If a doctor you trust prescribes it, fine. Give it a go, but it's not easy to find such doctors. I wonder why???
I'll give you a specific example from my neck of the woods in southern Ohio. Gere's a case of a family who has someone who's been very sick with C19 since July. They want Ivermectin so bad they searched for a doctor and this is the best they could find:
Ohio judge reverses order forcing hospital to give ivermectin | 10tv.com
They found a guy with no hospital privileges and he has not even examined the patient!!! I don't care where you stand politically or on Ivermectin, a doctor should not be prescribing drugs for a patient w/o thoroughly reviewing his case and personally examining him.
So this family went so far as to hire an attorney and take this court. Why go through so much trouble? Just find another doctor. Answer: it must have been near impossible to find such a doctor.