Vaccine or not?

I love the recent quotes from Fauci.

Three doses of Covid-19 vaccine are likely needed for full protection, Fauci says - CNN

"There was good reason to believe that a third dose "will actually be durable, and if it is durable, then you're going to have very likely a three-dose regimen being the routine regimen,""

Actually be durable. Sounds like they didnt do enough studies on their previous regimen to make sure it was actually durable. Why are we thinking that this time it will actually stay?

And here comes the third dose caveat. Going to talk to my boss about this.

This one will enough. We promise this time… Lol
I have a high risk individual that lives with me. In TN, not Las Vegas. I'm talking data from right here.
The data was averaged for America. I dont live in Tennessee, so an average makes sense.

I would imagine there are at risk groups of drivers. Some are already litigated from driving. Too young or old, epilisey, the blind. Extended training for semi driver's or other commercial drivers on the road more often and exposed to more risk.

Yet despite all those lessening of risk, average driving is still more dangerous than averaged Covid.

We dont ban other people from driving because of epileptics. We shouldnt mandate others because of the at risk from Covid.
Ain't a big fan, they usually have no mask. We can still transmit and I, personally, have a high risk individual living with me. I would feel horrid knowing that I brought the virus home after taking all the precautions and this person passed away with that. That's why I have problems. We got vaccinated to go to school here in the south, and now it's a independence thing? I didn't have that when I got the shots before going to school. Mom told me, you getting these, and that's it. End of story. Maybe this country boy here still remembers, you help your neighbor, you pull over and help change a tire, you pay that extra dollar for the person in front of you that couldn't afford it. I guess my "Old Days" are different then most. Guess I think a simple thing to help someone isn't a attack on my freedom. It's just being nice to someone that is dealing with things different than me.
Should we put masks on dogs and cats since animals are reservoirs for the virus?
Myke is pandemic ready.
(My poor dog will do anything he’s told) View attachment 398442
Your dog is smarter than a lot of reds in this thread. I hope not pray that he doesn’t have heart worms…… cause the ‘rona (underlying condition) could take him to that farm in the sky…since animals could be a reservoir for Covid………… Rasputin_Vol….you smoking that Ivermectin? Next time people take their animals to get shots……think about all the microchips in it..
Call them out.
Who was it?
I don’t remember anyone saying they were glad George Floyd was killed. But if they did then that’s horrible and I’d join you in condemning them.
I wasn't 'glad' that GF got killed. I just don't care. He was a reprehensible human being and the world is probably better off without him, but I wasn't 'glad' that he's dead.

Fire away.
Got my third shot yesterday. Woke up speaking Chinese, third leg grew an inch and have a strange urge to sell my guns.

Seriously, get the vaccine, not just for yourself, but for friends, family and all those you come in contact with.
Thank you , but no. I will stick with the one God gave me. It's a better version.
I wasn't 'glad' that GF got killed. I just don't care. He was a reprehensible human being and the world is probably better off without him, but I wasn't 'glad' that he's dead.

Fire away.
At what?
Seriously, you just joined a conversation that had nothing to do with you, where I’m asking someone to prove a ridiculous point they were trying to make. In your post you let us know that it didn’t involve you and then asked me to “fire away” at you like that somehow meant it actually did involve you.

Your hypocrisy grows out of your standing on a side instead of your…..or any set of…..values.
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I really question some of these stories. I'm not saying the couple did not die, I question why they died and why they died so quickly.
Fully vaxed, get sick, go to the hospital, get ventilated, sorry folks it's not helping either one. Take them off support, roll them in a room to die together.
Makes a great headline. " Couple die holding hands"
Yes it does. And I don't care.

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