Vaccine or not?

Huh? For saying you broke Godwin's Law?

For all you know, I actually agree with you. And I can agree with you and still call you out on Godwin's Law.

No, for using an internet adage created by the social engineers that was created to attempt to discredit anyone calling out government or companies who are or might be pushing nazi agendas. You people really have no clue how the social engineers mold and manipulate your minds. Which is one reason why you all are being completely enslaved.
No, for using an internet adage created by the social engineers that was created to attempt to discredit anyone calling out government or companies who are or might be pushing nazi agendas. You people really have no clue how the social engineers mold and manipulate your minds. Which is one reason why you all are being completely enslaved.

Please specify what a Nazi agenda is.
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Please specify what a Nazi agenda is.
Manipulating a deadly virus in a lab, releasing it out on the population, then forcing everyone to get a "vaccine" created by the same globalist who released the virus. Subsequently relinquishing all of your god given rights which in return makes you their SLAVE. That is a satanic trash ass nazi it?
What would be some reasoning for partially vaccinated beating fully vaccinated?
One of the editors suggested maybe a combination of exposure risk (people like healthcare workers more likely to be double vaccinated than single vaccinated at this point, etc) and doing age-adjustment incidence comparisons when you have a much smaller cohort group (partially vaccinated). Hospital rates remained slightly higher in the partial group.
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Manipulating a deadly virus in a lab, releasing it out on the population, then forcing everyone to get a "vaccine" created by the same globalist who released the virus. Subsequently relinquishing all of your god given rights which in return makes you their SLAVE. That is a satanic trash ass nazi it?

No. You didn't define what specifically mirrors Nazi behavior or definition. It appears you just picked a word that has some relevance to you, tossed it in a bowl with some legitimate concerns and mixed generously with Alex Jones-level psycho. Then you used Nazi in the definition of Nazi, which is difficult because a word can't define itself.

We're closer than you think in the belief that rights are at risk of infringement and there are some places overdoing the level of caution (and then there's Australia, which has just gone whackadoo). But man, you've got to turn off the fringe media and go pet a dog or take a good run or something before the boogeymen in the closet cause a stroke.
That's (the death penalty) a different scenario, of course it requires a legal basis to impose. You don't have the legal or Constitutionally protected "right" to fly, so stop calling it a "right." It's not, you can tell by the way they can throw your ass off a plane for not wearing a mask any reason they want.

You're conflating the two. Trying to compare apples and Buicks isn't interesting to me.
A little hyperbole there Chief. We can't throw you off for 'any reason we want'.
I honestly don't think this is too big a deal. The chances of being outside and getting COVID are pretty low. If stadiums require proof of vaccination or testing then that should provided, but not a big deal IMO if they want to open the floodgates at outdoor events.

Indoor facilities are a completely different matter. Vaccination should be a requirement to attend the SEC championship.

Rational and reasonable?
If you had any common sense you would realize that it is.

Should I also be upset that I had to turn in my children's vaccination records in order to enroll them in school?

I don't mean that harshly or with a sarcastic tone; I'm genuinely curious if you believe that to be an issue as well.
Manipulating a deadly virus in a lab, releasing it out on the population, then forcing everyone to get a "vaccine" created by the same globalist who released the virus. Subsequently relinquishing all of your god given rights which in return makes you their SLAVE. That is a satanic trash ass nazi it?

Should I also be upset that I had to turn in my children's vaccination records in order to enroll them in school?

I don't mean that harshly or with a sarcastic tone; I'm genuinely curious if you believe that to be an issue as well.
Those two things are exactly the same thing. :rolleyes:
Your post circles back to what I said earlier. A private business can throw me off their plane for just about whatever. The federal government (subject of the discussion) doesnt have free license to throw me off someone elses plane.

Now sure if I am trying to get out of Kabul then yeah the government can chuck me off a wheel well or something. But I doubt you are talking Biden Air.

Sure they do.

I'm not sure why everyone thinks we have all this freedom, the .gov has been given the tyrannical freedom to do whatever tf they want to do.

If the government requires you to take a vaccine to do X to continue to function without interruption, you'll do X. Hell you already do, just try to enroll a unvaccinated kind into kindergarten.
A little hyperbole there Chief. We can't throw you off for 'any reason we want'.

It was a little hyperbole, sure. I've heard of people getting tossed for wearing clothes that a flight attendant deemed to revealing or distasteful.

Interfering with a flight crew is given a pretty wide latitude of discretion, surely you won't deny that.
Has anyone inquired as to how "vaccinated vs unvaccinated" is calculated in these reports of mild/outpatient cases? As I pointed out earlier, there is definitely nowhere to indicate that when we send positive test information to the state. It is my understanding that positives are assumed to be unvaccinated (and likely counted as such unless further info is available).
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Has anyone inquired as to how "vaccinated vs unvaccinated" is calculated in these reports of mild/outpatient cases? As I pointed out earlier, there is definitely nowhere to indicate that when we send positive test information to the state. It is my understanding that positives are assumed to be unvaccinated (and likely counted as such unless further info is available).

Isn't there a record of vaccinations at the state level?
It was a little hyperbole, sure. I've heard of people getting tossed for wearing clothes that a flight attendant deemed to revealing or distasteful.

Interfering with a flight crew is given a pretty wide latitude of discretion, surely you won't deny that.
Bound by corporate policy. You are not allowed to wear offensive clothes aboard. Corporate decision, not mine nor my FAs. And we are allowed to be offended as well, because we are... well.. human. :)

Interfering is an interesting discussion though. The way I figure it, if you are doing stupid **** that delays the flight, you are interfering. That's just one of several things I can think of.

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