Vaccine or not?

Her order just pulls nurses and doctors from their hospitals and puts them in other hospitals, not solving a damn thing.
It amazes me that people think that activating a nurse or doctor in the National Guard suddenly increases the supply of doctors or nurses. Where in F do they think these people come from? It's not like nurses and doctors in the NG are dairy farmers during the week and once a month practice medicine on the weekends. Geez.
No it's not. People who celebrate others either dying or suffering emotional, physical, or financial misfortune are despicable human beings.

I’m saying keep that same energy when this entire forum is celebrating George Floyd’s death. It depends on circumstances anyway, I’m fine with Cuomo losing his job, same with Amy Cooper or the dozens like her
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I’m saying keep that same energy when this entire forum is celebrating George Floyd’s death. It depends on circumstances anyway, I’m fine with Cuomo losing his job, same with Amy Cooper or the dozens like her
Those that used Floyd’s death for political purposes to push an agenda were terrible
At some point it’s going to come full circle and the leftists will be lynching those considered undesirable. Circa 1960s Deep South.
Those doing the lynching in the early 60s were conservatives of the Democratic party. Dubbed as dixiecrats, who were right wing ideologues
Would you consider it dangerous to fly with one of her aviators or pilots? Should she ground them?
Interesting question. Me personally, no because I have the skill set needed if they die and I don't have that **** in my body. You on the other hand....

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