are rights only in name, they are revocable and not at all absolute. The things being discussed here aren't even afforded a modicum of legal protection e.g. driving or flying which is why a few of us find it absurd to believe they are anything BUT privileges'.
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By your reasoning life is just a privilege.

You've moved the goal post. We're talking about things that can legally be taken from you, you're delving into an argument that's not being had.

I think however, it could be argued that life is a privilege in its strictest sense. Cause it can damn sure be taken from you...
You've moved the goal post. We're talking about things that can legally be taken from you, you're delving into an argument that's not being had.

I think however, it could be argued that life is a privilege in its strictest sense. Cause it can damn sure be taken from you...

I didn't move the goalpost at all, you even agreed with me.

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